Artifact 472799fd794f0ceb9bcfe1e8c006fd824f4cf126
part of check-in
- Reverting the change of a5840849d0. Use of 'preferedparent' is ok. The problem I attempted to fix is properly fixed by looking at the branch changesets as well during import, and by acknowledging that there can be branches which have no changesets committed to them.
aku on
2008-03-05 03:24:19.
## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Symbols (Tags, Branches) per project.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4 ; # Required runtime.
package require snit ; # OO system.
package require vc::tools::trouble ; # Error reporting.
package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback.
package require vc::tools::misc ; # Text formatting.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state ; # State storage.
package require struct::set ; # Set handling.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym {
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Public API
constructor {name id project} {
set myname $name
set myid $id
set myproject $project
# Count total number of symbols.
incr mynum
method name {} { return $myname }
method id {} { return $myid }
method istrunk {} { return 0 }
method parent {} {
return [$myproject getsymbol [state run {
FROM preferedparent P, symbol S
WHERE P.sid = $myid
AND S.sid =
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Symbol type
method determinetype {} {
# This is done by a fixed heuristics, with guidance by the
# user in edge-cases. Contrary to cvs2svn which uses a big
# honking streagy class and rule objects. Keep it simple, we
# can expand later when we actually need all the complexity
# for configurability.
# The following guidelines are applied:
# - Is usage unambigous ?
# - Was there ever a commit on the symbol ?
# - More used as tag, or more used as branch ?
# - At last, what has the user told us about it ?
# - Fail
foreach rule {
} {
set chosen [$self $rule]
if {$chosen eq $myundef} continue
$self MarkAs $rule $chosen
# None of the above was able to decide which type to assign to
# the symbol. This is a fatal error preventing the execution
# of the passes after 'CollateSymbols'.
incr myrulecount(Undecided_)
trouble fatal "Unable to decide how to convert symbol '$myname'"
method markthetrunk {} { $self MarkAs IsTheTrunk $mybranch ; return }
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Symbol statistics
method defcounts {tc bc cc} {
set mybranchcount $tc
set mytagcount $bc
set mycommitcount $cc
method countasbranch {} { incr mybranchcount ; return }
method countastag {} { incr mytagcount ; return }
method countacommit {} { incr mycommitcount ; return }
method blockedby {symbol} {
# Remember the symbol as preventing the removal of this
# symbol. Ot is a tag or branch that spawned from a revision
# on this symbol.
struct::set include myblockers $symbol
method possibleparent {symbol} {
log write 9 symbol "Possible parent ($myname) = [$symbol name]"
if {[info exists mypparent($symbol)]} {
incr mypparent($symbol)
} else {
set mypparent($symbol) 1
method isghost {} {
# Checks if this symbol (as line of development) never
# existed.
if {$mycommitcount > 0} { return 0 }
if {[llength $myblockers]} { return 0 }
if {[array size mypparent] > 0} { return 0 }
return 1
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method persistrev {} {
set pid [$myproject id]
state transaction {
state run {
INSERT INTO symbol ( sid, pid, name, type, tag_count, branch_count, commit_count)
VALUES ($myid, $pid, $myname, $myundef, $mytagcount, $mybranchcount, $mycommitcount);
foreach symbol $myblockers {
set bid [$symbol id]
state run {
INSERT INTO blocker (sid, bid)
VALUES ($myid, $bid);
foreach {symbol count} [array get mypparent] {
set pid [$symbol id]
state run {
INSERT INTO parent (sid, pid, n)
VALUES ($myid, $pid, $count);
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## State
variable myproject {} ; # Reference to the project object
# containing the symbol.
variable myname {} ; # The symbol's name
variable myid {} ; # Repository wide numeric id of the
# symbol. This implicitly encodes the
# project as well.
variable mybranchcount 0 ; # Count how many uses as branch.
variable mytagcount 0 ; # Count how many uses as tag.
variable mycommitcount 0 ; # Count how many files did a commit on the symbol.
variable myblockers {} ; # List (Set) of the symbols which block
# the exclusion of this symbol.
variable mypparent -array {} ; # Maps from symbols to the number
# of files in which it could have
# been a parent of this symbol.
variable mytype {} ; # The type chosen for the symbol to use in
# the conversion.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
typemethod exclude {pattern} {
# Store the pattern in memory for use by the code doing type
# determination.
lappend myexcludepattern [ProcessPattern $pattern exclusion]
