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Artifact 93e4a1e5a55baba7b897dd6af2745f374b18af15

File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/rcsparser.tcl part of check-in [38b967dcf5] - Merge aku's CVS import changes into the main line. Fix a small bug in diff.c. by drh on 2007-11-17 00:29:42. Also file tools/cvs2fossil/lib/rcsparser.tcl part of check-in [fa643aa91d] - Disabled check for control characters in the log message. Allowing this for the moment, lets see if we run into trouble later on. Further reworked the check of symbol names, disallow forward slashs only at end. Found legal tags containing forward slashs in the middle. by aku on 2007-10-24 07:54:01.

## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

# A tool package, provides a parser for RCS archive files. This parser
# is implemented via recursive descent. It is not only given a file to
# process, but also a 'sink', an object it calls out to at important
# places of the parsing process to either signal an event and/or
# convey gathered information to it. The sink is responsible for the
# actual processing of the data in whatever way it desires.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4                             ; # Required runtime.
package require snit                                ; # OO system.
package require fileutil                            ; # File utilities.
package require vc::tools::log                      ; # User feedback.
package require struct::list                        ; # Advanced list ops.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

snit::type ::vc::rcs::parser {
    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Public API

    typemethod process {path sink} {
	Initialize $path $sink
	Call begin
	Admin ; Deltas ; Description ; DeltaTexts
	Call done

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods, recursive descent, syntactical processing

    proc Admin {} {
	Head ; PrincipalBranch ; Access ; Symbols
	Locks ; Strictness ; FileComment ; Expand
	Call admindone

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

    proc Head {} {
	RequiredLiteral head
	RequiredNumber -> head
	Call sethead $head

    proc PrincipalBranch {} {
	if {![OptionalLiteral branch]} return
	RequiredNumber -> branch
	Call setprincipalbranch $branch

    proc Access {} {
	RequiredLiteral access ;

    proc Symbols {} {
	RequiredLiteral symbols
	while {[Ident -> symbol]} {
	    if {
		![regexp {^\d*[^,.:;@$]([^,.:;@$]*\d*)*$} $symbol] ||
		[string match */ $symbol]
	    } {
		Bad {symbol name}
	    RequiredNumber -> rev
	    Call deftag $symbol $rev

    proc Locks {} {
	# Not saving locks.
	RequiredLiteral locks
	while {[Ident -> symbol]} {
	    RequiredNumber -> l

    proc Strictness {} {
	# Not saving strictness
	if {![OptionalLiteral strict]} return

    proc FileComment {} {
	if {![OptionalLiteral comment]} return
	if {![OptionalString -> c]} return
	Call setcomment $c

    proc Expand {} {
	# Not saving expanded keywords
	if {![OptionalLiteral expand]} return
	if {![OptionalString -> dummy]} return

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

    proc Deltas {} {
	set ok [OptionalNumber -> rev]
	while {$ok} {
	    Date     -> d
	    Author   -> a
	    State    -> s
	    Branches -> b
	    NextRev  -> n
	    Call def $rev $d $a $s $n $b

	    # Check if this is followed by a revision number or the
	    # literal 'desc'. If neither we consume whatever is there
	    # until the next semicolon, as it has to be a 'new
	    # phrase'. Otherwise, for a revision number we loop back
	    # and consume that revision, and lastly for 'desc' we stop
	    # completely as this signals the end of the revision tree
	    # and the beginning of the deltas.

	    while {1} {
		set ok [OptionalNumber -> rev]
		if {$ok} break

		if {[LiteralPeek desc]} {
		    set ok 0

		Anything -> dummy
	Call defdone

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

    proc Date {_ dv} {
	upvar 1 $dv d
	RequiredLiteral date
	RequiredNumber -> d

	struct::list assign [split $d .] year month day hour min sec
	if {$year < 100} {incr year 1900}
	set d [clock scan "${year}-${month}-${day} ${hour}:${min}:${sec}"]

    proc Author {_ av} {
	upvar 1 $av a
	RequiredLiteral author
	Anything -> a

    proc State {_ sv} {
	upvar 1 $sv s
	RequiredLiteral state
	Anything -> s

    proc Branches {_ bv} {
	upvar 1 $bv b
	RequiredLiteral branches
	Anything -> b

    proc NextRev {_ nv} {
	upvar 1 $nv n
	RequiredLiteral next
	Anything -> n

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

    proc Description {} {
	upvar 1 data data res res
	RequiredLiteral desc
	RequiredString -> d
	Call setdesc $d

