Check-in [2c08006d9d]
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SHA1 Hash:2c08006d9dcaf2e0ed0eb04d23e3083d7d55d6a6
Date: 2007-10-25 05:13:41
User: aku
Comment:Changed the coding of trunk symbols. Using NULL makes for difficult comparisons later when doing integrity checks. Each trunk now has a regular unique id as a symbol. Added documentation to the table definitions, about references, constraints, etc.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[hide diffs]

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_frev.tcl from [8b070e3579] to [f165072caa].

@@ -343,26 +343,26 @@
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     method persist {} {
 	set fid [$myfile id]
+	set lod [$mylod id]
 	set op  $myopcode($myoperation)
 	set idb $myisondefaultbranch
-	struct::list assign $mytext cs cl
-	set cl [expr {$cl - $cs}]
-	lappend map @L@ [expr { [$mylod istrunk]        ? "NULL" : [$mylod          id] }]
+	struct::list assign $mytext coff end
+	set clen [expr {$end - $coff}]
 	lappend map @P@ [expr { ($myparent       eq "") ? "NULL" : [$myparent       id] }]
 	lappend map @C@ [expr { ($mychild        eq "") ? "NULL" : [$mychild        id] }]
 	lappend map @DP [expr { ($mydbparent     eq "") ? "NULL" : [$mydbparent     id] }]
 	lappend map @DC [expr { ($mydbchild      eq "") ? "NULL" : [$mydbchild      id] }]
 	lappend map @BP [expr { ($myparentbranch eq "") ? "NULL" : [$myparentbranch id] }]
 	set cmd {
-	    INSERT INTO revision ( rid,   fid, lod,  rev,      date,    state,    mid,       cs,  cl, op,   isdefault, parent, child, dbparent, dbchild, bparent)
-	    VALUES               ($myid, $fid, @L@, $myrevnr, $mydate, $mystate, $mymetaid, $cs, $cl, $op, $idb,       @P@,    @C@,   @DP,      @DC,     @BP);
+	    INSERT INTO revision ( rid,   fid,  rev,      lod, parent, child,  isdefault, dbparent, dbchild, bparent,  op,  date,    state,    mid,       coff,  clen)
+	    VALUES               ($myid, $fid, $myrevnr, $lod, @P@,    @C@,   $idb,       @DP,      @DC,     @BP    , $op, $mydate, $mystate, $mymetaid, $coff, $clen);
 	state transaction {
 	    state run [string map $map $cmd]

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_fsym.tcl from [0342b00fc2] to [ce3e976f91].

@@ -121,35 +121,36 @@
 	# can also get rid of 'sortbranches' (cvs::file) and the
 	# associated information.
 	set fid [$myfile   id]
 	set sid [$mysymbol id]
-	lappend map @L@ [expr { [$mylod istrunk] ? "NULL" : [$mylod id] }]
+	set lod [$mylod    id]
 	switch -exact -- $mytype {
 	    tag {
 		set rid [$mytagrev id]
-		set cmd {
-		    INSERT INTO tag ( tid,   fid, lod,  sid,  rev)
-		    VALUES          ($myid, $fid, @L@, $sid, $rid);
+		state transaction {
+		    state run {
+			INSERT INTO tag ( tid,   fid,  lod,  sid,  rev)
+			VALUES          ($myid, $fid, $lod, $sid, $rid);
+		    }
 	    branch {
 		lappend map @F@ [expr { ($mybranchchild eq "") ? "NULL" : [$mybranchchild id] }]
 		set rid [$mybranchparent id]
 		set cmd {
-		    INSERT INTO branch ( bid,   fid, lod,  sid,  root, first, bra )
-		    VALUES             ($myid, $fid, @L@, $sid, $rid,  @F@, $mynr);
+		    INSERT INTO branch ( bid,   fid,  lod,  sid,  root, first, bra )
+		    VALUES             ($myid, $fid, $lod, $sid, $rid,  @F@,  $mynr);
+		}
+		state transaction {
+		    state run [string map $map $cmd]
-	state transaction {
-	    state run [string map $map $cmd]
-	}
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## State

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pcollrev.tcl from [a41e2628dd] to [0cf7d28b69].

