Check-in [5e8fb35db1]
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SHA1 Hash:5e8fb35db198b36ca7161c29786eff168d5b0aef
Date: 2009-06-01 16:13:56
User: stephan
Comment:minor help text correction for 'wiki' command
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/wiki.c from [ad80e67405] to [c1cfc24309].

@@ -690,20 +690,21 @@
 ** COMMAND: wiki
 ** Usage: %fossil wiki (export|create|commit|list) WikiName
-** Run various subcommands to fetch wiki entries.
+** Run various subcommands to work with wiki entries.
 **     %fossil wiki export PAGENAME ?FILE?
 **        Sends the latest version of the PAGENAME wiki
 **        entry to the given file or standard output.
 **     %fossil wiki commit PAGENAME ?FILE?
-**        Commit changes to a wiki page from FILE or from standard.
+**        Commit changes to a wiki page from FILE or from standard
+**        input.
 **     %fossil wiki create PAGENAME ?FILE?
 **        Create a new wiki page with initial content taken from
 **        FILE or from standard input.