Artifact 09c55e80b27f760a9025a764c6d2551ab9b562a7
part of check-in
- Modified sorting of timeline entries for the same second to properly split files and file versions from each other, and to have newer revisions later. Further added a storage for error messages to be repeated when the importer exist. First user is the code reporting corrupted archive files detected during a checkout.
aku on
2007-09-20 03:51:49.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Repository management (CVS), timeline of events.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::timeline {}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vc::cvs::ws::timeline::add date file revision operation author commit-msg
# vc::cvs::ws::timeline::foreach date file revision operation author commit-msg script
# Add entries to the timeline, and iterate over the timeline in proper order.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::timeline::add {date file revision operation author cmsg} {
variable timeline
lappend timeline($date) [list $file $revision $operation $author $cmsg]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::timeline::foreach {dv fv rv ov av cv script} {
upvar 1 $dv date $fv file $rv revision $ov operation $av author $cv cmsg
variable timeline
::foreach date [lsort -dict [array names timeline]] {
# file revision operation author commitmsg
# 0 1 2 3 4/end
# d e b c a
set entries [lsort -index 1 \
[lsort -index 0 \
[lsort -index 3 \
[lsort -index 2 \
[lsort -index end \
#puts [join $entries \n]
::foreach entry $entries {
lassign $entry file revision operation author cmsg
set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} res]
# 0 - ok, 1 - error, 2 - return, 3 - break, 4 - continue
switch -- $code {
0 {}
1 { return -errorcode $::errorCode -errorinfo $::errorInfo -code error $res }
2 {}
3 { return }
4 {}
default {
return -code $code $result
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internals
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::timeline::lassign {l args} {
::foreach v $args {upvar 1 $v $v}
::foreach $args $l break
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::timeline {
# Timeline: map (date -> list (file revision operation author commitmsg))
variable timeline
array set timeline {}
namespace export add
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready
package provide vc::cvs::ws::timeline 1.0