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Artifact 8bd2fe1f5820aa6043d5841e5434e6bceeb03bac

File src/wikiformat.c part of check-in [ebb2765954] - Add the timeline display preferences page with the ability to turn on and off block markup in timeline comments and to limit the length of timeline comments. by drh on 2007-12-04 02:47:49. Also file src/wikiformat.c part of check-in [d0305b305a] - Merged mainline into my branch to get the newest application. by aku on 2007-12-05 08:07:46.

** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
** License along with this library; if not, write to the
** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
** Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
** Author contact information:
** This file contains code to do formatting of wiki text.
#include <assert.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "wikiformat.h"

** Allowed wiki transformation operations
#define WIKI_NOFOLLOW       0x001
#define WIKI_HTML           0x002
#define WIKI_INLINE         0x004  /* Do not surround with <p>..</p> */
#define WIKI_NOBLOCK        0x008  /* No block markup of any kind */

** These are the only markup attributes allowed.
#define ATTR_ALIGN              0x0000001
#define ATTR_ALT                0x0000002
#define ATTR_BGCOLOR            0x0000004
#define ATTR_BORDER             0x0000008
#define ATTR_CELLPADDING        0x0000010
#define ATTR_CELLSPACING        0x0000020
#define ATTR_CLEAR              0x0000040
#define ATTR_COLOR              0x0000080
#define ATTR_COLSPAN            0x0000100
#define ATTR_COMPACT            0x0000200
#define ATTR_FACE               0x0000400
#define ATTR_HEIGHT             0x0000800
#define ATTR_HREF               0x0001000
#define ATTR_HSPACE             0x0002000
#define ATTR_ID                 0x0004000
#define ATTR_NAME               0x0008000
#define ATTR_ROWSPAN            0x0010000
#define ATTR_SIZE               0x0020000
#define ATTR_SRC                0x0040000
#define ATTR_START              0x0080000
#define ATTR_TYPE               0x0100000
#define ATTR_VALIGN             0x0200000
#define ATTR_VALUE              0x0400000
#define ATTR_VSPACE             0x0800000
#define ATTR_WIDTH              0x1000000

static const struct AllowedAttribute {
  const char *zName;
  unsigned int iMask;
} aAttribute[] = {
  { 0, 0 },
  { "align",         ATTR_ALIGN,          },
  { "alt",           ATTR_ALT,            },
  { "bgcolor",       ATTR_BGCOLOR,        },
  { "border",        ATTR_BORDER,         },
  { "cellpadding",   ATTR_CELLPADDING,    },
  { "cellspacing",   ATTR_CELLSPACING,    },
  { "clear",         ATTR_CLEAR,          },
  { "color",         ATTR_COLOR,          },
  { "colspan",       ATTR_COLSPAN,        },
  { "compact",       ATTR_COMPACT,        },
  { "face",          ATTR_FACE,           },
  { "height",        ATTR_HEIGHT,         },
  { "href",          ATTR_HREF,           },
  { "hspace",        ATTR_HSPACE,         },
  { "id",            ATTR_ID,             },
  { "name",          ATTR_NAME,           },
  { "rowspan",       ATTR_ROWSPAN,        },
  { "size",          ATTR_SIZE,           },
  { "src",           ATTR_SRC,            },
  { "start",         ATTR_START,          },
  { "type",          ATTR_TYPE,           },
  { "valign",        ATTR_VALIGN,         },
  { "value",         ATTR_VALUE,          },
  { "vspace",        ATTR_VSPACE,         },
  { "width",         ATTR_WIDTH,          },

** Use binary search to locate a tag in the aAttribute[] table.
static int findAttr(const char *z){
  int i, c, first, last;
  first = 1;
  last = sizeof(aAttribute)/sizeof(aAttribute[0]) - 1;
  while( first<=last ){
    i = (first+last)/2;
    c = strcmp(aAttribute[i].zName, z);
    if( c==0 ){
      return i;
    }else if( c<0 ){
      first = i+1;
      last = i-1;
  return 0;

