Check-in [46e6a03232]
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SHA1 Hash:46e6a032324baa69275a552deaae8410af8fe663
Date: 2008-05-16 18:57:59
User: drh
Comment:Get rudimentary ticket editing working.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/th_main.c from [6295c8f141] to [59821e5286].

@@ -139,10 +139,51 @@
   return TH_OK;
+** TH command:      htmlize STRING
+** Escape all characters of STRING which have special meaning in HTML.
+** Return a new string result.
+static int htmlizeCmd(
+  Th_Interp *interp,
+  void *p,
+  int argc,
+  const unsigned char **argv,
+  int *argl
+  char *zOut;
+  if( argc!=2 ){
+    return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "htmlize STRING");
+  }
+  zOut = htmlize((char*)argv[1], argl[1]);
+  Th_SetResult(interp, (unsigned char*)zOut, -1);
+  free(zOut);
+  return TH_OK;
+** TH command:      date
+** Return a string which is the current time and date.
+static int dateCmd(
+  Th_Interp *interp,
+  void *p,
+  int argc,
+  const unsigned char **argv,
+  int *argl
+  char *zOut = db_text("??", "SELECT datetime('now')");
+  Th_SetResult(interp, (unsigned char*)zOut, -1);
+  free(zOut);
+  return TH_OK;
 ** TH command:     hascap STRING
 ** Return true if the user has all of the capabilities listed in STRING.
 static int hascapCmd(
@@ -259,10 +300,12 @@
   } aCommand[] = {
     {"combobox",      comboboxCmd,          0},
     {"enable_output", enableOutputCmd,      0},
     {"linecount",     linecntCmd,           0},
     {"hascap",        hascapCmd,            0},
+    {"htmlize",       htmlizeCmd,           0},
+    {"date",          dateCmd,              0},
     {"html",          putsCmd,              0},
     {"puts",          putsCmd,       (void*)1},
     {"wiki",          wikiCmd,              0},
   if( g.interp==0 ){

Modified src/tktconfig.c from [9beffaf065] to [fc468af27b].

@@ -202,19 +202,19 @@
 @ # CGI parameters.
 @ set tktedit_template {
 @   <th1>
 @     if {![info exists username]} {set username $login}
 @     if {[info exists submit]} {
-@       if {[info exists $cmappnd] && [string length $cmappnd]>0} {
-@         set ctxt "\n\n<hr><i>"
-@         if {$username==$login} {
-@           set usr "$ctxt[htmlize $login]"
-@         } else {
-@           set usr "[htmlize $login claimingn to be [htmlize $username]"
-@         }
-@         append_field comment \
-@            "\n\n<hr><i>$usr added on [date]:</i><br>\n$comment"
+@       if {[info exists cmappnd]} {
+@         if {[string length $cmappnd]>0} {
+@           set ctxt "\n\n<hr><i>[htmlize $login]"
+@           if {$username ne $login} {
+@             set ctxt "$ctxt claiming to be [htmlize $username]"
+@           }
+@           set ctxt "$ctxt added on [date]:</i><br>\n$cmappnd"
+@           append_field comment $ctxt
+@         }
 @       }
 @       submit_ticket
 @     }
 @   </th1>
 @   <table cellpadding="5">