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Artifact 09a4698442b3d1228b405edcfc2f2da6995642b2

File src/main.c part of check-in [dccd27c6da] - Added a global command line argument named -quiet. This will suppress some output (currently during sync) for those interfacing fossil with various development tools. It does not make eliminate all output, only the output that is meant for fancy display to the user on a console. You can now use this new flag anywhere by referencing if (!g.fQuiet) {...} by jeremy_c on 2009-12-14 23:18:54.

** Copyright (c) 2006 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
** License along with this library; if not, write to the
** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
** Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
** Author contact information:
** This module codes the main() procedure that runs first when the
** program is invoked.
#include "config.h"
#include "main.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>


** Number of elements in an array
#define count(X)  (sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))

** Size of a UUID in characters
#define UUID_SIZE 40

** Maximum number of auxiliary parameters on reports
#define MX_AUX  5

** All global variables are in this structure.
struct Global {
  int argc; char **argv;  /* Command-line arguments to the program */
  int isConst;            /* True if the output is unchanging */
  sqlite3 *db;            /* The connection to the databases */
  sqlite3 *dbConfig;      /* Separate connection for global_config table */
  int useAttach;          /* True if global_config is attached to repository */
  int configOpen;         /* True if the config database is open */
  long long int now;      /* Seconds since 1970 */
  int repositoryOpen;     /* True if the main repository database is open */
  char *zRepositoryName;  /* Name of the repository database */
  const char *zHome;      /* Name of user home directory */
  int localOpen;          /* True if the local database is open */
  char *zLocalRoot;       /* The directory holding the  local database */
  int minPrefix;          /* Number of digits needed for a distinct UUID */
  int fSqlTrace;          /* True if -sqltrace flag is present */
  int fSqlPrint;          /* True if -sqlprint flag is present */
  int fQuiet;             /* True if -quiet flag is present */
  int fHttpTrace;         /* Trace outbound HTTP requests */
  int fNoSync;            /* Do not do an autosync even.  --nosync */
  char *zPath;            /* Name of webpage being served */
  char *zExtra;           /* Extra path information past the webpage name */
  char *zBaseURL;         /* Full text of the URL being served */
  char *zTop;             /* Parent directory of zPath */
  const char *zContentType;  /* The content type of the input HTTP request */
  int iErrPriority;       /* Priority of current error message */
  char *zErrMsg;          /* Text of an error message */
  Blob cgiIn;             /* Input to an xfer www method */
  int cgiPanic;           /* Write error messages to CGI */
  int xferPanic;          /* Write error messages in XFER protocol */
  int fullHttpReply;      /* True for full HTTP reply.  False for CGI reply */
  Th_Interp *interp;      /* The TH1 interpreter */
  FILE *httpIn;           /* Accept HTTP input from here */
  FILE *httpOut;          /* Send HTTP output here */
  int xlinkClusterOnly;   /* Set when cloning.  Only process clusters */
  int fTimeFormat;        /* 1 for UTC.  2 for localtime.  0 not yet selected */
  int *aCommitFile;       /* Array of files to be committed */
  int markPrivate;        /* All new artifacts are private if true */

  int urlIsFile;          /* True if a "file:" url */
  int urlIsHttps;         /* True if a "https:" url */
  char *urlName;          /* Hostname for http: or filename for file: */
  char *urlHostname;      /* The HOST: parameter on http headers */
  char *urlProtocol;      /* "http" or "https" */
  int urlPort;            /* TCP port number for http: or https: */
  int urlDfltPort;        /* The default port for the given protocol */
  char *urlPath;          /* Pathname for http: */
  char *urlUser;          /* User id for http: */
  char *urlPasswd;        /* Password for http: */
  char *urlCanonical;     /* Canonical representation of the URL */
  char *urlProxyAuth;     /* Proxy-Authorizer: string */

  const char *zLogin;     /* Login name.  "" if not logged in. */
  int noPswd;             /* Logged in without password (on */
  int userUid;            /* Integer user id */

