Check-in [20600107f1]
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SHA1 Hash:20600107f137736581fa9a54d8bb973130503d0e
Date: 2009-11-08 21:41:09
User: drh
Comment:Add the "search" command to the command-line interface. This command is still experimental. Currently it only search the timeline.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/search.c from [b8713502ff] to [669b17b177].

@@ -172,20 +172,21 @@
 ** Testing the search function.
-** COMMAND: test-search
-** %fossil test-search pattern...
+** COMMAND: search
+** %fossil search pattern...
-** search for check-ins matching the pattern.
+** Search for timeline entrys matching the pattern.
-void search_test(void){
+void search_cmd(void){
   Search *p;
   Blob pattern;
   int i;
   Stmt q;
+  int iBest;
   if( g.argc<2 ) return;
   blob_init(&pattern, g.argv[2], -1);
   for(i=3; i<g.argc; i++){
@@ -194,21 +195,23 @@
   p = search_init(blob_str(&pattern));
-     "CREATE TEMP TABLE srch(x,text);"
-     "INSERT INTO srch(text) SELECT coalesce(ecomment,comment) FROM event;"
-     "UPDATE srch SET x=score(text);"
+     "CREATE TEMP TABLE srch(rid,uuid,date,comment,x);"
+     "CREATE INDEX srch_idx1 ON srch(x);"
+     "INSERT INTO srch(rid,uuid,date,comment,x)"
+     "   SELECT blob.rid, uuid, datetime(event.mtime, 'localtime'),"
+     "          coalesce(ecomment,comment),"
+     "          score(coalesce(ecomment,comment)) AS y"
+     "     FROM event, blob"
+     "    WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND y>0;"
+  );
+  iBest = db_int(0, "SELECT max(x) FROM srch");
+  db_prepare(&q,
+    "SELECT rid, uuid, date, comment, 0, 0 FROM srch"
+    " WHERE x>%d ORDER BY x DESC, date DESC",
+    iBest/3
-  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT x, text FROM srch WHERE x>0 ORDER BY x DESC");
-  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-    int score = db_column_int(&q, 0);
-    const char *z = db_column_text(&q, 1);
-    score = search_score(p, z);
-    if( score ){
-      printf("%5d: %s\n", score, z);
-    }
-  }
+  print_timeline(&q, 1000);