** Allowed markup.
** Except for MARKUP_INVALID, this must all be in alphabetical order
** and in numerical sequence.  The first markup type must be zero.
** The value for MARKUP_XYZ must correspond to the <xyz> entry 
** in aAllowedMarkup[].
#define MARKUP_INVALID           0
#define MARKUP_A                 1
#define MARKUP_ADDRESS           2
#define MARKUP_B                 3
#define MARKUP_BIG               4
#define MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE        5
#define MARKUP_BR                6
#define MARKUP_CENTER            7
#define MARKUP_CITE              8
#define MARKUP_CODE              9
#define MARKUP_DD               10
#define MARKUP_DFN              11
#define MARKUP_DL               12
#define MARKUP_DT               13
#define MARKUP_EM               14
#define MARKUP_FONT             15
#define MARKUP_H1               16
#define MARKUP_H2               17
#define MARKUP_H3               18
#define MARKUP_H4               19
#define MARKUP_H5               20
#define MARKUP_H6               21
#define MARKUP_HR               22
#define MARKUP_IMG              23
#define MARKUP_I                24
#define MARKUP_KBD              25
#define MARKUP_LI               26
#define MARKUP_NOBR             27
#define MARKUP_NOWIKI           28
#define MARKUP_OL               29
#define MARKUP_P                30
#define MARKUP_PRE              31
#define MARKUP_S                32
#define MARKUP_SAMP             33
#define MARKUP_SMALL            34
#define MARKUP_STRIKE           35
#define MARKUP_STRONG           36
#define MARKUP_SUB              37
#define MARKUP_SUP              38
#define MARKUP_TABLE            39
#define MARKUP_TD               40
#define MARKUP_TH               41
#define MARKUP_TR               42
#define MARKUP_TT               43
#define MARKUP_U                44
#define MARKUP_UL               45
#define MARKUP_VAR              46
#define MARKUP_VERBATIM         47

** The various markup is divided into the following types:
#define MUTYPE_SINGLE      0x0001   /* <img>, <br>, or <hr> */
#define MUTYPE_BLOCK       0x0002   /* Forms a new paragraph. ex: <p>, <h2> */
#define MUTYPE_FONT        0x0004   /* Font changes. ex: <b>, <font>, <sub> */
#define MUTYPE_LIST        0x0010   /* Lists.  <ol>, <ul>, or <dl> */
#define MUTYPE_LI          0x0020   /* List items.  <li>, <dd>, <dt> */
#define MUTYPE_TABLE       0x0040   /* <table> */
#define MUTYPE_TR          0x0080   /* <tr> */
#define MUTYPE_TD          0x0100   /* <td> or <th> */
#define MUTYPE_SPECIAL     0x0200   /* <nowiki> or <verbatim> */
#define MUTYPE_HYPERLINK   0x0400   /* <a> */