  /* Information used to populate the RCVFROM table */
  int rcvid;              /* The rcvid.  0 if not yet defined. */
  char *zIpAddr;          /* The remote IP address */
  char *zNonce;           /* The nonce used for login */
  /* permissions used by the server */
  int okSetup;            /* s: use Setup screens on web interface */
  int okAdmin;            /* a: administrative permission */
  int okDelete;           /* d: delete wiki or tickets */
  int okPassword;         /* p: change password */
  int okQuery;            /* q: create new reports */
  int okWrite;            /* i: xfer inbound. checkin */
  int okRead;             /* o: xfer outbound. checkout */
  int okHistory;          /* h: access historical information. */
  int okClone;            /* g: clone */
  int okRdWiki;           /* j: view wiki via web */
  int okNewWiki;          /* f: create new wiki via web */
  int okApndWiki;         /* m: append to wiki via web */
  int okWrWiki;           /* k: edit wiki via web */
  int okRdTkt;            /* r: view tickets via web */
  int okNewTkt;           /* n: create new tickets */
  int okApndTkt;          /* c: append to tickets via the web */
  int okWrTkt;            /* w: make changes to tickets via web */
  int okTktFmt;           /* t: create new ticket report formats */
  int okRdAddr;           /* e: read email addresses or other private data */
  int okZip;              /* z: download zipped artifact via /zip URL */

  /* For defense against Cross-site Request Forgery attacks */
  char zCsrfToken[12];    /* Value of the anti-CSRF token */
  int okCsrf;             /* Anti-CSRF token is present and valid */

  FILE *fDebug;           /* Write debug information here, if the file exists */
  int thTrace;            /* True to enable TH1 debugging output */
  Blob thLog;             /* Text of the TH1 debugging output */

  int isHome;             /* True if rendering the "home" page */

  /* Storage for the aux() and/or option() SQL function arguments */
  int nAux;                    /* Number of distinct aux() or option() values */
  const char *azAuxName[MX_AUX]; /* Name of each aux() or option() value */
  char *azAuxParam[MX_AUX];      /* Param of each aux() or option() value */
  const char *azAuxVal[MX_AUX];  /* Value of each aux() or option() value */
  const char **azAuxOpt[MX_AUX]; /* Options of each option() value */
  int anAuxCols[MX_AUX];         /* Number of columns for option() values */

** Macro for debugging:
#define CGIDEBUG(X)  if( g.fDebug ) cgi_debug X


Global g;

** The table of web pages supported by this application is generated 
** automatically by the "mkindex" program and written into a file
** named "page_index.h".  We include that file here to get access
** to the table.
#include "page_index.h"

** Search for a function whose name matches zName.  Write a pointer to
** that function into *pxFunc and return 0.  If no match is found,
** return 1.  If the command is ambiguous return 2;
** The NameMap structure and the tables we are searching against are
** defined in the page_index.h header file which is automatically
** generated by mkindex.c program.
static int name_search(
  const char *zName,       /* The name we are looking for */
  const NameMap *aMap,     /* Search in this array */
  int nMap,                /* Number of slots in aMap[] */
  int *pIndex              /* OUT: The index in aMap[] of the match */
  int upr, lwr, cnt, m, i;
  int n = strlen(zName);
  lwr = 0;
  upr = nMap-1;
  while( lwr<=upr ){
    int mid, c;
    mid = (upr+lwr)/2;
    c = strcmp(zName, aMap[mid].zName);
    if( c==0 ){
      *pIndex = mid;
      return 0;
    }else if( c<0 ){
      upr = mid - 1;
      lwr = mid + 1;
  for(m=cnt=0, i=upr-2; i<=upr+3 && i<nMap; i++){
    if( i<0 ) continue;
    if( strncmp(zName, aMap[i].zName, n)==0 ){
      m = i;
  if( cnt==1 ){
    *pIndex = m;
    return 0;
  return 1+(cnt>1);

