Check-in [5150b9de83]
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SHA1 Hash:5150b9de8380b79c239fb8b1502cfe2bb07fe14f
Date: 2009-09-04 12:20:39
User: drh
Comment:Fix typos in documentation.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified www/ from [0522d4b672] to [7d3b426042].

@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
 the check-in containing the documentation you want to access.
 Or <i>&lt;version&gt;</i> can be the name of a
 [./ | branch] in order to show
 the documentation for the latest version of that branch.
 Or <i>&lt;version&gt;</i> can be one of the keywords "<b>tip</b>" or
-"<b>ckout</b>".  The "<b>tip</b>" keyword means to use the most recently
+"<b>ckout</b>".  The "<b>tip</b>" keyword means to use the most recent
 checked-in.  This is useful if you want to see the very latest
 version of the documentation.  The "<b>ckout</b>" keywords means to
 pull the documentation file from the local source tree on disk, not
 from the any check-in.  The "<b>ckout</b>" keyword normally
 only works when you start your server using the "<b>fossil server</b>"
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@
 different file suffixes, including all the popular ones such as
 ".css", ".gif", ".htm", ".html", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", and ".txt".
 Documentation files whose names end in ".wiki" use the
 [/wiki_rules | same markup as wiki pages] -
-a safe subset of HTML together with some rules for paragraph
+a safe subset of HTML together with some wiki rules for paragraph
 breaks, lists, and hyperlinks.  The ".wiki" and ".txt" pages
 are rendered with the standard fossil header and footer added.
 All other mimetypes are delivered directly to the requesting
 web browser without interpretation, additions, or changes.

Modified www/ from [e172dfa50f] to [f1a2de8646].

@@ -124,19 +124,19 @@
 change several dozen different files.  Regardless of the number of files
 changed, it still only counts as one check-in.
 The "Uncompressed Size" is the total size of all the artifacts within
 the fossil repository assuming they were all uncompressed and stored
-separately on the disk.  Fossil makes use of delta compress between related
-versions of the same file, and then using zlib compression on the resulting
+separately on the disk.  Fossil makes use of delta compression between related
+versions of the same file, and then uses zlib compression on the resulting
 deltas.  The total resulting repository size is shown after the uncompressed
 On the right end of the table, we show the "Clone Bandwidth".  This is the
 total number of bytes sent from client to server ("uplink") and from server
 back to client ("downlink") in order to clone a repository.  These byte counts
-include all of the HTTP protocol overhead.
+include HTTP protocol overhead.
 In the table and throughout this article,
 "GB" means gigabytes (10<sup><small>9</small></sup> bytes)
 not <a href="">gibibytes</a>
 (2<sup><small>30</small></sup> bytes).  Similarly, "MB" and "KB"