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Artifact a0e7b78210a1b068c540cfa534ac723bd7ea28ec

File tools/tclfossil/lib/vc/fossil/ part of check-in [2b9c6df430] - tclfossil: initial directory structure and package split up by mjanssen on 2008-02-19 18:05:51. Also file tools/tclfossil/lib/tf_db.tcl part of check-in [1c92462c04] - tclfossil: added revlist command by mjanssen on 2008-02-03 18:18:43.

package require Tcl 8.5
package require sqlite3
package require snit

snit::type ::vc::fossil::db {
    variable db
    method open_repository {{name {}}} {
	sqlite3 db1 c:/src/fossil.fsl
        set db db1
    method revlist {} {
	$db eval {select uuid from blob}

vc::fossil::db create fossildb

fossildb open_repository
puts [fossildb revlist]