Check-in [22005927ad]
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SHA1 Hash:22005927ad80db724ad47e81a8b089ff0b641306
Date: 2008-05-16 15:44:55
User: drh
Comment:Tweaks to the home-page text.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified www/ from [c3f0bf922c] to [afae3536c0].

@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
-<h1>Fossil - A Software Configuration Management System</h1>
+<h1>Fossil - Distributed Revision Control, Wiki, And Bug-Tracking</h1>
-This is a preliminary homepage for a new software configuration
-management system called "Fossil".
-The system is
+Fossil is a new
+<a href="">
+distributed software revision control system</a> that includes an integrated
+<a href="">Wiki</a> and an integrated
+<a href="">
+bug-tracking system</a> all into a single easy-to-use stand-alone
+(NB: The bug-tracker component is still not completely functional...)
+Fossil is
 <a href="">self-hosting</a> on
 <a href="">two separate servers</a>.
 You can download the lastest sources
 compile it yourself using the instructions below.
 Or you can grab
@@ -108,6 +114,5 @@
      <a href="">monotone</a>.</li>
 <li><a href="">Monotone</a> - distributed
      SCM in a single-file executable with a single-file SQLite
      database repository.</li>