Check-in [215d2f1ad9]
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SHA1 Hash:215d2f1ad99b8705e7fe961fa169cf76430c7864
Date: 2007-11-29 06:21:57
User: aku
Comment:Brought knowledge of the new types to the state definition, changed the creation of the initial changesets to use tags and branches.
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Tags And Properties
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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pinitcsets.tcl from [30453369b1] to [cec097c034].

@@ -67,30 +67,34 @@
 	state writing cstype {
 	    name  TEXT     NOT NULL,
 	    UNIQUE (name)
+	# Note: Keep the labels used here in sync with the names for
+	#       singleton helper classes for 'project::rev'. They are
+	#       the valid type names for changesets and also hardwired
+	#       in some code.
 	state run {
 	    INSERT INTO cstype VALUES (0,'rev');
-	    INSERT INTO cstype VALUES (1,'sym');
-	}
-	# Map from changesets to the (file level) revisions they
-	# contain. The pos'ition provides an order of the revisions
-	# within a changeset. They are unique within the changeset.
-	# The revisions are in principle unique, if we were looking
-	# only at revision changesets. However a revision can appear
-	# in both revision and symbol changesets, and in multiple
-	# symbol changesets as well. So we can only say that it is
-	# unique within the changeset.
-	#
-	# TODO: Check if integrity checks are possible.
+	    INSERT INTO cstype VALUES (1,'sym::tag');
+	    INSERT INTO cstype VALUES (2,'sym::branch');
+	}
+	# Map from changesets to the (file level) revisions, tags, or
+	# branches they contain. The pos'ition provides an order of
+	# the items within a changeset. They are unique within the
+	# changeset.  The items are in principle unique, if we were
+	# looking only at relevant changesets. However as they come
+	# from disparate sources the same id may have different
+	# meaning, be in different changesets and so is formally not
+	# unique. So we can only say that it is unique within the
+	# changeset. The integrity module has stronger checks.
 	state writing csrevision {
 	    cid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES changeset,
 	    pos  INTEGER  NOT NULL,
-	    rid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES revision,
+	    rid  INTEGER  NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES revision|tag|branch
 	    UNIQUE (cid, pos),
 	    UNIQUE (cid, rid)
 	project::rev getcstypes
@@ -104,10 +108,14 @@
 	state reading changeset
 	state reading csrevision
 	state reading cstype
+	# Need the types first, the constructor in the loop below uses
+	# them to assert the correctness of type names.
+	project::rev getcstypes
 	foreach {id pid cstype srcid} [state run {
 	    SELECT C.cid,,, C.src
 	    FROM   changeset C, cstype CS
 	    WHERE  C.type = CS.tid
 	    ORDER BY C.cid
@@ -118,11 +126,10 @@
 		WHERE  C.cid = $id
 		ORDER  BY C.pos
 	    }] $id]
-	project::rev getcstypes
 	project::rev loadcounter
     typemethod run {} {
@@ -225,71 +232,65 @@
 	# First process the tags, then the branches. We know that
 	# their ids do not overlap with each other.
 	set lastsymbol  {}
-	set lastlod     {}
 	set lastproject {}
 	set revisions   {}
-	foreach {sid rid lod pid} [state run {
-	    SELECT S.sid, R.rid, R.lod,
-	    FROM  tag T, revision R, symbol S     -- T ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
-	    WHERE T.rev = R.rid
-	    AND   T.sid = S.sid
-	    ORDER BY S.sid, R.lod,
+	foreach {sid rid pid} [state run {
+	    SELECT S.sid, T.tid,
+	    FROM  tag T, symbol S     -- T ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
+	    WHERE T.sid = S.sid
+	    ORDER BY S.sid, T.tid
 	}] {
-	    if {($lastlod != $lod) || ($lastsymbol != $sid)} {
+	    if {$lastsymbol != $sid} {
 		if {[llength $revisions]} {
 		    incr n
 		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions
+		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::tag $lastsymbol $revisions
 		    set revisions {}
 		set lastsymbol  $sid
-		set lastlod     $lod
+		set lastproject $pid
+	    }
+	    lappend revisions $rid
+	}
+	if {[llength $revisions]} {
+	    incr n
+	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
+	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::tag $lastsymbol $revisions
+	}
+	set lastsymbol {}
+	set lasproject {}
+	set revisions  {}
+	foreach {sid rid pid} [state run {
+	    SELECT S.sid,,
+	    FROM  branch B, symbol S  -- B ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
+	    WHERE B.sid  = S.sid
+	    ORDER BY S.sid,
+	}] {
+	    if {$lastsymbol != $sid} {
+		if {[llength $revisions]} {
+		    incr n
+		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
+		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::branch $lastsymbol $revisions
+		    set revisions {}
+		}
+		set lastsymbol  $sid
 		set lastproject $pid
 	    lappend revisions $rid
 	if {[llength $revisions]} {
 	    incr n
 	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions
-	}
-	set lastsymbol {}
-	set lastlod    {}
-	set lasproject {}
-	set revisions  {}
-	foreach {sid rid lod pid} [state run {
-	    SELECT S.sid, R.rid, R.lod,
-	    FROM  branch B, revision R, symbol S  -- B ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
-	    WHERE B.root = R.rid
-	    AND   B.sid  = S.sid
-	    ORDER BY S.sid, R.lod,
-	}] {
-	    if {($lastlod != $lod) || ($lastsymbol != $sid)} {
-		if {[llength $revisions]} {
-		    incr n
-		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions
-		    set revisions {}
-		}
-		set lastsymbol  $sid
-		set lastlod     $lod
-		set lastproject $pid
-	    }
-	    lappend revisions $rid
-	}
-	if {[llength $revisions]} {
-	    incr n
-	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions
+	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::branch $lastsymbol $revisions
 	log write 4 initcsets "Created [nsp $n {symbol changeset}]"