Check-in [1e2ec3ff87]
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SHA1 Hash:1e2ec3ff8746f9fdfb98557d6d1ee1ff15565335
Date: 2009-12-30 01:57:14
User: jeremy_c
Comment:Added a 's' parameter to the web timeline view. This will search the comment and brief fields for the given text via LIKE '%value%'.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/timeline.c from [b36ed4e648] to [ece922611b].

@@ -417,10 +417,11 @@
 **    p=RID          artifact RID and up to COUNT parents and ancestors
 **    d=RID          artifact RID and up to COUNT descendants
 **    t=TAGID        show only check-ins with the given tagid
 **    u=USER         only if belonging to this user
 **    y=TYPE         'ci', 'w', 't'
+**    s=TEXT         string search (comment and brief)
 ** p= and d= can appear individually or together.  If either p= or d=
 ** appear, then u=, y=, a=, and b= are ignored.
 ** If a= and b= appear, only a= is used.  If neither appear, the most
@@ -439,10 +440,11 @@
   const char *zType = PD("y","all"); /* Type of events.  All if NULL */
   const char *zAfter = P("a");       /* Events after this time */
   const char *zBefore = P("b");      /* Events before this time */
   const char *zCirca = P("c");       /* Events near this time */
   const char *zTagName = P("t");     /* Show events with this tag */
+  const char *zString = P("s");      /* String text search of comment and brief */
   HQuery url;                        /* URL for various branch links */
   int tagid;                         /* Tag ID */
   int tmFlags;                       /* Timeline flags */
   /* To view the timeline, must have permission to read project data.
@@ -543,10 +545,15 @@
     if( zUser ){
       blob_appendf(&sql, " AND event.user=%Q", zUser);
       url_add_parameter(&url, "u", zUser);
+    }
+    if ( zString ){
+      blob_appendf(&sql, " AND (event.comment LIKE '%%%q%%' OR event.brief LIKE '%%%q%%')",
+        zString, zString);
+      url_add_parameter(&url, "s", zString);
     if( zAfter ){
       while( isspace(zAfter[0]) ){ zAfter++; }
       if( zAfter[0] ){