Check-in [35d7ba08ac]
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SHA1 Hash:35d7ba08aca1768ba4b61bd6d9e2dcc2e3e01c70
Date: 2007-08-01 10:29:17
User: drh
Comment:Always do at least two cycles with no file transfers before quiting.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/xfer.c from [104eca26b1] to [47f26fcdc7].

@@ -513,10 +513,11 @@
   const char *zPCode = db_get("project-code", 0);
   int nFile = 0;
   int nMsg = 0;
   int nReq = 0;
   int nFileSend;
+  int nNoFileCycle = 0;
   Blob send;        /* Text we are sending to the server */
   Blob recv;        /* Reply we got back from the server */
   Blob line;        /* A single line of the reply */
   Blob aToken[5];   /* A tokenization of line */
   Blob errmsg;      /* Error message */
@@ -704,15 +705,22 @@
       blobarray_reset(aToken, nToken);
     printf("Received:  %d files, %d requests, %d other messages\n",
             nFile, nReq, nMsg);
-    if( nFileSend + nFile==0 ){ go = 0; }
+    if( nFileSend + nFile==0 ){
+      nNoFileCycle++;
+      if( nNoFileCycle>1 ){
+        go = 0;
+      }
+    }else{
+      nNoFileCycle = 0;
+    }
     nFile = nReq = nMsg = 0;
     "DROP TABLE onremote;"
     "DROP TABLE pending;"