** These markup types must have an end tag.

** This markup types are allowed for "inline" text.

static const struct AllowedMarkup {
  const char *zName;       /* Name of the markup */
  char iCode;              /* The MARKUP_* code */
  short int iType;         /* The MUTYPE_* code */
  int allowedAttr;         /* Allowed attributes on this markup */
} aMarkup[] = {
 { 0,               MARKUP_INVALID,      0,                    0  },
 { "a",             MARKUP_A,            MUTYPE_HYPERLINK,
                    ATTR_HREF|ATTR_NAME },
 { "address",       MARKUP_ADDRESS,      MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
 { "b",             MARKUP_B,            MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "big",           MARKUP_BIG,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "blockquote",    MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE,   MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
 { "br",            MARKUP_BR,           MUTYPE_SINGLE,        ATTR_CLEAR  },
 { "center",        MARKUP_CENTER,       MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
 { "cite",          MARKUP_CITE,         MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "code",          MARKUP_CODE,         MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "dd",            MARKUP_DD,           MUTYPE_LI,            0  },
 { "dfn",           MARKUP_DFN,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "dl",            MARKUP_DL,           MUTYPE_LIST,          ATTR_COMPACT },
 { "dt",            MARKUP_DT,           MUTYPE_LI,            0  },
 { "em",            MARKUP_EM,           MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "font",          MARKUP_FONT,         MUTYPE_FONT,
                    ATTR_COLOR|ATTR_FACE|ATTR_SIZE   },
 { "h1",            MARKUP_H1,           MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "h2",            MARKUP_H2,           MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "h3",            MARKUP_H3,           MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "h4",            MARKUP_H4,           MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "h5",            MARKUP_H5,           MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "h6",            MARKUP_H6,           MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "hr",            MARKUP_HR,           MUTYPE_SINGLE,        
 { "img",           MARKUP_IMG,          MUTYPE_SINGLE,        
 { "i",             MARKUP_I,            MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "kbd",           MARKUP_KBD,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "li",            MARKUP_LI,           MUTYPE_LI,            
                    ATTR_TYPE|ATTR_VALUE  },
 { "nobr",          MARKUP_NOBR,         MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "nowiki",        MARKUP_NOWIKI,       MUTYPE_SPECIAL,       0  },
 { "ol",            MARKUP_OL,           MUTYPE_LIST,          
                    ATTR_START|ATTR_TYPE|ATTR_COMPACT  },
 { "p",             MARKUP_P,            MUTYPE_BLOCK,         ATTR_ALIGN  },
 { "pre",           MARKUP_PRE,          MUTYPE_BLOCK,         0  },
 { "s",             MARKUP_S,            MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "samp",          MARKUP_SAMP,         MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "small",         MARKUP_SMALL,        MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "strike",        MARKUP_STRIKE,       MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "strong",        MARKUP_STRONG,       MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "sub",           MARKUP_SUB,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "sup",           MARKUP_SUP,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "table",         MARKUP_TABLE,        MUTYPE_TABLE,         
 { "td",            MARKUP_TD,           MUTYPE_TD,            
                    ATTR_ROWSPAN|ATTR_VALIGN  },
 { "th",            MARKUP_TH,           MUTYPE_TD,
                    ATTR_ROWSPAN|ATTR_VALIGN  },
 { "tr",            MARKUP_TR,           MUTYPE_TR, 
                    ATTR_ALIGN|ATTR_BGCOLOR||ATTR_VALIGN  },
 { "tt",            MARKUP_TT,           MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "u",             MARKUP_U,            MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "ul",            MARKUP_UL,           MUTYPE_LIST,          
                    ATTR_TYPE|ATTR_COMPACT  },
 { "var",           MARKUP_VAR,          MUTYPE_FONT,          0  },
 { "verbatim",      MARKUP_VERBATIM,     MUTYPE_SPECIAL,       ATTR_ID },

** Use binary search to locate a tag in the aMarkup[] table.
static int findTag(const char *z){
  int i, c, first, last;
  first = 1;
  last = sizeof(aMarkup)/sizeof(aMarkup[0]) - 1;
  while( first<=last ){
    i = (first+last)/2;
    c = strcmp(aMarkup[i].zName, z);
    if( c==0 ){
      assert( aMarkup[i].iCode==i );
      return i;
    }else if( c<0 ){
      first = i+1;
      last = i-1;

** Token types
#define TOKEN_MARKUP        1    /* <...> */
#define TOKEN_CHARACTER     2    /* "&" or "<" not part of markup */
#define TOKEN_LINK          3    /* [...] */
#define TOKEN_PARAGRAPH     4    /* blank lines */
#define TOKEN_NEWLINE       5    /* A single "\n" */
#define TOKEN_BULLET        6    /*  "  *  " */
#define TOKEN_ENUM          7    /*  "  \(?\d+[.)]?  " */
#define TOKEN_INDENT        8    /*  "   " */
#define TOKEN_TEXT          9    /* None of the above */

** State flags
#define AT_NEWLINE          0x001  /* At start of a line */
#define AT_PARAGRAPH        0x002  /* At start of a paragraph */
#define ALLOW_WIKI          0x004  /* Allow wiki markup */
#define FONT_MARKUP_ONLY    0x008  /* Only allow MUTYPE_FONT markup */
#define INLINE_MARKUP_ONLY  0x010  /* Allow only "inline" markup */
#define IN_LIST             0x020  /* Within wiki <ul> or <ol> */

** Current state of the rendering engine
typedef struct Renderer Renderer;
struct Renderer {
  Blob *pOut;                 /* Output appended to this blob */
  int state;                  /* Flag that govern rendering */
  int wikiList;               /* Current wiki list type */
  int inVerbatim;             /* True in <verbatim> mode */
  int preVerbState;           /* Value of state prior to verbatim */
  int wantAutoParagraph;      /* True if a <p> is desired */
  int inAutoParagraph;        /* True if within an automatic paragraph */
  const char *zVerbatimId;    /* The id= attribute of <verbatim> */
  int nStack;                 /* Number of elements on the stack */
  int nAlloc;                 /* Space allocated for aStack */
  unsigned char *aStack;      /* Open markup stack */

