Check-in [2516f4a56d]
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SHA1 Hash:2516f4a56d8381a746bfa0a1487fc6f74f16d0c9
Date: 2007-11-16 03:54:54
User: aku
Comment:Bugfix. When I introduced the 'revisionbranchchildren' table to pass 2 I forgot to update pass 4 as well. Added code to drop the excluded revisons from this table as well, as either parent of branches, or branch child of some other revision.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl from [53988122b9] to [852144546e].

@@ -47,10 +47,11 @@
 	state reading symbol
 	state reading blocker
 	state reading parent
 	state reading preferedparent
 	state reading revision
+	state reading revisionbranchchildren
 	state reading branch
 	state reading tag
 	state writing noop {
 	    id    INTEGER NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY, -- tag/branch reference
@@ -194,16 +195,23 @@
 	# excluded symbols in some way. This is easy as we do not have
 	# to select them again and again from the base tables any
 	# longer.
 	state run {
+	    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE excludedrevisions AS
+	    SELECT rid FROM revision WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
 	    DELETE FROM revision WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
 	    DELETE FROM tag      WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
 	    DELETE FROM tag      WHERE sid IN excludedsymbols;
 	    DELETE FROM branch   WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
 	    DELETE FROM branch   WHERE sid IN excludedsymbols;
+	    DELETE FROM revisionbranchchildren WHERE rid  IN excludedrevisions;
+	    DELETE FROM revisionbranchchildren WHERE brid IN excludedrevisions;
+	    DROP TABLE excludedrevisions;
 	    DROP TABLE excludedsymbols;