Check-in [51868cb12f]
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SHA1 Hash:51868cb12fe74cc7a980ec7be86b25c7a815afae
Date: 2009-01-30 21:18:10
Edited User: kkennell
Original User: kejoki
Edited Comment:Changed update docs, ** ADDED A _SPECIAL_ (but MUTYPE_BLOCK) wikitag <annotation> to put html comments in wikimarkup
Original Comment:Changed update docs, ** ADDED A _SPECIAL_ (but MUTYPE_BLOCK) wikitag <annotation> to put html comments in wikimarkup
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | kkinnell-exp
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[hide diffs]

Modified src/wikiformat.c from [0350f3f946] to [772f3f723f].

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
+** Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 D. Richard Hipp
 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 ** License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
@@ -156,56 +156,57 @@
 ** in aAllowedMarkup[].
 #define MARKUP_INVALID           0
 #define MARKUP_A                 1
 #define MARKUP_ADDRESS           2
-#define MARKUP_B                 3
-#define MARKUP_BIG               4
-#define MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE        5
-#define MARKUP_BR                6
-#define MARKUP_CENTER            7
-#define MARKUP_CITE              8
-#define MARKUP_CODE              9
-#define MARKUP_DD               10
-#define MARKUP_DFN              11
-#define MARKUP_DIV              12
-#define MARKUP_DL               13
-#define MARKUP_DT               14
-#define MARKUP_EM               15
-#define MARKUP_FONT             16
-#define MARKUP_H1               17
-#define MARKUP_H2               18
-#define MARKUP_H3               19
-#define MARKUP_H4               20
-#define MARKUP_H5               21
-#define MARKUP_H6               22
-#define MARKUP_HR               23
-#define MARKUP_I                24
-#define MARKUP_IMG              25
-#define MARKUP_KBD              26
-#define MARKUP_LI               27
-#define MARKUP_NOBR             28
-#define MARKUP_NOWIKI           29
-#define MARKUP_OL               30
-#define MARKUP_P                31
-#define MARKUP_PRE              32
-#define MARKUP_S                33
-#define MARKUP_SAMP             34
-#define MARKUP_SMALL            35
-#define MARKUP_STRIKE           36
-#define MARKUP_STRONG           37
-#define MARKUP_SUB              38
-#define MARKUP_SUP              39
-#define MARKUP_TABLE            40
-#define MARKUP_TD               41
-#define MARKUP_TH               42
-#define MARKUP_TR               43
-#define MARKUP_TT               44
-#define MARKUP_U                45
-#define MARKUP_UL               46
-#define MARKUP_VAR              47
-#define MARKUP_VERBATIM         48
+#define MARKUP_ANNOTATION        3
+#define MARKUP_B                 4
+#define MARKUP_BIG               5
+#define MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE        6
+#define MARKUP_BR                7
+#define MARKUP_CENTER            8
+#define MARKUP_CITE              9
+#define MARKUP_CODE             10
+#define MARKUP_DD               11
+#define MARKUP_DFN              12
+#define MARKUP_DIV              13
+#define MARKUP_DL               14
+#define MARKUP_DT               15
+#define MARKUP_EM               16
+#define MARKUP_FONT             17
+#define MARKUP_H1               18
+#define MARKUP_H2               19
+#define MARKUP_H3               20
+#define MARKUP_H4               21
+#define MARKUP_H5               22
+#define MARKUP_H6               23
+#define MARKUP_HR               24
+#define MARKUP_I                25
+#define MARKUP_IMG              26
+#define MARKUP_KBD              27
+#define MARKUP_LI               28
+#define MARKUP_NOBR             29
+#define MARKUP_NOWIKI           30
+#define MARKUP_OL               31
+#define MARKUP_P                32
+#define MARKUP_PRE              33
+#define MARKUP_S                34
+#define MARKUP_SAMP             35
+#define MARKUP_SMALL            36
+#define MARKUP_STRIKE           37
+#define MARKUP_STRONG           38
+#define MARKUP_SUB              39
+#define MARKUP_SUP              40
+#define MARKUP_TABLE            41
+#define MARKUP_TD               42
+#define MARKUP_TH               43
+#define MARKUP_TR               44
+#define MARKUP_TT               45
+#define MARKUP_U                46
+#define MARKUP_UL               47
+#define MARKUP_VAR              48
+#define MARKUP_VERBATIM         49
 ** The various markup is divided into the following types:
 #define MUTYPE_SINGLE      0x0001   /* <img>, <br>, or <hr> */
@@ -214,11 +215,11 @@
 #define MUTYPE_LIST        0x0010   /* Lists.  <ol>, <ul>, or <dl> */
 #define MUTYPE_LI          0x0020   /* List items.  <li>, <dd>, <dt> */
 #define MUTYPE_TABLE       0x0040   /* <table> */
 #define MUTYPE_TR          0x0080   /* <tr> */
 #define MUTYPE_TD          0x0100   /* <td> or <th> */
-#define MUTYPE_SPECIAL     0x0200   /* <nowiki> or <verbatim> */
+#define MUTYPE_SPECIAL     0x0200   /* <annotation>, <nowiki> or <verbatim> */
 #define MUTYPE_HYPERLINK   0x0400   /* <a> */
 ** These markup types must have an end tag.
@@ -237,10 +238,11 @@
 } aMarkup[] = {
  { 0,               MARKUP_INVALID,      0,                    0  },
  { "a",             MARKUP_A,            MUTYPE_HYPERLINK,
                     AMSK_HREF|AMSK_NAME },
  { "address",       MARKUP_ADDRESS,      MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
+ { "annotation",    MARKUP_ANNOTATION,   MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
  { "b",             MARKUP_B,            MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
  { "big",           MARKUP_BIG,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
  { "blockquote",    MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE,   MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
  { "br",            MARKUP_BR,           MUTYPE_SINGLE,        AMSK_CLEAR  },
  { "center",        MARKUP_CENTER,       MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
@@ -1141,10 +1143,16 @@
       case TOKEN_MARKUP: {
         const char *zId;
         int iDiv;
         parseMarkup(&markup, z);
+        /* Annotation markup turns into HTML comment */
+        if( markup.iCode==MARKUP_ANNOTATION && markup.endTag ){
+	  blob_append(p->pOut, "-->", 3);
+	  break;
+	}
         /* Markup of the form </div id=ID> where there is a matching
         ** ID somewhere on the stack.  Exit the verbatim if were are in
         ** it.  Pop the stack up to the matching <div>.  Discard the
         ** </div>
@@ -1166,11 +1174,11 @@
           assert( p->nStack==iDiv+1 );
         /* If within <verbatim id=ID> ignore everything other than
-        ** </verbatim id=ID> and the </dev id=ID2> above.
+        ** </verbatim id=ID> and the </div id=ID2> above.
         if( p->inVerbatim ){
           if( endVerbatim(p, &markup) ){
             p->inVerbatim = 0;
             p->state = p->preVerbState;
@@ -1239,10 +1247,17 @@
           p->preVerbState = p->state;
           p->state &= ~ALLOW_WIKI;
           blob_append(p->pOut, "<pre class='verbatim'>",-1);
           p->wantAutoParagraph = 0;
+	/* Annotation markup starts an HTML comment */
+	if( markup.iCode==MARKUP_ANNOTATION ){
+	  p->wantAutoParagraph = 0;
+	  blob_append(p->pOut, "<!-- ", 5);
+	}else
         if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_LI ){
           if( backupToType(p, MUTYPE_LIST)==0 ){
             pushStack(p, MARKUP_UL);
             blob_append(p->pOut, "<ul>", 4);