** z points to a "<" character.  Check to see if this is the start of
** a valid markup.  If it is, return the total number of characters in
** the markup including the initial "<" and the terminating ">".  If
** it is not well-formed markup, return 0.
static int markupLength(const char *z){
  int n = 1;
  int inparen = 0;
  if( z[n]=='/' ){ n++; }
  if( !isalpha(z[n]) ) return 0;
  while( isalnum(z[n]) ){ n++; }
  if( z[n]!='>' && !isspace(z[n]) ) return 0;
  while( z[n] && (z[n]!='>' || inparen) ){
    if( z[n]=='"' ){
      inparen = !inparen;
  if( z[n]!='>' ) return 0;
  return n+1;

** z points to a "\n" character.  Check to see if this newline is
** followed by one or more blank lines.  If it is, return the number
** of characters through the closing "\n".  If not, return 0.
static int paragraphBreakLength(const char *z){
  int i, n;
  int nNewline = 1;
  for(i=1, n=0; isspace(z[i]); i++){
    if( z[i]=='\n' ){
      n = i;
  if( nNewline>=2 ){
    return n+1;
    return 0;

** Return the number of characters until the next "interesting"
** characters.
** Interesting characters are:
**      <
**      &
**      \n
**      [
** The "[" and "\n" are only considered interesting if the "useWiki"
** flag is set.
static int textLength(const char *z, int useWiki){
  int n = 0;
  int c;
  while( (c = z[0])!=0 && c!='<' && c!='&' &&
               (useWiki==0 || (c!='[' && c!='\n')) ){
  return n; 

** Return true if z[] begins with an HTML character element.
static int isElement(const char *z){
  int i;
  assert( z[0]=='&' );
  if( z[1]=='#' ){
    for(i=2; isdigit(z[i]); i++){}
    return i>2 && z[i]==';';
    for(i=1; isalpha(z[i]); i++){}
    return i>1 && z[i]==';';

** Check to see if the z[] string is the beginning of a wiki bullet.
** If it is, return the length of the bullet text.  Otherwise return 0.
static int bulletLength(const char *z){
  int i, n;
  n = 0;
  i = 0;
  while( z[n]==' ' || z[n]=='\t' ){
    if( z[n]=='\t' ) i++;
  if( i<2 || z[n]!='*' ) return 0;
  i = 0;
  while( z[n]==' ' || z[n]=='\t' ){
    if( z[n]=='\t' ) i++;
  if( i<2 || isspace(z[n]) ) return 0;
  return n;

** Check to see if the z[] string is the beginning of a enumeration value.
** If it is, return the length of the bullet text.  Otherwise return 0.
** Syntax:
**    *  a tab or two or more spaces
**    *  one or more digits
**    *  optional "."
**    *  another tab or two ore more spaces.
static int enumLength(const char *z){
  int i, n;
  n = 0;
  i = 0;
  while( z[n]==' ' || z[n]=='\t' ){
    if( z[n]=='\t' ) i++;
  if( i<2 ) return 0;
  for(i=0; isdigit(z[n]); i++, n++){}
  if( i==0 ) return 0;
  if( z[n]=='.' ){
  i = 0;
  while( z[n]==' ' || z[n]=='\t' ){
    if( z[n]=='\t' ) i++;
  if( i<2 || isspace(z[n]) ) return 0;
  return n;

** Check to see if the z[] string is the beginning of an indented
** paragraph.  If it is, return the length of the indent.  Otherwise
** return 0.
static int indentLength(const char *z){
  int i, n;
  n = 0;
  i = 0;
  while( z[n]==' ' || z[n]=='\t' ){
    if( z[n]=='\t' ) i++;
  if( i<2 || isspace(z[n]) ) return 0;
  return n;

** Check to see if the z[] string is a wiki hyperlink.  If it is,
** return the length of the hyperlink.  Otherwise return 0.
static int linkLength(const char *z){
  int n;
  assert( z[0]=='[' );
  for(n=0; z[n] && z[n]!=']'; n++){}
  if( z[n]==']' ){
    return n+1;
    return 0;