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

    proc DeltaTexts {} {
	while {[OptionalNumber -> rev]} {
	    RequiredLiteral log
	    RequiredString      -> cmsg
	    if {[regexp {[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037]} $cmsg]} {
		#Bad "log message for $rev contains at least one control character"

	    RequiredLiteral text
	    RequiredStringRange -> delta
	    Call extend $rev $cmsg $delta

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods, lexiographical processing

    proc Semicolon {} {
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*;\s*} $mydata match]
	if {!$ok} { Expected ';' }

	SkipOver match

    proc RequiredLiteral {name} {
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set pattern "\\A\\s*$name\\s*"
	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- $pattern $mydata match]
	if {!$ok} { Expected '$name' }

	SkipOver match

    proc OptionalLiteral {name} {
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set pattern "\\A\\s*$name\\s*"
	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- $pattern $mydata match]
	if {!$ok} { return 0 }

	SkipOver match
	return 1

    proc LiteralPeek {name} {
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set pattern "\\A\\s*$name\\s*"
	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- $pattern $mydata match]
	if {!$ok} { return 0 }

	# NO - SkipOver match - Only looking ahead here.
	return 1

    proc RequiredNumber {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set pattern {\A\s*((\d|\.)+)\s*}
	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- $pattern $mydata match v]
	if {!$ok} { Expected id }

	Extract $v -> value
	SkipOver match

    proc OptionalNumber {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set pattern {\A\s*((\d|\.)+)\s*}
	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- $pattern $mydata match v]
	if {!$ok} { return 0 }

	Extract $v -> value
	SkipOver match
	return 1

    proc RequiredString {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*@(([^@]*(@@)*)*)@\s*} $mydata match v]
	if {!$ok} { Expected string }

	Extract $v -> value
	set value [string map {@@ @} $value]
	SkipOver match

    proc RequiredStringRange {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*@(([^@]*(@@)*)*)@\s*} $mydata match value]
	if {!$ok} { Expected string }

	SkipOver match

    proc OptionalString {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*@(([^@]*(@@)*)*)@\s*} $mydata match v]
	if {!$ok} { return 0 }

	Extract $v -> value
	set value [string map {@@ @} $value]
	SkipOver match
	return 1

    proc Ident {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*;\s*} $mydata]
	if {$ok} { return 0 }

	set ok [regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*([^:]*)\s*:\s*} $mydata match v]
	if {!$ok} { return 0 }

	Extract $v -> value
	SkipOver match
	return 1

    proc Anything {_ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos

	regexp -start $mypos -indices -- {\A\s*([^;]*)\s*} $mydata match v

	Extract $v -> value
	SkipOver match

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods, input handling

    proc Extract {range _ v} {
	upvar 1 $v value
	::variable mydata
	struct::list assign $range s e
	set value [string range $mydata $s $e]

    proc SkipOver {mv} {
	# Note: The indices are absolute!, not relative to the start
	# location.
	upvar 1 $mv match
	::variable mypos
	::variable mysize
	::variable mylastpos

	struct::list assign $match s e
	#puts "<$s $e> [info level -1]"

	set  mylastpos $mypos
	set  mypos $e
	incr mypos

	log progress 2 rcs $mypos $mysize
	#puts $mypos/$mysize

    proc Rewind {} {
	::variable mypos
	::variable mylastpos

	set  mypos $mylastpos

    proc Expected {x} {
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos
	set e $mypos ; incr e 30
	return -code error -errorcode vc::rcs::parser \
	    "Expected $x @ '[string range $mydata $mypos $e]...'" 

    proc Bad {x} {
	::variable mydata
	::variable mypos
	set e $mypos ; incr e 30
	return -code error -errorcode vc::rcs::parser \
	    "Bad $x @ '[string range $mydata $mypos $e]...'" 

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Setup, callbacks.

    proc Initialize {path sink} {
	::variable mypos  0
	::variable mydata [fileutil::cat -encoding binary $path]
	::variable mysize [file size $path]
	::variable mysink $sink

    proc Call {args} {
	::variable mysink
	set cmd $mysink
	foreach a $args { lappend cmd $a }
	eval $cmd

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Configuration

    typevariable mydata {} ; # Rcs archive contents to process
    typevariable mysize 0  ; # Length of contents
    typevariable mysink {} ; # Sink to report to

    pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
    pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
    pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

namespace eval ::vc::rcs {
    namespace export parser
    namespace eval parser {
	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
	log register rcs

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready

package provide vc::rcs::parser 1.0