** This procedure runs first.
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  const char *zCmdName;
  int idx;
  int rc; = time(0);
  g.argc = argc;
  g.argv = argv;
  if( getenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE")!=0 ){
    zCmdName = "cgi";
  }else if( argc<2 ){
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s COMMAND ...\n", argv[0]);
    g.fQuiet = find_option("quiet", 0, 0)!=0;
    g.fSqlTrace = find_option("sqltrace", 0, 0)!=0;
    g.fSqlPrint = find_option("sqlprint", 0, 0)!=0;
    g.fHttpTrace = find_option("httptrace", 0, 0)!=0;
    g.zLogin = find_option("user", "U", 1);
    zCmdName = argv[1];
  rc = name_search(zCmdName, aCommand, count(aCommand), &idx);
  if( rc==1 ){
    fprintf(stderr,"%s: unknown command: %s\n"
                   "%s: use \"help\" for more information\n",
                   argv[0], zCmdName, argv[0]);
    return 1;
  }else if( rc==2 ){
    fprintf(stderr,"%s: ambiguous command prefix: %s\n"
                   "%s: use \"help\" for more information\n",
                   argv[0], zCmdName, argv[0]);
    return 1;
  return 0;

** Print an error message, rollback all databases, and quit.
void fossil_panic(const char *zFormat, ...){
  char *z;
  va_list ap;
  static int once = 1;
  va_start(ap, zFormat);
  z = vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
  if( g.cgiPanic && once ){
    once = 0;
    cgi_printf("<p><font color=\"red\">%h</font></p>", z);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g.argv[0], z);
void fossil_fatal(const char *zFormat, ...){
  char *z;
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, zFormat);
  z = vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
  if( g.cgiPanic ){
    g.cgiPanic = 0;
    cgi_printf("<p><font color=\"red\">%h</font></p>", z);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g.argv[0], z);
void fossil_warning(const char *zFormat, ...){
  char *z;
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, zFormat);
  z = vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
  if( g.cgiPanic ){
    cgi_printf("<p><font color=\"red\">%h</font></p>", z);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g.argv[0], z);

** Print a usage comment and quit
void usage(const char *zFormat){
  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s %s\n", g.argv[0], g.argv[1], zFormat);

** Remove n elements from g.argv beginning with the i-th element.
void remove_from_argv(int i, int n){
  int j;
  for(j=i+n; j<g.argc; i++, j++){
    g.argv[i] = g.argv[j];
  g.argc = i;

** Look for a command-line option.  If present, return a pointer.
** Return NULL if missing.
** hasArg==0 means the option is a flag.  It is either present or not.
** hasArg==1 means the option has an argument.  Return a pointer to the
** argument.
const char *find_option(const char *zLong, const char *zShort, int hasArg){
  int i;
  int nLong;
  const char *zReturn = 0;
  assert( hasArg==0 || hasArg==1 );
  nLong = strlen(zLong);
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    char *z;
    if (i+hasArg >= g.argc) break;
    z = g.argv[i];
    if( z[0]!='-' ) continue;
    if( z[0]=='-' ){
      if( z[1]==0 ){
        remove_from_argv(i, 1);
    if( strncmp(z,zLong,nLong)==0 ){
      if( hasArg && z[nLong]=='=' ){
        zReturn = &z[nLong+1];
        remove_from_argv(i, 1);
      }else if( z[nLong]==0 ){
        zReturn = g.argv[i+hasArg];
        remove_from_argv(i, 1+hasArg);
    }else if( zShort!=0 && strcmp(z,zShort)==0 ){
      zReturn = g.argv[i+hasArg];
      remove_from_argv(i, 1+hasArg);
  return zReturn;

** Verify that there are no unprocessed command-line options.  If
** Any remaining command-line argument begins with "-" print
** an error message and quit.
void verify_all_options(void){
  int i;
  for(i=1; i<g.argc; i++){
    if( g.argv[i][0]=='-' ){
      fossil_fatal("unrecognized command-line option, or missing argument: %s", g.argv[i]);

