Artifact 9523b0d860f9efadd337ed289c49ba2d1492cd82
File www/ part of check-in [4ef19b554a] - Fix a few typos in documentation. by drh on 2008-10-11 15:11:31.
Wiki In Fossil
Fossil uses wiki markup for many things:
- Stand-alone wiki pages.
- Description and comments in bug reports.
- Check-in comments.
- Embedded documentation files whose name ends in "wiki".
The formatting rules for fossil wiki are designed to be simple and intuitive. The idea is that wiki provides paragaph breaks, numbered and bulletted lists, and hyperlinking for simple documents together with a safe subset of HTML for more complex formatting tasks.
Stand-alone Wiki Pages
Each wiki page has its own revision history which is independent of the sequence of baselines (check-ins). Wiki pages can branch and merge just like baselines, though as of this writing (2008-07-29) there is no mechanism in the user interface to support branching and merging. The current implementation of the wiki shows the version of the wiki page that has the most recent timestamp.
In other words, if two users make unrelated changes to the same wiki page on separate repositories, then those repositories are synced, the wiki page will fork. The web interface will display whichever edit was checked in last. The other edit can be found in the history. The file format will support merging the branches back together, but there is no mechanism in the user interface (yet) to perform the merge.
Every change to a wiki page is a separate control artifact of type "Wiki Page".
To be continued...