Artifact 5121bc95878caf94b541860f33d6aa6d69539e57
part of check-in
- Moved the import control code into its own package. The application has been reduced to command line processing and handing over to the new package.
aku on
2007-09-08 06:33:23.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tool packages. Main control module for importing from a CVS repository.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
package require cvs ; # Frontend, reading from source repository
package require fossil ; # Backend, writing to destination repository.
package require tools::log ; # User feedback
namespace eval ::import::cvs {
tools::log::system import
namespace import ::tools::log::write
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration
# import::cvs::configure key value - Set configuration
# Legal keys: -nosign <bool>, default false
# -debugcommit <bool>, default false
# -stopat <int>, default :none:
# Functionality
# import::cvs::run src dst - Perform an import.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation - Functionality
proc ::import::cvs::configure {key value} {
variable nosign
variable stopat
switch -exact -- $key {
-debugcommit {
if {![string is boolean -strict $value]} {
return -code error "Expected boolean, got \"$value\""
fossil::debugcommit $value
-nosign {
if {![string is boolean -strict $value]} {
return -code error "Expected boolean, got \"$value\""
set nosign $value
-stopat {
set stopat $value
default {
return -code error "Unknown switch $key, expected one of \
-debugcommit, -nosign, or -stopat"
# Import the CVS repository found at directory 'src' into the new
# fossil repository at 'dst'.
proc ::import::cvs::run {src dst} {
variable stopat
cvs::at $src ; # Define location of CVS repository
cvs::scan ; # Gather revision data from the archives
cvs::csets ; # Group changes into sets
cvs::rtree ; # Build revision tree (trunk only right now).
set tot 0.0
set nto 0
write 0 import {Begin conversion}
write 0 import {Setting up workspaces}
cvs::workspace ; # cd's to workspace
fossil::new ; # Uses cwd as workspace to connect to.
set ntrunk [cvs::ntrunk] ; set ntfmt %[string length $ntrunk]s
set nmax [cvs::ncsets] ; set nmfmt %[string length $nmax]s
cvs::foreach_cset cset [cvs::root] {
::tools::log::write 0 import "ChangeSet [format $nmfmt $cset] @ [format $ntfmt $nto]/$ntrunk ([format %6.2f [expr {$nto*100.0/$ntrunk}]]%)"
Statistics [OneChangeSet $cset]
write 0 import "========= [string repeat = 61]"
write 0 import "Imported $nto [expr {($nto == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
write 0 import "Within [format %.2f $tot] seconds (avg [format %.2f [expr {$tot/$nto}]] seconds/changeset)"
if {$stopat == $cset} return
fossil::destination $dst
write 0 import Ok.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal operations - Import a single changeset.
proc ::import::cvs::Statistics {sec} {
upvar 1 tot tot nto nto ntrunk ntrunk
# No statistics if the commit was stopped before it was run
if {$sec eq ""} return
incr nto
set tot [expr {$tot + $sec}]
set avg [expr {$tot/$nto}]
set max [expr {$ntrunk * $avg}]
set rem [expr {$max - $tot}]
::tools::log::write 3 import "st avg [format %.2f $avg] sec"
::tools::log::write 3 import "st run [format %7.2f $tot] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$tot/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$tot/3600}]] hr"
::tools::log::write 3 import "st end [format %7.2f $max] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$max/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$max/3600}]] hr"
::tools::log::write 3 import "st rem [format %7.2f $rem] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$rem/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$rem/3600}]] hr"
proc ::import::cvs::OneChangeSet {cset} {
variable nosign
variable stopat
if {$stopat == $cset} {
fossil::commit 1 cvs2fossil $nosign \
[cvs::wssetup $cset] ::cvs::wsignore
write 0 import Stopped.
return -code break
set usec [lindex [time {
foreach {uuid ad rm ch} \
[fossil::commit 0 cvs2fossil $nosign \
[cvs::wssetup $cset] ::cvs::wsignore] \
} 1] 0]
cvs::uuid $cset $uuid
set sec [expr {$usec/1e6}]
::tools::log::write 2 import "== $uuid +${ad}-${rm}*${ch}"
::tools::log::write 2 import "st in [format %.2f $sec] sec"
return $sec
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace eval ::import::cvs {
variable debugcommit 0 ; # Debug the commit operation.
variable nosign 0 ; # Require signing
variable stopat {} ; # Stop nowhere
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready
package provide import::cvs 1.0