** Print a list of words in multiple columns.
static void multi_column_list(const char **azWord, int nWord){
  int i, j, len;
  int mxLen = 0;
  int nCol;
  int nRow;
  for(i=0; i<nWord; i++){
    len = strlen(azWord[i]);
    if( len>mxLen ) mxLen = len;
  nCol = 80/(mxLen+2);
  if( nCol==0 ) nCol = 1;
  nRow = (nWord + nCol - 1)/nCol;
  for(i=0; i<nRow; i++){
    const char *zSpacer = "";
    for(j=i; j<nWord; j+=nRow){
      printf("%s%-*s", zSpacer, mxLen, azWord[j]);
      zSpacer = "  ";

** COM MAND: commands
** Usage: %fossil commands
** List all supported commands.
void cmd_cmd_list(void){
  int i, nCmd;
  const char *aCmd[count(aCommand)];
  for(i=nCmd=0; i<count(aCommand); i++){
    if( strncmp(aCommand[i].zName,"test",4)==0 ) continue;
    /* if( strcmp(aCommand[i].zName, g.argv[1])==0 ) continue; */
    aCmd[nCmd++] = aCommand[i].zName;
  multi_column_list(aCmd, nCmd);

** COMMAND: test-commands
** Usage: %fossil test-commands
** List all commands used for testing and debugging.
void cmd_test_cmd_list(void){
  int i, nCmd;
  const char *aCmd[count(aCommand)];
  for(i=nCmd=0; i<count(aCommand); i++){
    if( strncmp(aCommand[i].zName,"test",4)!=0 ) continue;
    /* if( strcmp(aCommand[i].zName, g.argv[1])==0 ) continue; */
    aCmd[nCmd++] = aCommand[i].zName;
  multi_column_list(aCmd, nCmd);

** COMMAND: version
** Usage: %fossil version
** Print the source code version number for the fossil executable.
void version_cmd(void){
  printf("This is fossil version " MANIFEST_VERSION " " MANIFEST_DATE " UTC\n");

** COMMAND: help
** Usage: %fossil help COMMAND
** Display information on how to use COMMAND
void help_cmd(void){
  int rc, idx;
  const char *z;
  if( g.argc!=3 ){
    printf("Usage: %s help COMMAND.\nAvailable COMMANDs:\n", g.argv[0]);
  rc = name_search(g.argv[2], aCommand, count(aCommand), &idx);
  if( rc==1 ){
    fossil_fatal("unknown command: %s", g.argv[2]);
  }else if( rc==2 ){
    fossil_fatal("ambiguous command prefix: %s", g.argv[2]);
  z = aCmdHelp[idx];
  if( z==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("no help available for the %s command",
  while( *z ){
    if( *z=='%' && strncmp(z, "%fossil", 7)==0 ){
      printf("%s", g.argv[0]);
      z += 7;

** Set the g.zBaseURL value to the full URL for the toplevel of
** the fossil tree.  Set g.zHomeURL to g.zBaseURL without the
** leading "http://" and the host and port.
void set_base_url(void){
  int i;
  const char *zHost = PD("HTTP_HOST","");
  const char *zMode = PD("HTTPS","off");
  const char *zCur = PD("SCRIPT_NAME","/");

  i = strlen(zCur);
  while( i>0 && zCur[i-1]=='/' ) i--;
  if( strcmp(zMode,"on")==0 ){
    g.zBaseURL = mprintf("https://%s%.*s", zHost, i, zCur);
    g.zTop = &g.zBaseURL[8+strlen(zHost)];
    g.zBaseURL = mprintf("http://%s%.*s", zHost, i, zCur);
    g.zTop = &g.zBaseURL[7+strlen(zHost)];

** Send an HTTP redirect back to the designated Index Page.
void fossil_redirect_home(void){
  cgi_redirectf("%s%s", g.zBaseURL, db_get("index-page", "/index"));

** Preconditions:
**    * Environment variables are set up according to the CGI standard.
**    * The respository database has been located and opened.
** Process the webpage specified by the PATH_INFO or REQUEST_URI
** environment variable.
static void process_one_web_page(void){
  const char *zPathInfo;
  char *zPath = NULL;
  int idx;
  int i;

