Artifact d83e6610b91c9e09d98b52b3827ae1541c0f6dfd
part of check-in
- merge trunk into creole branch
bob on
2009-09-22 07:49:39.
Also file
part of check-in
- Documentation updates. Add a nice header to the "Download" page.
drh on
2009-09-12 17:21:12.
# Run this script to build the "download" page on standard output.
puts \
<title>Fossil: Downloads</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fossil/style.css" type="text/css"
<div class="header">
<div class="logo">
<img src="/fossil/doc/tip/www/fossil_logo_small.gif" alt="logo">
<div class="title">Fossil Downloads</div>
<div class="mainmenu"><a href='/fossil/doc/tip/www/'>Home</a><a href='/fossil/leaves'>Leaves</a><a href='/fossil/timeline'>Timeline</a><a href='/fossil/brlist'>Branches</a><a href='/fossil/taglist'>Tags</a><a href='/fossil/reportlist'>Tickets</a><a href='/fossil/wiki'>Wiki</a><a href='/fossil/login'>Login</a></div>
<div class="content">
Click on links below to download prebuilt binaries and source tarballs for
recent versions of <a href="/fossil">Fossil</a>.
The historical source code is also available in the
<a href="/fossil/doc/tip/www/">self-hosting
Fossil repositories</a>.
<table cellpadding="5">
proc Product {pattern desc} {
set flist [glob -nocomplain download/$pattern]
foreach file [lsort -dict $flist] {
set file [file tail $file]
if {![regexp -- {-([0-9]+)\.} $file all version]} continue
set mtime [file mtime download/$file]
set date [clock format $mtime -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC} -gmt 1]
set size [file size download/$file]
set units bytes
if {$size>1024*1024} {
set size [format %.2f [expr {$size/(1024.0*1024.0)}]]
set units MiB
} elseif {$size>1024} {
set size [format %.2f [expr {$size/(1024.0)}]]
set units KiB
puts "<tr><td width=\"10\"></td>"
puts "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">"
puts "<a href=\"download/$file\">$file</a></td>"
puts "<td width=\"5\"></td>"
regsub -all VERSION $desc $version d2
puts "<td valign=\"top\">[string trim $d2].<br>Size: $size $units.<br>"
puts "Created: $date</td></tr>"
Product fossil-linux-x86-*.zip {
Prebuilt fossil binary version [VERSION] for Linux on x86
Product fossil-linux-amd64-*.zip {
Prebuilt fossil binary version [VERSION] for Linux on amd64
Product fossil-macosx-x86-*.zip {
Prebuilt fossil binary version [VERSION] for MacOSX on x86
Product fossil-w32-*.zip {
Prebuilt fossil binary version [VERSION] for windows
Product fossil-src-*.tar.gz {
Source code tarball for fossil version [VERSION]
puts {</table>