** z points to the start of a token.  Return the number of
** characters in that token.  Write the token type into *pTokenType.
static int nextToken(const char *z, Renderer *p, int *pTokenType){
  int n;
  if( z[0]=='<' ){
    n = markupLength(z);
    if( n>0 ){
      *pTokenType = TOKEN_MARKUP;
      return n;
      *pTokenType = TOKEN_CHARACTER;
      return 1;
  if( z[0]=='&' && (p->inVerbatim || !isElement(z)) ){
    *pTokenType = TOKEN_CHARACTER;
    return 1;
  if( (p->state & ALLOW_WIKI)!=0 ){
    if( z[0]=='\n' ){
      n = paragraphBreakLength(z);
      if( n>0 ){
        *pTokenType = TOKEN_PARAGRAPH;
        return n;
      }else if( isspace(z[1]) ){
        *pTokenType = TOKEN_NEWLINE;
        return 1;
    if( (p->state & AT_NEWLINE)!=0 && isspace(z[0]) ){
      n = bulletLength(z);
      if( n>0 ){
        *pTokenType = TOKEN_BULLET;
        return n;
      n = enumLength(z);
      if( n>0 ){
        *pTokenType = TOKEN_ENUM;
        return n;
    if( (p->state & AT_PARAGRAPH)!=0 && isspace(z[0]) ){
      n = indentLength(z);
      if( n>0 ){
        *pTokenType = TOKEN_INDENT;
        return n;
    if( z[0]=='[' && (n = linkLength(z))>0 ){
      *pTokenType = TOKEN_LINK;
      return n;
  *pTokenType = TOKEN_TEXT;
  return 1 + textLength(z+1, p->state & ALLOW_WIKI);

** A single markup is parsed into an instance of the following
** structure.
typedef struct ParsedMarkup ParsedMarkup;
struct ParsedMarkup {
  unsigned char endTag;   /* True if </...> instead of <...> */
  unsigned char iCode;    /* MARKUP_* */
  unsigned char nAttr;    /* Number of attributes */
  unsigned short iType;   /* MUTYPE_* */
  struct {
    unsigned char iCode;     /* ATTR_* */
    char *zValue;            /* Argument to this attribute.  Might be NULL */
    char cTerm;              /* Original argument termination character */
  } aAttr[10];

** z[] is an HTML markup element - something that begins with '<'.
** Parse this element into the p structure.
** The content of z[] might be modified by converting characters 
** to lowercase and by inserting some "\000" characters.
static void parseMarkup(ParsedMarkup *p, char *z){
  int i, c;
  char *zTag, *zValue;
  int seen = 0;

  if( z[1]=='/' ){
    p->endTag = 1;
    i = 2;
    p->endTag = 0;
    i = 1;
  zTag = &z[i];
  while( isalnum(z[i]) ){ 
    z[i] = tolower(z[i]);
  c = z[i];
  z[i] = 0;
  p->iCode = findTag(zTag);
  p->iType = aMarkup[p->iCode].iType;
  p->nAttr = 0;
  z[i] = c;
  while( isspace(z[i]) ){ i++; }
  while( p->nAttr<8 && isalpha(z[i]) ){
    zTag = &z[i];
    while( isalnum(z[i]) ){ 
      z[i] = tolower(z[i]);
    c = z[i];
    z[i] = 0;
    p->aAttr[p->nAttr].iCode = findAttr(zTag);
    z[i] = c;
    while( isspace(z[i]) ){ z++; }
    if( z[i]!='=' ){
      p->aAttr[p->nAttr].zValue = 0;
      p->aAttr[p->nAttr].cTerm = 0;
      c = 0;
      while( isspace(z[i]) ){ z++; }
      if( z[i]=='"' ){
        zValue = &z[i];
        while( z[i] && z[i]!='"' ){ i++; }
        zValue = &z[i];
        while( !isspace(z[i]) && z[i]!='>' ){ z++; }
      p->aAttr[p->nAttr].zValue = zValue;
      p->aAttr[p->nAttr].cTerm = c = z[i];
      z[i] = 0;
    if( p->aAttr[p->nAttr].iCode!=0 && (seen & p->aAttr[p->nAttr].iCode)==0 ){
      seen |= p->aAttr[p->nAttr].iCode;
    if( c=='>' ) break;

