Check-in [1b52d1306e]
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SHA1 Hash:1b52d1306effbb544cef90c6b5161dacfe97d267
Date: 2008-02-01 19:58:07
User: drh
Comment:Fix the makefile so that you can build twice in a row from the source directory and it still works.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[hide diffs]

Modified src/ from [e26748a323] to [a4037f237e].

@@ -212,10 +212,16 @@
 	awk '{ printf "#define MANIFEST_VERSION \"[%.10s]\"\n", $$1}'  $(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid >>VERSION.h
 	awk '$$1=="D"{printf "#define MANIFEST_DATE \"%s %s\"\n", substr($$2,1,10),substr($$2,12)}'  $(SRCDIR)/../manifest >>VERSION.h
 $(APPNAME):	headers $(OBJ) sqlite3.o
 	$(TCC) -o $(APPNAME) $(OBJ) sqlite3.o $(LIB)
+# This rule prevents make from using its default rules to try build
+# an executable named "manifest" out of the file named "manifest.c"
+	# noop
 	rm -f *.o *_.c $(APPNAME) VERSION.h
 	rm -f translate makeheaders mkindex page_index.h headers
 	rm -f add.h bag.h blob.h branch.h cgi.h checkin.h checkout.h clearsign.h clone.h comformat.h construct.h content.h db.h delta.h deltacmd.h descendents.h diff.h diffcmd.h encode.h file.h http.h info.h login.h main.h manifest.h md5.h merge.h merge3.h name.h pivot.h pqueue.h printf.h rebuild.h rss.h schema.h setup.h sha1.h style.h subscript.h sync.h tag.h timeline.h tkt.h tktconfig.h tktsetup.h undo.h update.h url.h user.h verify.h vfile.h wiki.h wikiformat.h xfer.h zip.h

Modified src/makemake.tcl from [32b8cb3f29] to [b80c78c060].

@@ -129,10 +129,16 @@
 		substr($$2,1,10),substr($$2,12)}' \
 		$(SRCDIR)/../manifest >>VERSION.h
 $(APPNAME):	headers $(OBJ) sqlite3.o
 	$(TCC) -o $(APPNAME) $(OBJ) sqlite3.o $(LIB)
+# This rule prevents make from using its default rules to try build
+# an executable named "manifest" out of the file named "manifest.c"
+	# noop
 	rm -f *.o *_.c $(APPNAME) VERSION.h
 	rm -f translate makeheaders mkindex page_index.h headers}