Check-in [5556630a9c]
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SHA1 Hash:5556630a9c82a798e3221f23eae7b1a22299df4f
Date: 2009-08-23 21:23:54
User: bch
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified www/ from [ef566cc15c] to [21c91e21e6].

@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
 characteristics of fossil is that the entire project history can be
 reconstructed simply by scanning the artifacts in an arbitrary order.
 The number of check-ins is the number of times that the "commit" command
 has been run.  A single check-in might change a 3 or 4 files, or it might
-changes several dozen different files.  Regardless of the number of files
+change several dozen different files.  Regardless of the number of files
 changed, it still only counts as one check-in.
 The "Uncompressed Size" is the total size of all the artifacts within
 the fossil repository assuming they were all uncompressed and stored
 separately on the disk.  Fossil makes use of delta compress between related