@@ -64,37 +64,87 @@
 	#	Tag      <- Symbol <- Event
 	#	Branch   <- Symbol <- Event
 	#	Revision           <- Event
 	state writing revision {
+	    -- Revisions. Identified by a global numeric id each
+	    -- belongs to a single file, identified by its id. It
+	    -- further has a dotted revision number (DTN).
+	    --
+	    -- Constraint: The dotted revision number is unique within
+            --             the file. See end of definition.
-	    fid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,   -- File the item belongs to
-	    lod  INTEGER            REFERENCES symbol, -- Line of development (NULL => Trunk)
-	    -- The tags and branches belonging to a revision can be
-	    -- determined by selecting on the backreferences in the
-	    -- tag and branch tables.
-	    rev   TEXT     NOT NULL,                 -- revision number
-	    date  INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- date of entry, seconds since epoch
-	    state TEXT     NOT NULL,                 -- state of revision
-	    mid   INTEGER  NOT NULL REFERENCES meta, -- meta data (author, commit message)
-	    cs    INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- Revision content as offset and
-	    cl    INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- length into the archive file.
-	    -- Derived information, and links
-	    -- Basic: Parent/Child
-	    -- NTDB:  DefaultParent/DefaultChild
-	    -- Branches: Branch parent revision
-	    op        INTEGER NOT NULL,
-	    isdefault INTEGER NOT NULL,
-	    parent    INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
-	    child     INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
-	    dbparent  INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
-	    dbchild   INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
-	    bparent   INTEGER        REFERENCES symbol
+	    fid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,   -- File owning revision.
+	    rev  TEXT     NOT NULL,                    -- Dotted Rev Number.
+	    -- All revisions belong to a line-of-development,
+	    -- identified by a symbol (project level). During data
+	    -- collection it was a file-level branch symbol.
+	    --
+	    -- Constraint: All the LOD symbols are in the same project
+	    --             as the file itself. This cannot be
+	    --             expressed in CREATE TABLE syntax.
+	    lod  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol, -- Line of development
+	    -- The revisions in a file are organized in a forest of
+	    -- trees, with the main lines defined through the parent /
+	    -- child references. A revision without a parent is the
+	    -- root of a tree, and a revision without a child is a
+	    -- leaf.
+	    -- Constraints: All revisions coupled through parent/child
+	    --              refer to the same LOD symbol. The parent
+	    --              of a child of X is X. The child of a
+	    --              parent of X is X.
+	    parent  INTEGER            REFERENCES revision,
+	    child   INTEGER            REFERENCES revision,
+	    -- The representation of a branch in a tree is the
+	    -- exception to the three constraints above.
+	    -- The beginning of a branch is represented by a non-NULL
+	    -- bparent of a revision. This revision B is the first on
+	    -- the branch. Its parent P is the revision the branch is
+	    -- rooted in, and it is not the child of P. B and P refer
+	    -- to different LOD symbols. The bparent of B is also its
+	    -- LOD, and the LOD of its children.
+	    bparent INTEGER            REFERENCES symbol,
+	    -- Lastly we keep information is about non-trunk default
+	    -- branches (NTDB) in the revisions.
+	    -- All revisions on the NTDB have 'isdefault' TRUE,
+	    -- everyone else FALSE. The last revision X on the NTDB
+	    -- which is still considered to be on the trunk as well
+	    -- has a non-NULL 'dbchild' which refers to the root of
+	    -- the trunk. The root also has a non-NULL dbparent
+	    -- refering to X.
+	    isdefault INTEGER  NOT NULL,
+	    dbparent  INTEGER            REFERENCES revision,
+	    dbchild   INTEGER            REFERENCES revision,
+	    -- The main payload of the revision are the date/time it
+	    -- was entered, its state, operation (= type/class), text
+	    -- content, and meta data (author, log message, branch,
+	    -- project). The last is encoded as single id, see table
+	    -- 'meta'. The date/time is given in seconds since the
+	    -- epoch, for easy comparison. The text content is an
+	    -- (offset,length) pair into the rcs archive.
+	    op    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
+	    date  INTEGER  NOT NULL,
+	    state TEXT     NOT NULL,
+	    coff  INTEGER  NOT NULL,
+	    clen  INTEGER  NOT NULL,
+	    UNIQUE (fid, rev) -- The DTN is unique within the revision's file.
 	state writing tag {
 	    fid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,     -- File the item belongs to
@@ -155,20 +205,39 @@
 	    pid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol, -- Possible parent of sid
 	    UNIQUE (sid, pid)
 	state writing meta {
+	    -- Meta data of revisions. See revision.mid for the
+	    -- reference. Many revisions can share meta data. This is
+	    -- actually one of the criterions used to sort revisions
+	    -- into changesets.
-	    pid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES project,  -- project the commit was on
-	    bid INTEGER            REFERENCES symbol,   -- branch the commit was on, NULL for :trunk:
-	    cid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES cmessage,
+	    -- Meta data belongs to a specific project, stronger, to a
+	    -- branch in that project. It further has a log message,
+	    -- and its author. This is unique with the project and
+	    -- branch.
+	    pid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES project,  --
+	    bid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol,   --
+	    aid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES author,   --
+	    cid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES cmessage, --
 	    UNIQUE (pid, bid, aid, cid)
+	    -- Constraints: The project of the meta data of a revision
+	    --              X is the same as the project of X itself.
+	    --
+	    -- ............ The branch of the meta data of a revision
+	    --              X is the same as the line of development
+	    --              of X itself.
-	# Author and commit message information is fully global,
-	# i.e. per repository.
+	# Authors and commit messages are fully global, i.e. per
+	# repository.
 	state writing author {
 	    name TEXT     NOT NULL  UNIQUE
@@ -175,18 +244,10 @@
 	state writing cmessage {
 	    text TEXT     NOT NULL  UNIQUE
-	# Consistency constraints.
-	#
-	# Items (Tags, Branches, Revisions) belong to a file to a
-	# project. All refer to other items, and symbols, which again
-	# belong to a project. The projects have to agree with each
-	# other. I.e. items may not refer to items or symbols which
-	# belong to a different project than their own.
     typemethod load {} {

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_project.tcl from [cfcc67163f] to [78ad19a406].

@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
     ## Public API
     constructor {path r} {
 	set mybase       $path
 	set myrepository $r
-	set mytrunk      [trunk %AUTO%]
+	set mytrunk      [trunk %AUTO% $self]
     method base  {} { return $mybase  }
     method trunk {} { return $mytrunk }

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_ptrunk.tcl from [eb3e864d33] to [186b2dcb0d].

@@ -23,20 +23,24 @@
 snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::trunk {
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## Public API
-    constructor {} {
+    constructor {project} {
+	set myid [[$project getsymbol $myname] id]
-    method name    {} { return :trunk: }
-    method id      {} { return {}      }
+    method name    {} { return $myname }
+    method id      {} { return $myid   }
     method istrunk {} { return 1 }
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## State
+    typevariable myname :trunk: ; # Name shared by all trunk symbols.
+    variable     myid   {}      ; # The trunk's symbol id.
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## Internal methods
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############