Check-in [01e7596a98]
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SHA1 Hash:01e7596a984e2cd2bc12abc0a741415b902cbeea
Date: 2007-07-24 18:15:40
User: drh
Comment:File format document change: UUIDs use lowercase not uppercase hex.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified www/fileformat.html from [8a7ce84d60] to [c1aa3452d9].

@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@
 A manifest has zero or one P-lines.  Most manifests have one P-line.
 The P-line has a varying number of arguments that
 defines other manifests from which the current manifest
-is derived.  Each argument is an 40-character uppercase
+is derived.  Each argument is an 40-character lowercase
 hexadecimal SHA1 of the predecessor manifest.  All arguments
 to the P-line must be unique to that line.
 The first predecessor is the manifests direct ancestor.
 Other arguments define manifests with which the first was
 merged to yield the current manifest.  Most manifests have
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@
 A manifest may optionally have a single R-line.  The R-line has
 a single argument which is the MD5 checksum of all files in
 the baseline except the manifest itself.  The checksum is expressed
-as 32-characters of uppercase hexadecimal.   The checksum is
+as 32-characters of lowercase hexadecimal.   The checksum is
 computed as follows:  For each file in the baseline (except for
 the manifest itself) in strict sorted lexigraphical order,
 take the pathname of the file relative to the root of the
 repository, append a single space (ASCII 0x20), the
 size of the file in ASCII decimal, a single newline
@@ -140,11 +140,11 @@
 check-in comment argument to the C-line.
 A manifest has an option Z-line as its last line.  The argument
-to the Z-line is a 32-character uppercase hexadecimal MD5 hash
+to the Z-line is a 32-character lowercase hexadecimal MD5 hash
 of all prior lines of the manifest up to and including the newline
 character that immediately preceeds the "Z".  The Z-line is just
 a sanity check to prove that the manifest is well-formed and