  /* Find the page that the user has requested, construct and deliver that
  ** page.
  zPathInfo = P("PATH_INFO");
  if( zPathInfo==0 || zPathInfo[0]==0 
      || (zPathInfo[0]=='/' && zPathInfo[1]==0) ){
    zPath = mprintf("%s", zPathInfo);

  /* Remove the leading "/" at the beginning of the path.
  g.zPath = &zPath[1];
  for(i=1; zPath[i] && zPath[i]!='/'; i++){}
  if( zPath[i]=='/' ){
    zPath[i] = 0;
    g.zExtra = &zPath[i+1];
    g.zExtra = 0;
  if( g.zExtra ){
    /* CGI parameters get this treatment elsewhere, but places like getfile
    ** will use g.zExtra directly.
    cgi_set_parameter_nocopy("name", g.zExtra);

  /* Prevent robots from indexing this site.
  if( strcmp(g.zPath, "robots.txt")==0 ){
    @ User-agent: *
    @ Disallow: /
  /* Locate the method specified by the path and execute the function
  ** that implements that method.
  if( name_search(g.zPath, aWebpage, count(aWebpage), &idx) &&
      name_search("not_found", aWebpage, count(aWebpage), &idx) ){
    cgi_set_status(404,"Not Found");
    @ <h1>Not Found</h1>
    @ <p>Page not found: %h(g.zPath)</p>

  /* Return the result.

** COMMAND: cgi
** Usage: %fossil ?cgi? SCRIPT
** The SCRIPT argument is the name of a file that is the CGI script
** that is being run.  The command name, "cgi", may be omitted if
** the GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable is set to "CGI" (which
** should always be the case for CGI scripts run by a webserver.)  The
** SCRIPT file should look something like this:
**      #!/usr/bin/fossil
**      repository: /home/somebody/project.db
** The second line defines the name of the repository.  After locating
** the repository, fossil will generate a webpage on stdout based on
** the values of standard CGI environment variables.
void cmd_cgi(void){
  const char *zFile;
  Blob config, line, key, value;
  if( g.argc==3 && strcmp(g.argv[1],"cgi")==0 ){
    zFile = g.argv[2];
    zFile = g.argv[1];
  g.httpOut = stdout;
  g.httpIn = stdin;
#ifdef __MINGW32__
  /* Set binary mode on windows to avoid undesired translations
  ** between \n and \r\n. */
  setmode(_fileno(g.httpOut), _O_BINARY);
  setmode(_fileno(g.httpIn), _O_BINARY);
#ifdef __EMX__
  /* Similar hack for OS/2 */
  setmode(fileno(g.httpOut), O_BINARY);
  setmode(fileno(g.httpIn), O_BINARY);
  g.cgiPanic = 1;
  blob_read_from_file(&config, zFile);
  while( blob_line(&config, &line) ){
    if( !blob_token(&line, &key) ) continue;
    if( blob_buffer(&key)[0]=='#' ) continue;
    if( blob_eq(&key, "debug:") && blob_token(&line, &value) ){
      g.fDebug = fopen(blob_str(&value), "a");
    if( blob_eq(&key, "HOME:") && blob_token(&line, &value) ){
      cgi_setenv("HOME", blob_str(&value));
    if( blob_eq(&key, "repository:") && blob_token(&line, &value) ){
  if( g.db==0 ){
    cgi_panic("Unable to find or open the project repository");

