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Artifact a015f1382f998fda8c172c918e905d43a356a9ae

File tools/lib/cvs.tcl part of check-in [b504674c5f] - Fixed problems with the untested statistics module. Moved cset <-> uuid map out of cvs to control layer, separate package. Currently not really useful, will be needed when handling cvs branches. Moved some user feedback around, and the import control too. by aku on 2007-09-15 03:18:31.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Repository management (CVS)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4
package require fileutil        ; # Tcllib (traverse directory hierarchy)
package require vc::rcs::parser ; # Handling the RCS archive files.
package require vc::tools::log  ; # User feedback
package require vc::cvs::cmd    ; # Access to cvs application.
package require struct::tree

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    vc::tools::log::system cvs
    namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write
    namespace import ::vc::rcs::parser::process
    namespace import ::vc::cvs::cmd::dova

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Define repository directory.

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::at {path} {
    variable base [file normalize $path]
    write 0 cvs "Base: $base"

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    # Toplevel repository directory
    variable base {}

# Scan repository, collect archives, parse them, and collect revision
# information (file, revision -> date, author, commit message)

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::scan {} {
    variable base
    variable npaths
    variable rpaths
    variable timeline

    write 0 cvs {Scanning directory hierarchy}

    set n 0
    foreach rcs [fileutil::findByPattern $base -glob *,v] {
	set rcs [fileutil::stripPath $base $rcs]
	# Now rcs is relative to base

	write 1 cvs "Archive $rcs"

	if {[string match CVSROOT* $rcs]} {
	    write 2 cvs {Ignored. Administrative file}

	# Derive the regular path from the rcs path. Meaning: Chop of
	# the ",v" suffix, and remove a possible "Attic".
	set f [string range $rcs 0 end-2]
	if {"Attic" eq [lindex [file split $rcs] end-1]} {
	    set f [file join [file dirname [file dirname $f]] [file tail $f]]
	    if {[file exists $base/$f,v]} {
		# We have a regular archive and an Attic archive
		# refering to the same user visible file. Ignore the
		# file in the Attic.

		write 2 cvs "Ignored. Attic superceded by regular archive"

		# TODO/CHECK. My method of co'ing exact file revisions
		# per the info in the collected csets has the flaw
		# that I may have to know exactly when what archive
		# file to use, see above. It might be better to use
		# the info only to gather when csets begin and end,
		# and then to co complete slices per exact timestamp
		# (-D) instead of file revisions (-r). The flaw in
		# that is that csets can occur in the same second
		# (trf, memchan - check for examples). For that exact
		# checkout may be needed to recreate exact sequence of
		# changes. Grr. Six of one ...


	# Get the meta data we need (revisions, timeline, messages).
	set meta [process $base/$rcs]

	set npaths($rcs) $f
	set rpaths($f) $rcs

	array set p $meta

	foreach {rev ts} $p(date) {_ a} $p(author) {_ cm} $p(commit) {_ st} $p(state) {
	    set op [expr {($rev eq "1.1") ? "A" : "M"}]
	    if {$st eq "dead"} {set op "R"}

	    # A dead-first revision is rev 1.1 with op R. For an
	    # example see the file memchan/DEPENDENCIES. Such a file
	    # seems to exist only! on its branch. The branches
	    # information is set on the revision (extend rcsparser!),
	    # symbols has a tag, refering to a branch, possibly magic.

	    if {($rev eq "1.1") && ($op eq "R")} {
		write 2 cvs {Dead root revision}

	    lappend timeline($ts) [list $op $ts $a $rev $f $cm]

	#unset p(commit)
	#parray p

	incr n

    write 0 cvs "Processed $n [expr {($n == 1) ? "file" : "files"}]"

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    # Path mappings. npaths: rcs file  -> user file
    #                rpaths: user file -> rcs file, dead-status

    variable npaths   ; array set npaths   {}
    variable rpaths   ; array set rpaths   {}

