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[fossil ls]
kejoki on
2008-11-09 21:08:13.
D 2008-11-09T21:08:13
L fossil\sls
P 0ec2c3b4a5fe097af1db47cd4bd18976c5d00ffc
U kejoki
W 2520
The <code>ls</code><a href="#notes">*</a> command is informational, it doesn't do anything to
a checked-out project, but it tells you something about it.
A project consists of a "source tree" of "artifacts" (see <a href="doc/tip/www/">Fossil concepts</a>.)
From a practical standpoint this is a set of files and directories rooted
at a main project directory. The files that are under source control aren't
particularly distinguishable from those that aren't. The <code>ls</code> and
<code>extra</code> commands provide this information.
<code>fossil ls</code> produces a listing of the files which are under source
control <i>and</i> their status within the repository. The output is a simple
list of STATUS/filepath pairs on separate lines. The status of a file will
likely be one of ADDED, UNCHANGED, UPDATED, or DELETED. <a href="#notes">*</a>
It's important to realize that this is the status <i>relative to the repository</i>,
it's the status as <b>fossil</b> sees it and has nothing to do with
filesystem status. If you're new to source-management/version-control
systems, you'll probably get bit by this concept-bug at least once.
To really see the difference, issue an <code>ls</code> before and after doing
a <a href="wiki?name=fossil+commit"><code>commit</code></a>. Before, the status of files may be any of the three,
but after <code>commit</code>ting changes the status will be UNCHANGED "across
the board."
By way of example, here's what I see if I <code>fossil ls</code> in the
directory where I have checked out my testing repository:
$ fossil ls
ADDED feegboing
UNCHANGED fossil_docs.txt
DELETED nibcrod
But if I do a simple ls, what I get is
$ ls
feegboing fossil_docs.txt manifest.uuid noodle.txt
_FOSSIL_ manifest nibcrod
The <code>ls</code> command is almost, but not quite entirely, the exact
opposite of the
<a href="wiki?name=fossil+extra"><code>extra</code> command</a>.
<a name="notes">Notes:</a>
* If you come from the <b>Windows</b> world, it will help to know that 'ls' is the usual <b>unix</b> command for listing a directory.
* There are more states for a file to be in than those listed, including MISSING, EDITED, RENAMED and a couple of others.
See also: [fossil add], [fossil rm], [fossil extra], [fossil commit], <a href="doc/tip/www/">Fossil concepts</a>, [Reference]
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