** undocumented format:
** The argv==6 form is used by the win32 server only.
** COMMAND: http
** Usage: %fossil http REPOSITORY
** Handle a single HTTP request appearing on stdin.  The resulting webpage
** is delivered on stdout.  This method is used to launch an HTTP request
** handler from inetd, for example.  The argument is the name of the 
** repository.
void cmd_http(void){
  const char *zIpAddr;
  if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 && g.argc!=6 ){
    cgi_panic("no repository specified");
#if !defined(__MINGW32__)
  if( g.argc==3 && getuid()==0 ){
    int i;
    char *zRepo = g.argv[2];
    struct stat sStat;
    for(i=strlen(zRepo)-1; i>0 && zRepo[i]!='/'; i--){}
    if( zRepo[i]=='/' ){
      zRepo[i] = 0;
      g.argv[2] = &zRepo[i+1];
    if( stat(g.argv[2], &sStat)!=0 ){
      fossil_fatal("cannot stat() repository: %s", g.argv[2]);
  g.cgiPanic = 1;
  g.fullHttpReply = 1;
  if( g.argc==6 ){
    g.httpIn = fopen(g.argv[3], "rb");
    g.httpOut = fopen(g.argv[4], "wb");
    zIpAddr = g.argv[5];
    g.httpIn = stdin;
    g.httpOut = stdout;
    zIpAddr = 0;
  if( g.argc>=3 ){

** COMMAND: test-http
** Works like the http command but gives setup permission to all users.
void cmd_test_http(void){

#if !defined(__DARWIN__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
** Search for an executable on the PATH environment variable.
** Return true (1) if found and false (0) if not found.
static int binaryOnPath(const char *zBinary){
  const char *zPath = getenv("PATH");
  char *zFull;
  int i;
  int bExists;
  while( zPath && zPath[0] ){
    while( zPath[0]==':' ) zPath++;
    for(i=0; zPath[i] && zPath[i]!=':'; i++){}
    zFull = mprintf("%.*s/%s", i, zPath, zBinary);
    bExists = access(zFull, X_OK);
    if( bExists==0 ) return 1;
    zPath += i;
  return 0;

** COMMAND: server
** COMMAND: ui
** Usage: %fossil server ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
**    Or: %fossil ui ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
** Open a socket and begin listening and responding to HTTP requests on
** TCP port 8080, or on any other TCP port defined by the -P or
** --port option.  The optional argument is the name of the repository.
** The repository argument may be omitted if the working directory is
** within an open checkout.
** The "ui" command automatically starts a web browser after initializing
** the web server.
void cmd_webserver(void){
  int iPort, mxPort;
  const char *zPort;
  char *zBrowser;
  char *zBrowserCmd = 0;

  g.thTrace = find_option("th-trace", 0, 0)!=0;
  if( g.thTrace ){
  zPort = find_option("port", "P", 1);
  if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 ) usage("?REPOSITORY?");
  if( g.argc==2 ){
  if( zPort ){
    iPort = mxPort = atoi(zPort);
    iPort = db_get_int("http-port", 8080);
    mxPort = iPort+100;
#ifndef __MINGW32__
  /* Unix implementation */
  if( g.argv[1][0]=='u' ){
#if !defined(__DARWIN__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
    zBrowser = db_get("web-browser", 0);
    if( zBrowser==0 ){
      static char *azBrowserProg[] = { "xdg-open", "gnome-open", "firefox" };
      int i;
      zBrowser = "echo";
      for(i=0; i<sizeof(azBrowserProg)/sizeof(azBrowserProg[0]); i++){
        if( binaryOnPath(azBrowserProg[i]) ){
          zBrowser = azBrowserProg[i];
    zBrowser = db_get("web-browser", "open");
    zBrowserCmd = mprintf("%s http://localhost:%%d/ &", zBrowser);
  if( cgi_http_server(iPort, mxPort, zBrowserCmd) ){
    fossil_fatal("unable to listen on TCP socket %d", iPort);
  g.httpIn = stdin;
  g.httpOut = stdout;
  if( g.fHttpTrace ){
    fprintf(stderr, "====== SERVER pid %d =======\n", getpid());
  g.cgiPanic = 1;
  if( g.argc==2 ){
  /* Win32 implementation */
  if( g.argv[1][0]=='u' ){
    zBrowser = db_get("web-browser", "start");
    zBrowserCmd = mprintf("%s", zBrowser);
  win32_http_server(iPort, mxPort, zBrowserCmd);