    # Timeline: tstamp -> (op, tstamp, author, revision, file, commit message)

    variable timeline ; array set timeline {}

# Group single changes into changesets

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets {} {
    variable timeline
    variable csets
    variable ncs
    variable cmap

    array unset csets * ; array set csets {}
    array unset cmap  * ; array set cmap  {}
    set ncs 0

    write 0 cvs "Processing timeline"

    set n 0
    foreach ts [lsort -dict [array names timeline]] {

	# op tstamp author revision file commit
	# 0  1      2      3        4    5/end
	# b         c                    a

	set entries [lsort -index 2 [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index end $timeline($ts)]]]
	#puts [join $entries \n]

	foreach entry  $entries {
	    if {![CSNone] && [CSNew $entry]} {
		#puts ==\n$reason
	    CSAdd $entry
	    incr n

    write 0 cvs "Processed $n [expr {($n == 1) ? "entry" : "entries"}]"

    set n [array size csets]
    write 0 cvs "Found     $n [expr {($n == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    # Changeset data:
    # ncs:   Counter-based id generation
    # csets: id -> (user commit start end depth (file -> (op rev)))

    variable ncs      ; set       ncs   0  ; # Counter for changesets
    variable csets    ; array set csets {} ; # Changeset data

# Building the revision tree from the changesets.
# Limitation: Currently only trunk csets is handled.
# Limitation: Dead files are not removed, i.e. no 'R' actions right now.

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::rtree {} {
    variable csets
    variable rtree {}
    variable ntrunk 0

    write 0 cvs "Extracting the trunk"

    set rtree [struct::tree ::vc::cvs::ws::RT]
    $rtree rename root 0 ; # Root is first changeset, always.
    set trunk 0
    set ntrunk 1 ; # Root is on the trunk.
    set b      0 ; # No branch csets found yet.

    # Extracting the trunk is easy, simply by looking at the involved
    # version numbers. 

    foreach c [lrange [lsort -integer [array names csets]] 1 end] {
	foreach {u cm s e rd f} $csets($c) break

	# Ignore branch changes, just count them for the statistics.
	if {$rd != 2} {
	    incr b

	# Trunk revision, connect to, and update the head.
	$rtree insert $trunk end $c
	set trunk $c
	incr ntrunk

    write 0 cvs "Processed $ntrunk trunk  [expr {($ntrunk == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
    write 0 cvs "Ignored   $b branch [expr {($b == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    # Tree holding trunk and branch information (struct::tree).
    # Node names are cset id's.

    variable rtree {}
    variable ntrunk 0

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::workspace {} {
    variable cwd [pwd]
    variable workspace [fileutil::tempfile importF_cvs_ws_]
    file delete $workspace
    file mkdir  $workspace

    write 0 cvs "Workspace:  $workspace"

    cd     $workspace ; # Checkouts go here.
    return $workspace

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::wsignore {path} {
    # Ignore CVS admin files.
    if {[string match */CVS/* $path]} {return 1}
    return 0

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::wsclear {} {
    variable cwd
    variable workspace
    cd $cwd
    file delete -force $workspace

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::wssetup {c} {
    variable csets
    variable base

    # pwd = workspace

    foreach {u cm s e rd fs} $csets($c) break

    write 1 cvs "@  $s"

    foreach l [split [string trim $cm] \n] {
	write 1 cvs "|  $l"

    foreach {f or} $fs {
	foreach {op r} $or break
	write 2 cvs "$op  $f $r"

	if {$op eq "R"} {
	    # Remove file from workspace. Prune empty directories.
	    # NOTE: A dead-first file (rev 1.1 dead) will never have
	    # existed.
	    # NOTE: Logically empty directories still physically
	    # contain the CVS admin directory, hence the check for ==
	    # 1, not == 0. There might also be hidden files, we count
	    # them as well. Always hidden are . and .. and they do not
	    # count as user file.

