Check-in [4ef19b554a]
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SHA1 Hash:4ef19b554a19b7423f8cd3f30e23db1099efba30
Date: 2008-10-11 15:11:31
User: drh
Comment:Fix a few typos in documentation.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/wiki.c from [618667e0b1] to [6fc1aec89b].

@@ -528,18 +528,18 @@
   @ <li> <p><b>Paragraphs</b>.  Any sequence of one or more blank lines forms
   @ a paragraph break.  Centered or right-justified paragraphs are not
   @ supported by wiki markup, but you can do these things if you need them
   @ using HTML.</p>
   @ <li> <p><b>Bullet Lists</b>.
-  @ A bullet list item are lines that begin with a single "*" character
+  @ A bullet list item is a line that begins with a single "*" character
   @ surrounded on
   @ both sides by two or more spaces or by a tab.  Only a single level
   @ of bullet list is supported by wiki.  For nested lists, use HTML.</p>
   @ <li> <p><b>Enumeration Lists</b>.
-  @ An enumeration list items are lines that begin
+  @ An enumeration list item is a line that begins
   @ with one or more digits optionally
-  @ followed by a "." and surrounded on both sides by two or more spaces or
+  @ followed by a "." and is surrounded on both sides by two or more spaces or
   @ by a tab.  The number is significant and becomes the number shown
   @ in the rendered enumeration item.  Only a single level of enumeration
   @ list is supported by wiki.  For nested enumerations or for
   @ enumerations that count using letters or roman numerials, use HTML.</p>
   @ <li> <p><b>Indented Paragraphs</b>.

Modified www/ from [1cfcbbb4e1] to [11bd9cb67a].

@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@
 <b>Fossil looks like the bug tracker that would be in your
 Linksys Router's administration screen.</p>
-<p>I take a pragmatic approach to software: form follows functions.
-To me, it is more important to have a highly reliable, fast, efficient,
+<p>I take a pragmatic approach to software: form follows function.
+To me, it is more important to have a reliable, fast, efficient,
 enduring, and simple DVCS than one that looks pretty.</p>
 <p>On the other hand, if you have patches that improve the apparance
 of Fossil without seriously compromising its reliablity, performance,
-an maintainability, I will be happy to accept them.  Fossil is
-self-hosting.  Send me email to request a password that will let
+and/or maintainability, I will be happy to accept them.  Fossil is
+self-hosting.  Send email to request a password that will let
 you push to the main fossil repository.</p>
 <b>It would be useful to have a separate application that
 keeps the bug-tracking database in a versioned file. That file can
@@ -99,12 +99,11 @@
 The use of SQLite to store the database is likely more stable and secure
 than any other approach, due to the fact that SQLite is transactional.
 Fossil also implements several internal
 <a href="">self-checks</a> to insure that no information
-is ever lost.  And, indeed, in over a year of operation, there have been
-no reports of data loss due to a Fossil malfunction.
+is ever lost.
 <b>I am dubious of the benefits of including wikis and bug trackers
 directly in the VCS - either they are under-featured compared to full
@@ -112,11 +111,11 @@
 Subversion or Bazaar.</b>
 <p>I have no doubt that Trac has many features that fossil lacks.  But that
 is not the point.  Fossil has several key features that Trac lacks and that
-I cannot live without:  most notably the fact that
+I need:  most notably the fact that
 fossil supports disconnected operation.</p>
 <p>As for bloat:  Fossil is a single self-contained executable.
 You do not need any other packages
 (diff, patch, merge, cvs, svn, rcs, git, python, perl, tcl, apache,

Modified www/ from [fdc4b0a894] to [9523b0d860].

@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 Each wiki page has its own revision history which is independent of
 the sequence of baselines (check-ins).  Wiki pages can branch and merge
 just like baselines, though as of this writing (2008-07-29) there is
 no mechanism in the user interface to support branching and merging.
 The current implementation of the wiki shows the version of the wiki
-pages that has the most recent timestamp.
+page that has the most recent timestamp.
 In other words, if two users make unrelated changes to the same wiki
 page on separate repositories, then those repositories are synced,
 the wiki page will fork.  The web interface will display whichever edit
 was checked in last.  The other edit can be found in the history.  The