Check-in [1216eb434a]
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SHA1 Hash:1216eb434a133f81e7ca12dd553ede73a49236eb
Date: 2009-09-04 16:20:26
Edited User: bharder
Original User: x118876
Comment:typos in documentation
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified www/ from [7d3b426042] to [989355d07b].

@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 Or <i>&lt;version&gt;</i> can be the name of a
 [./ | branch] in order to show
 the documentation for the latest version of that branch.
 Or <i>&lt;version&gt;</i> can be one of the keywords "<b>tip</b>" or
 "<b>ckout</b>".  The "<b>tip</b>" keyword means to use the most recent
-checked-in.  This is useful if you want to see the very latest
+check-in.  This is useful if you want to see the very latest
 version of the documentation.  The "<b>ckout</b>" keywords means to
 pull the documentation file from the local source tree on disk, not
 from the any check-in.  The "<b>ckout</b>" keyword normally
 only works when you start your server using the "<b>fossil server</b>"
 or "<b>fossil ui</b>"