typemethod forcetag {pattern} {
# Store the pattern in memory for use by the code doing type
# determination.
lappend myforcepattern [ProcessPattern $pattern force-tag] $mytag
typemethod forcebranch {pattern} {
# Store the pattern in memory for use by the code doing type
# determination.
lappend myforcepattern [ProcessPattern $pattern force-branch] $mybranch
proc ProcessPattern {pattern label} {
if {[string match *:*:* $pattern]} {
# Bad syntax for the pattern, using multiple colons.
trouble fatal "Bad $label pattern '$pattern'"
} elseif {![string match *:* $pattern]} {
# When only a symbol pattern is specified it applies to
# all projects.
return [list * $pattern]
} else {
# Both project and symbol patterns are present, we split
# them apart now for storage and easier extraction later.
return [split $pattern :]
typevariable myexcludepattern {} ; # List of patterns specifying
# the symbols to exclude from
# conversion. Tags and/or
# branches.
typevariable myforcepattern {} ; # List of patterns and types
# specifying which symbols to
# force to specific types.
typemethod getsymtypes {} {
state foreachrow {
SELECT tid, name FROM symtype;
} { set mysymtype($tid) $name }
# Keep the codes below in sync with 'pass::collrev/setup('symtype').
typevariable myexcluded 0 ; # Code for symbols which are excluded.
typevariable mytag 1 ; # Code for symbols which are tags.
typevariable mybranch 2 ; # Code for symbols which are branches.
typevariable myundef 3 ; # Code for symbols of unknown type.
typevariable mysymtype -array {} ; # Map from type code to label for the log.
typemethod undef {} { return $myundef }
typemethod excluded {} { return $myexcluded }
typemethod tag {} { return $mytag }
typemethod branch {} { return $mybranch }
typemethod printrulestatistics {} {
log write 2 symbol "Rule usage statistics:"
set fmt %[string length $mynum]s
set all 0
foreach key [lsort [array names myrulecount]] {
log write 2 symbol "* [format $fmt $myrulecount($key)] $key"
incr all $myrulecount($key)
log write 2 symbol "= [format $fmt $all] total"
# Statistics on how often each 'rule' was used to decide on the
# type of a symbol.
typevariable myrulecount -array {
HasCommits 0
IsTheTrunk 0
Unambigous 0
Undecided_ 0
UserConfig 0
VoteCounts 0
typemethod printtypestatistics {} {
log write 2 symbol "Symbol type statistics:"
set fmt %[string length $mynum]s
set all 0
state foreachrow {
SELECT AS stype,
T.plural AS splural,
COUNT (s.sid) AS n
FROM symbol S, symtype T
WHERE S.type = T.tid
} {
log write 2 symbol "* [format $fmt $n] [sp $n $stype $splural]"
incr all $n
log write 2 symbol "= [format $fmt $all] total"
typevariable mynum 0
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Internal methods
method UserConfig {} {
set project [$myproject base]
# First check if the user requested the exclusion of the
# symbol from conversion.
foreach ex $myexcludepattern {
struct::list assign $ex pp sp
if {![string match $pp $project]} continue
if {![string match $sp $myname]} continue
return $myexcluded
# If the symbol is not excluded further check if the user
# forces its conversion as a specific type.
foreach {ex stype} $myforcepattern {
struct::list assign $ex pp sp
if {![string match $pp $project]} continue
if {![string match $sp $myname]} continue
return $stype
# Nothing is forced, have the main system hand the symbol over
# to the regular heuristics.
return $myundef
method Unambigous {} {
# If a symbol is used unambiguously as a tag/branch, convert
# it as such.
set istag [expr {$mytagcount > 0}]
set isbranch [expr {$mybranchcount > 0 || $mycommitcount > 0}]
if {$istag && $isbranch} { return $myundef }
if {$istag} { return $mytag }
if {$isbranch} { return $mybranch }
# Symbol was not used at all.
return $myundef
method HasCommits {} {
# If there was ever a commit on the symbol, convert it as a
# branch.
if {$mycommitcount > 0} { return $mybranch }
return $myundef
method VoteCounts {} {
# Convert the symbol based on how often it was used as a
# branch/tag. Whichever happened more often determines how the
# symbol is converted.
if {$mytagcount > $mybranchcount} { return $mytag }
if {$mytagcount < $mybranchcount} { return $mybranch }
return $myundef
method MarkAs {label chosen} {
log write 3 symbol {\[$label\] Converting symbol '$myname' as $mysymtype($chosen)}
set mytype $chosen
incr myrulecount($label)
# This is stored directly into the database.
state run {
UPDATE symbol
SET type = $chosen
WHERE sid = $myid
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Configuration
pragma -hastypeinfo no ; # no type introspection
pragma -hasinfo no ; # no object introspection
pragma -simpledispatch yes ; # simple fast dispatch
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project {
namespace export sym
namespace eval sym {
namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble
namespace import ::vc::tools::log
log register symbol
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym 1.0