Check-in [1409fbe38c]
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SHA1 Hash:1409fbe38c764e93ca606a195b572dfd70aec1b4
Date: 2009-08-27 14:04:39
User: drh
Comment:Performance improvements to the "bag" object.
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Modified src/bag.c from [c1c41296e0] to [91c2be456c].

@@ -32,10 +32,25 @@
 ** An integer can appear in the bag at most once.
 ** Integers must be positive.
+** On a hash collision, search continues to the next slot in the array,
+** looping back to the beginning of the array when we reach the end.
+** The search stops when a match is found or upon encountering a 0 entry.
+** When an entry is deleted, its value is changed to -1.
+** Bag.cnt is the number of live entries in the table.  Bag.used is
+** the number of live entries plus the number of deleted entries.  So
+** Bag.used>=Bag.cnt.  We want to keep Bag.used-Bag.cnt as small as
+** possible.
+** The length of a search increases as the hash table fills up.  So
+** the table is enlarged whenever Bag.used reaches half of  That
+** way, the expected collision length never exceeds 2.
 struct Bag {
   int cnt;   /* Number of integers in the bag */
   int sz;    /* Number of slots in a[] */
   int used;  /* Number of used slots in a[] */
@@ -64,14 +79,20 @@
 #define bag_hash(i)  (i*101)
 ** Change the size of the hash table on a bag so that
 ** it contains N slots
+** Completely reconstruct the hash table from scratch.  Deleted
+** entries (indicated by a -1) are removed.  When finished, it
+** should be the case that p->cnt==p->used.
 static void bag_resize(Bag *p, int newSize){
   int i;
   Bag old;
+  int nDel = 0;   /* Number of deleted entries */
+  int nLive = 0;  /* Number of live entries */
   old = *p;
   assert( newSize>old.cnt );
   p->a = malloc( sizeof(p->a[0])*newSize );
   p->sz = newSize;
@@ -83,12 +104,17 @@
       while( p->a[h] ){
         if( h==newSize ) h = 0;
       p->a[h] = e;
+      nLive++;
+    }else if( e<0 ){
+      nDel++;
+  assert( p->cnt == nLive );
+  assert( p->used == nLive+nDel );
   p->used = p->cnt;
@@ -99,20 +125,21 @@
 int bag_insert(Bag *p, int e){
   unsigned h;
   int rc = 0;
   assert( e>0 );
   if( p->used+1 >= p->sz/2 ){
-    bag_resize(p,  p->cnt*2 + 20 );
+    int n = p->sz*2;
+    bag_resize(p,  n + 20 );
   h = bag_hash(e)%p->sz;
-  while( p->a[h] && p->a[h]!=e ){
+  while( p->a[h]>0 && p->a[h]!=e ){
     if( h>=p->sz ) h = 0;
-  if( p->a[h]==0 ){
-    p->a[h] = e;
-    p->used++;
+  if( p->a[h]<=0 ){
+    if( p->a[h]==0 ) p->used++;
+    p->a[h] = e;
     rc = 1;
   return rc;
@@ -146,13 +173,23 @@
   while( p->a[h] && p->a[h]!=e ){
     if( h>=p->sz ) h = 0;
   if( p->a[h] ){
-    p->a[h] = -1;
+    int nx = h+1;
+    if( nx>=p->sz ) nx = 0;
+    if( p->a[nx]==0 ){
+      p->a[h] = 0;
+      p->used--;
+    }else{
+      p->a[h] = -1;
+    }
-    if( p->sz>20 && p->cnt<p->sz/8 ){
+    if( p->cnt==0 ){
+      memset(p->a, 0, p->sz*sizeof(p->a[0]));
+      p->used = 0;
+    }else if( p->sz>40 && p->cnt<p->sz/8 ){
       bag_resize(p, p->sz/2);