Modified www/ from [81c0b88996] to [111bb82100].

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 version <em>unless</em> you customize your configuration.
 See also: [./ | fossil pull],
 [./ | fossil push],
 [./ | fossil setting],
+[./ | <i>branching, merging, forking and tagging</i>],
 [./ | Reference]

Modified www/ from [c7cfffb364] to [89c914e396].

@@ -1,33 +1,41 @@
-What do you do if you have changes out on a repository and
-you want them merged with your checkout?
-You use the <code>update</code> command.
-<b>fossil</b> can [./ | overwrite] any
-changes you've made to your checkout, or it can
-[./ | merge] whatever changes have occurred
-in the repo into your checkout.
+<u>Updating</u> a repository is the process of applying to it changes
+made by external entities.  Contrast this with [./ |
+commit]ing a locally made change; updating is a bit like "committing"
+external changes to the local repo.
 Update <em>merges</em> changes from the repository into your checkout.
+That means that it won't have any effect unless there <i>are</i>
+changes in the repository.  The only way the checkout can affect
+the repo (this is the local repo we're talking about) is if you
+do a [./ | <code>ci</code>].  So, <code>update</code>
+only really makes sense if you have
+[./ | <code>pull</code>]ed changes from the master repository
+into the local repository.
-<b>fossil</b> uses a simple conflict resolution strategy for merges:
-the latest change wins.
+  Note :
+  really really need a quick overview of the pull-update-edit-commit-push
+  workflow, and the shortcuts for that, and re-emphasize the role of autosync
+  in changing the basic nature of the workflow
 Local intranet <code>[./ | commit]</code>s
 (by someone else)
 or Net <code>[./ | pull]</code>s from a server
-will usually require a <code>fossil&nbsp;update</code> afterward.
+will usually require a <code>fossil&nbsp;update</code> afterward,
+because they are likely not to be done in
+[./ | autosync]
 Local commits are likely to be made with
 [./ | automatic syncing]
 set to "on", however, so if you don't use <b>fossil</b> for Net-wide
 projects you may never have to use <code>update</code>.
 See also: [./ | fossil pull],
 [./ | fossil commit],
 [./ | fossil setting] (autosync),
-[./ | <i>checkouts</i>],
-[./ | <i>merging</i>],
+[./ | <i>branching, merging, forking and tagging</i>],
 [./ | Reference]

Modified www/ from [1c1a126ca1] to [d0276f42ef].

@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
 	<td><a href="#info">info</a></td>
 	<td><a href="#reconstruct">reconstruct</a></td>
         <td><a href="#tag">tag</a></td>
-This is fossil version [b12a031557] 2008-12-26 17:41:09 UTC
+This is fossil version [f8f8baf945] 2009-01-29 19:11:52 UTC
 <b>What follows</b> is a survey of what you get if you type<code>
 fossil&nbsp;help&nbsp;<i>command</i> </code>for all of the
 commands listed above.  There are links to individual pages for each
 of them; pages with content (commands marked with a '*' are done) go