Artifact 8cd24c134d1f6a87a9d5d0493d6b44be4b66be4b
part of check-in
- Initial check-in of m1 sources.
drh on
2007-07-21 14:10:57.
# Copyright (c) 2006 D. Richard Hipp
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Author contact information:
# This is the main test script. To run a regression test, do this:
# tclsh ../test/tester.tcl ../bld/fossil
# Where ../test/tester.tcl is the name of this file and ../bld/fossil
# is the name of the executable to be tested.
set testdir [file normalize [file dir $argv0]]
set fossilexe [file normalize [lindex $argv 0]]
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
set i [lsearch $argv -halt]
if {$i>=0} {
set HALT 1
set argv [lreplace $argv $i $i]
} else {
set HALT 0
if {[llength $argv]==0} {
foreach f [lsort [glob $testdir/*.test]] {
set base [file root [file tail $f]]
lappend argv $base
# Run the fossil program
proc fossil {args} {
global fossilexe
set cmd $fossilexe
foreach a $args {
lappend cmd $a
puts $cmd
flush stdout
set rc [catch {eval exec $cmd} result]
set CODE $rc
set RESULT $result
# Read a file into memory.
proc read_file {filename} {
set in [open $filename r]
fconfigure $in -translation binary
set txt [read $in [file size $filename]]
close $in
return $txt
# Write a file to disk
proc write_file {filename txt} {
set out [open $filename w]
fconfigure $out -translation binary
puts -nonewline $out $txt
close $out
proc write_file_indented {filename txt} {
write_file $filename [string trim [string map [list "\n " \n] $txt]]\n
# Return true if two files are the same
proc same_file {a b} {
return [expr {[read_file $a]==[read_file $b]}]
# Perform a test
proc test {name expr} {
global bad_test
set r [uplevel 1 [list expr $expr]]
if {$r} {
puts "test $name OK"
} else {
puts "test $name FAILED!"
lappend bad_test $name
if {$::HALT} exit
set bad_test {}
# Return a random string N characters long.
set vocabulary 01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
append vocabulary " ()*^!.eeeeeeeeaaaaattiioo "
set nvocabulary [string length $vocabulary]
proc rand_str {N} {
global vocabulary nvocabulary
set out {}
while {$N>0} {
incr N -1
set i [expr {int(rand()*$nvocabulary)}]
append out [string index $vocabulary $i]
return $out
# Make random changes to a file.
# The file is divided into blocks of $blocksize lines each. The first
# block is number 0. Changes are only made within blocks where
# the block number divided by $count has a remainder of $index.
# For any given line that mets the block count criteria, the probably
# of a change is $prob
# Changes do not add or remove newlines
proc random_changes {body blocksize count index prob} {
set out {}
set blockno 0
set lineno -1
foreach line [split $body \n] {
incr lineno
if {$lineno==$blocksize} {
incr blockno
set lineno 0
if {$blockno%$count==$index && rand()<$prob} {
set n [string length $line]
if {$n>5 && rand()<0.5} {
# delete part of the line
set n [expr {int(rand()*$n)}]
set i [expr {int(rand()*$n)}]
set k [expr {$i+$n}]
set line [string range $line 0 $i][string range $line $k end]
} else {
# insert something into the line
set stuff [rand_str [expr {int(rand()*($n-5))-1}]]
set i [expr {int(rand()*$n)}]
set ip1 [expr {$i+1}]
set line [string range $line 0 $i]$stuff[string range $line $ip1 end]
append out \n$line
return [string range $out 1 end]
foreach testfile $argv {
puts "***** $testfile ******"
source $testdir/$testfile.test
puts "[llength $bad_test] errors: $bad_test"