** Render markup on the given blob.
static void renderMarkup(Blob *pOut, ParsedMarkup *p){
  int i;
  if( p->endTag ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "</%s>", aMarkup[p->iCode].zName);
    blob_appendf(pOut, "<%s", aMarkup[p->iCode].zName);
    for(i=0; i<p->nAttr; i++){
      blob_appendf(pOut, " %s", aAttribute[p->aAttr[i].iCode].zName);
      if( p->aAttr[i].zValue ){
        blob_appendf(pOut, "=\"%s\"", p->aAttr[i].zValue);
    blob_append(pOut, ">", 1);

** When the markup was parsed, some "\000" may have been inserted.
** This routine restores to those "\000" values back to their
** original content.
static void unparseMarkup(ParsedMarkup *p){
  int i, n;
  for(i=0; i<p->nAttr; i++){
    char *z = p->aAttr[i].zValue;
    if( z==0 ) continue;
    n = strlen(z);
    z[n] = p->aAttr[i].cTerm;

** Pop a single element off of the stack.  As the element is popped,
** output its end tag.
static void popStack(Renderer *p){
  if( p->nStack ){
    blob_appendf(p->pOut, "</%s>", aMarkup[p->aStack[p->nStack]].zName);

** Push a new markup value onto the stack.  Enlarge the stack
** if necessary.
static void pushStack(Renderer *p, int elem){
  if( p->nStack>=p->nAlloc ){
    p->nAlloc = p->nAlloc*2 + 100;
    p->aStack = realloc(p->aStack, p->nAlloc);
    if( p->aStack==0 ){
      fossil_panic("out of memory");
  p->aStack[p->nStack++] = elem;

** Pop the stack until the top-most iTag element is removed.
** If there is no iTag element on the stack, this routine
** is a no-op.
static void popStackToTag(Renderer *p, int iTag){
  int i;
  for(i=p->nStack-1; i>=0 && p->aStack[i]!=iTag; i--){}
  if( i<0 ) return;
  while( p->nStack>i ){

** Pop the stack until the top-most element of the stack
** is an element that matches the type in iMask.  Return
** code of the markup element that is on left on top of the stack.
** If the stack does not have an element
** that matches iMask, then leave the stack unchanged and
** return false (MARKUP_INVALID).
static int backupToType(Renderer *p, int iMask){
  int i;
  for(i=p->nStack-1; i>=0 && (aMarkup[p->aStack[i]].iType&iMask)==0; i--){}
  if( i<0 ) return 0;
  while( p->nStack>i ){
  return p->aStack[i-1];

** Begin a new paragraph if that something that is needed.
static void startAutoParagraph(Renderer *p){
  if( p->wantAutoParagraph==0 ) return;
  blob_appendf(p->pOut, "<p>", -1);
  pushStack(p, MARKUP_P);
  p->wantAutoParagraph = 0;
  p->inAutoParagraph = 1;

** End a paragraph if we are in one.
static void endAutoParagraph(Renderer *p){
  if( p->inAutoParagraph ){
    popStackToTag(p, MARKUP_P);
    p->inAutoParagraph = 0;

** If the input string corresponds to an existing baseline,
** return true.
static int is_valid_uuid(const char *z){
  int n = strlen(z);
  if( n<4 || n>UUID_SIZE ) return 0;
  if( !validate16(z, n) ) return 0;
  return 1;

** Resolve a hyperlink.  The argument is the content of the [...]
** in the wiki.  Append the URL to the output of the Renderer.
static void resolveHyperlink(const char *zTarget, Renderer *p){
  if( strncmp(zTarget, "http:", 5)==0 
   || strncmp(zTarget, "https:", 6)==0
   || strncmp(zTarget, "ftp:", 4)==0 
   || strncmp(zTarget, "mailto:", 7)==0
    blob_appendf(p->pOut, zTarget);
  }else if( zTarget[0]=='/' ){
    blob_appendf(p->pOut, "%s%h", g.zBaseURL, zTarget);
  }else if( is_valid_uuid(zTarget) ){
    blob_appendf(p->pOut, "%s/info/%s", g.zBaseURL, zTarget);
  }else if( wiki_name_is_wellformed(zTarget) ){
    blob_appendf(p->pOut, "%s/wiki?name=%T", g.zBaseURL, zTarget);
    blob_appendf(p->pOut, "error");