	    file delete $f
	    set fd [file dirname $f]
	    if {
		([llength [glob -nocomplain -directory              $fd *]] == 1) &&
		([llength [glob -nocomplain -directory -type hidden $fd *]] == 2)
	    } {
		file delete -force $fd
	} else {
	    # Added or modified, put the requested version of the file
	    # into the workspace.

	    if {[catch {
		dova -d $base co -r $r $f
	    } msg]} {
		if {[string match {*invalid change text*} $msg]} {
		    # The archive of the file is corrupted and the
		    # chosen version not accessible due to that. We
		    # report the problem, but otherwise ignore it. As
		    # a consequence the fossil repository will not
		    # contain the full history of the named file. By
		    # ignoring the problem we however get as much as
		    # is possible.

		    write 0 cvs "EE Corrupted archive file. Inaccessible revision."
		return -code error $msg

    # Provide metadata about the changeset the backend may wish to have
    return [list $u $s $cm]

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    # Workspace where checkouts happen
    # Current working directory to go back to after the import.

    variable workspace {}
    variable cwd       {}

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::foreach_cset {cv node script} {
    upvar 1 $cv c
    variable rtree

    set c $node
    while {1} {
	set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} res]

	# 0 - ok, 1 - error, 2 - return, 3 - break, 4 - continue
	switch -- $code {
	    0 {}
	    1 { return -errorcode $::errorCode -errorinfo $::errorInfo -code error $res }
	    2 {}
	    3 { return }
	    4 {}
	    default {
		return -code $code $result

	# Stop on reaching the head.
	if {![llength [$rtree children $c]]} break

	#puts <[$rtree children $c]>

	# Go to next child in trunk (leftmost).
	set c [lindex [$rtree children $c] 0]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::root {} {
    return 0

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ntrunk {} {
    variable ntrunk
    return  $ntrunk

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ncsets {} {
    variable ncs
    return  $ncs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal helper commands: Changeset inspection and construction.

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSClear {} {
    upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd

    set start {}
    set end   {}
    set cm    {}
    set user  {}
    set lastd {}
    array unset files *
    array set files {}

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSNone {} {
    upvar 1 start start
    return [expr {$start eq ""}]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSNew {entry} {
    upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd reason reason

    #puts -nonewline stdout . ; flush stdout

    foreach {op ts a rev f ecm} $entry break

    # User change
    if {$a ne $user} {set reason user ; return 1}

    # File already in current cset
    if {[info exists files($f)]} {set reason file ; return 1}

    # Current cset trunk/branch different from entry.
    set depth [llength [split $rev .]]
    if {($lastd == 2) != ($depth == 2)} {set reason depth/$lastd/$depth/($rev)/$f ; return 1}

    # Commit message changed
    if {$cm ne $ecm} {set reason cmsg\ <<$ecm>> ; return 1}

    # Everything is good, still the same cset
    return 0

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSSave {} {
    variable cmap
    variable csets
    variable ncs
    upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd

    set csets($ncs) [list $user $cm $start $end $lastd [array get files]]

    # Record which revisions of a file are in what csets
    foreach {f or} [array get files] {
	foreach {_ rev} $or break
	set cmap([list $f $rev]) $ncs

    #CSDump $ncs

    incr ncs

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSAdd {entry} {
    upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd

    foreach {op ts a rev f ecm} $entry break

    if {$start eq ""} {set start $ts}
    set end       $ts
    set cm        $ecm
    set user      $a
    set files($f) [list $op $rev]
    set lastd     [llength [split $rev .]]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSDump {c} {
    variable csets
    foreach {u cm s e rd f} $csets($c) break

    puts "$u $s"; regsub -all {.} $u { } b
    puts "$b $e"
    foreach {f or} $f {
	foreach {o r} $or break
	puts "$b $o $f $r"

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
    namespace export at scan csets rtree workspace wsignore wsclear wssetup \
	foreach_cset root ntrunk ncsets

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready

package provide vc::cvs::ws 1.0