** Check to see if the given parsed markup is the correct
** </verbatim> tag.
static int endVerbatim(Renderer *p, ParsedMarkup *pMarkup){
  char *z;
  assert( p->inVerbatim );
  if( pMarkup->iCode!=MARKUP_VERBATIM ) return 0;
  if( !pMarkup->endTag ) return 0;
  if( p->zVerbatimId==0 ) return 1;
  if( pMarkup->nAttr!=1 ) return 0;
  z = pMarkup->aAttr[0].zValue;
  return strcmp(z, p->zVerbatimId)==0;

** Return the MUTYPE for the top of the stack.
static int stackTopType(Renderer *p){
  if( p->nStack<=0 ) return 0;
  return aMarkup[p->aStack[p->nStack-1]].iType;

** Convert the wiki in z[] into html in the renderer p.  The
** renderer has already been initialized.
** This routine will probably modify the content of z[].
static void wiki_render(Renderer *p, char *z){
  int tokenType;
  ParsedMarkup markup;
  int n;
  int inlineOnly = (p->state & INLINE_MARKUP_ONLY)!=0;

  while( z[0] ){
    n = nextToken(z, p, &tokenType);
    p->state &= ~(AT_NEWLINE|AT_PARAGRAPH);
    switch( tokenType ){
      case TOKEN_PARAGRAPH: {
        if( inlineOnly ){
          /* blob_append(p->pOut, " &para; ", -1); */
          blob_append(p->pOut, " &nbsp;&nbsp; ", -1);
          if( p->wikiList ){
            popStackToTag(p, p->wikiList);
            p->wikiList = 0;
          blob_appendf(p->pOut, "\n\n", 1);
          p->wantAutoParagraph = 1;
        p->state |= AT_PARAGRAPH|AT_NEWLINE;
      case TOKEN_NEWLINE: {
        blob_append(p->pOut, "\n", 1);
        p->state |= AT_NEWLINE;
      case TOKEN_BULLET: {
        if( inlineOnly ){
          blob_append(p->pOut, " &#149; ", -1);
          if( p->wikiList!=MARKUP_UL ){
            if( p->wikiList ){
              popStackToTag(p, p->wikiList);
            pushStack(p, MARKUP_UL);
            blob_append(p->pOut, "<ul>", 4);
            p->wikiList = MARKUP_UL;
          popStackToTag(p, MARKUP_LI);
          pushStack(p, MARKUP_LI);
          blob_append(p->pOut, "<li>", 4);
      case TOKEN_ENUM: {
        if( inlineOnly ){
          blob_appendf(p->pOut, " (%d) ", atoi(z));
          if( p->wikiList!=MARKUP_OL ){
            if( p->wikiList ){
              popStackToTag(p, p->wikiList);
            pushStack(p, MARKUP_OL);
            blob_append(p->pOut, "<ol>", 4);
            p->wikiList = MARKUP_OL;
          popStackToTag(p, MARKUP_LI);
          pushStack(p, MARKUP_LI);
          blob_appendf(p->pOut, "<li value=\"%d\">", atoi(z));
      case TOKEN_INDENT: {
        if( inlineOnly ){
          assert( p->wikiList==0 );
          pushStack(p, MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE);
          blob_append(p->pOut, "<blockquote>", -1);
          p->wantAutoParagraph = 0;
          p->wikiList = MARKUP_BLOCKQUOTE;
      case TOKEN_CHARACTER: {
        if( z[0]=='<' ){
          blob_append(p->pOut, "&lt;", 4);
        }else if( z[0]=='&' ){
          blob_append(p->pOut, "&amp;", 5);
      case TOKEN_LINK: {
        char *zTarget;
        char *zDisplay = 0;
        int i, j;
        int savedState;
        zTarget = &z[1];
        for(i=1; z[i] && z[i]!=']'; i++){
          if( z[i]=='|' && zDisplay==0 ){
            zDisplay = &z[i+1];
            z[i] = 0;
            for(j=i-1; j>0 && isspace(z[j]); j--){ z[j] = 0; }
        z[i] = 0;
        if( zDisplay==0 ){
          zDisplay = zTarget;
          while( isspace(*zDisplay) ) zDisplay++;
        blob_append(p->pOut, "<a href=\"", -1);
        resolveHyperlink(zTarget, p);
        blob_append(p->pOut, "\">", -1);
        savedState = p->state;
        p->state &= ~ALLOW_WIKI;
        p->state |= FONT_MARKUP_ONLY;
        wiki_render(p, zDisplay);
        p->state = savedState;
        blob_append(p->pOut, "</a>", 4);
      case TOKEN_TEXT: {
        blob_append(p->pOut, z, n);
      case TOKEN_MARKUP: {
        parseMarkup(&markup, z);
        if( p->inVerbatim ){
          if( endVerbatim(p, &markup) ){
            p->inVerbatim = 0;
            p->state = p->preVerbState;
            blob_append(p->pOut, "</pre>", 6);
            blob_append(p->pOut, "&lt;", 4);
            n = 1;
        }else if( markup.iCode==MARKUP_INVALID ){
          blob_append(p->pOut, "&lt;", 4);
          n = 1;
        }else if( (markup.iType&MUTYPE_FONT)==0
                    && (p->state & FONT_MARKUP_ONLY)!=0 ){
          /* Do nothing */
        }else if( inlineOnly && (markup.iType&MUTYPE_INLINE)==0 ){
          /* Do nothing */
        }else if( markup.iCode==MARKUP_NOWIKI ){
          if( markup.endTag ){
            p->state |= ALLOW_WIKI;
            p->state &= ~ALLOW_WIKI;
        }else if( markup.endTag ){
          popStackToTag(p, markup.iCode);
        }else if( markup.iCode==MARKUP_VERBATIM ){
          if( markup.nAttr==1 ){
            p->zVerbatimId = markup.aAttr[0].zValue;
            p->zVerbatimId = 0;
          p->inVerbatim = 1;
          p->preVerbState = p->state;
          p->state &= ~ALLOW_WIKI;
          blob_append(p->pOut, "<pre>", 5);
          p->wantAutoParagraph = 0;
        }else if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_LI ){
          if( backupToType(p, MUTYPE_LIST)==0 ){
            pushStack(p, MARKUP_UL);
            blob_append(p->pOut, "<ul>", 4);
          pushStack(p, MARKUP_LI);
          renderMarkup(p->pOut, &markup);
        }else if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_TR ){
          if( backupToType(p, MUTYPE_TABLE) ){
            pushStack(p, MARKUP_TR);
            renderMarkup(p->pOut, &markup);
        }else if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_TD ){
          if( backupToType(p, MUTYPE_TABLE|MUTYPE_TR) ){
            if( stackTopType(p)==MUTYPE_TABLE ){
              pushStack(p, MARKUP_TR);
              blob_append(p->pOut, "<tr>", 4);
            pushStack(p, markup.iCode);
            renderMarkup(p->pOut, &markup);
        }else if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_HYPERLINK ){
          popStackToTag(p, markup.iCode);
          renderMarkup(p->pOut, &markup);
          pushStack(p, markup.iCode);
          if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_FONT ){
          }else if( markup.iType==MUTYPE_BLOCK ){
            p->wantAutoParagraph = 0;
          if( (markup.iType & MUTYPE_STACK )!=0 ){
            pushStack(p, markup.iCode);
          renderMarkup(p->pOut, &markup);
    z += n;

** Transform the text in the pIn blob.  Write the results
** into the pOut blob.  The pOut blob should already be
** initialized.  The output is merely appended to pOut.
** If pOut is NULL, then the output is appended to the CGI
** reply.
void wiki_convert(Blob *pIn, Blob *pOut, int flags){
  char *z;
  Renderer renderer;
  memset(&renderer, 0, sizeof(renderer));
  if( flags & WIKI_NOBLOCK ){
    renderer.state |= INLINE_MARKUP_ONLY;
  if( flags & WIKI_INLINE ){
    renderer.wantAutoParagraph = 0;
    renderer.wantAutoParagraph = 1;
  if( pOut ){
    renderer.pOut = pOut;
    renderer.pOut = cgi_output_blob();

  z = blob_str(pIn);
  wiki_render(&renderer, z);
  while( renderer.nStack ){
  blob_append(renderer.pOut, "\n", 1);

** COMMAND: test-wiki-render
void test_wiki_render(void){
  Blob in, out;
  if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("FILE");
  blob_read_from_file(&in, g.argv[2]);
  wiki_convert(&in, &out, 0);
  blob_write_to_file(&out, "-");