Artifact cdd6e8c6041b9468851615b081269fa9658193ba
part of check-in
- Updated the copyright information of all files touched in the new year.
aku on
2008-02-06 05:04:12.
Also file
part of check-in
- Merge in changes from Andreas's branch.
drh on
2008-02-08 21:52:21.
## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Symbols (Tags, Branches) per project.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4 ; # Required runtime.
package require snit ; # OO system.
package require vc::tools::trouble ; # Error reporting.
package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback.
package require vc::tools::misc ; # Text formatting.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state ; # State storage.
package require struct::set ; # Set handling.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym {
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Public API
constructor {name id project} {
set myname $name
set myid $id
set myproject $project
# Count total number of symbols.
incr mynum
method name {} { return $myname }
method id {} { return $myid }
method istrunk {} { return 0 }
method parent {} {
return [$myproject getsymbol [state one {
FROM tag T, symbol S
WHERE T.sid = $myid
AND S.sid = T.lod
FROM branch B, symbol S
WHERE B.sid = $myid
AND S.sid = B.lod
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Symbol type
method determinetype {} {
# This is done by a fixed heuristics, with guidance by the
# user in edge-cases. Contrary to cvs2svn which uses a big
# honking streagy class and rule objects. Keep it simple, we
# can expand later when we actually need all the complexity
# for configurability.
# The following guidelines are applied:
# - Is usage unambigous ?
# - Was there ever a commit on the symbol ?
# - More used as tag, or more used as branch ?
# - At last, what has the user told us about it ?
# - Fail
foreach rule {
} {
set chosen [$self $rule]
if {$chosen eq $myundef} continue
$self MarkAs $rule $chosen
# None of the above was able to decide which type to assign to
# the symbol. This is a fatal error preventing the execution
# of the passes after 'CollateSymbols'.
incr myrulecount(Undecided_)
trouble fatal "Unable to decide how to convert symbol '$myname'"
method markthetrunk {} { $self MarkAs IsTheTrunk $mybranch ; return }
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Symbol statistics
method defcounts {tc bc cc} {
set mybranchcount $tc
set mytagcount $bc
set mycommitcount $cc
method countasbranch {} { incr mybranchcount ; return }
method countastag {} { incr mytagcount ; return }
method countacommit {} { incr mycommitcount ; return }
method blockedby {symbol} {
# Remember the symbol as preventing the removal of this
# symbol. Ot is a tag or branch that spawned from a revision
# on this symbol.
struct::set include myblockers $symbol
method possibleparent {symbol} {
log write 9 symbol "Possible parent ($myname) = [$symbol name]"
if {[info exists mypparent($symbol)]} {
incr mypparent($symbol)
} else {
set mypparent($symbol) 1
method isghost {} {
# Checks if this symbol (as line of development) never
# existed.
if {$mycommitcount > 0} { return 0 }
if {[llength $myblockers]} { return 0 }
if {[array size mypparent] > 0} { return 0 }
return 1
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method persistrev {} {
set pid [$myproject id]
state transaction {
state run {
INSERT INTO symbol ( sid, pid, name, type, tag_count, branch_count, commit_count)
VALUES ($myid, $pid, $myname, $myundef, $mytagcount, $mybranchcount, $mycommitcount);
foreach symbol $myblockers {
set bid [$symbol id]
state run {
INSERT INTO blocker (sid, bid)
VALUES ($myid, $bid);
foreach {symbol count} [array get mypparent] {
set pid [$symbol id]
state run {
INSERT INTO parent (sid, pid, n)
VALUES ($myid, $pid, $count);
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## State
variable myproject {} ; # Reference to the project object
# containing the symbol.
variable myname {} ; # The symbol's name
variable myid {} ; # Repository wide numeric id of the
# symbol. This implicitly encodes the
# project as well.
variable mybranchcount 0 ; # Count how many uses as branch.
variable mytagcount 0 ; # Count how many uses as tag.
variable mycommitcount 0 ; # Count how many files did a commit on the symbol.
variable myblockers {} ; # List (Set) of the symbols which block
# the exclusion of this symbol.
variable mypparent -array {} ; # Maps from symbols to the number
# of files in which it could have
# been a parent of this symbol.
variable mytype {} ; # The type chosen for the symbol to use in
# the conversion.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
typemethod exclude {pattern} {
# Store the pattern in memory for use by the code doing type
# determination.
lappend myexcludepattern [ProcessPattern $pattern exclusion]
typemethod forcetag {pattern} {
# Store the pattern in memory for use by the code doing type
# determination.
lappend myforcepattern [ProcessPattern $pattern force-tag] $mytag
typemethod forcebranch {pattern} {
# Store the pattern in memory for use by the code doing type
# determination.
lappend myforcepattern [ProcessPattern $pattern force-branch] $mybranch
proc ProcessPattern {pattern label} {
if {[string match *:*:* $pattern]} {
# Bad syntax for the pattern, using multiple colons.
trouble fatal "Bad $label pattern '$pattern'"
} elseif {![string match *:* $pattern]} {
# When only a symbol pattern is specified it applies to
# all projects.
return [list * $pattern]
} else {
# Both project and symbol patterns are present, we split
# them apart now for storage and easier extraction later.
return [split $pattern :]
typevariable myexcludepattern {} ; # List of patterns specifying
# the symbols to exclude from
# conversion. Tags and/or
# branches.
typevariable myforcepattern {} ; # List of patterns and types
# specifying which symbols to
# force to specific types.
typemethod getsymtypes {} {
foreach {tid name} [state run {
SELECT tid, name FROM symtype;
}] { set mysymtype($tid) $name }
# Keep the codes below in sync with 'pass::collrev/setup('symtype').
typevariable myexcluded 0 ; # Code for symbols which are excluded.
typevariable mytag 1 ; # Code for symbols which are tags.
typevariable mybranch 2 ; # Code for symbols which are branches.
typevariable myundef 3 ; # Code for symbols of unknown type.
typevariable mysymtype -array {} ; # Map from type code to label for the log.
typemethod undef {} { return $myundef }
typemethod excluded {} { return $myexcluded }
typemethod tag {} { return $mytag }
typemethod branch {} { return $mybranch }
typemethod printrulestatistics {} {
log write 2 symbol "Rule usage statistics:"
set fmt %[string length $mynum]s
set all 0
foreach key [lsort [array names myrulecount]] {
log write 2 symbol "* [format $fmt $myrulecount($key)] $key"
incr all $myrulecount($key)
log write 2 symbol "= [format $fmt $all] total"
# Statistics on how often each 'rule' was used to decide on the
# type of a symbol.
typevariable myrulecount -array {
HasCommits 0
IsTheTrunk 0
Unambigous 0
Undecided_ 0
UserConfig 0
VoteCounts 0
typemethod printtypestatistics {} {
log write 2 symbol "Symbol type statistics:"
set fmt %[string length $mynum]s
set all 0
foreach {stype splural n} [state run {
SELECT, T.plural, COUNT (s.sid)
FROM symbol S, symtype T
WHERE S.type = T.tid
}] {
log write 2 symbol "* [format $fmt $n] [sp $n $stype $splural]"
incr all $n
log write 2 symbol "= [format $fmt $all] total"
typevariable mynum 0
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Internal methods
method UserConfig {} {
set project [$myproject base]
# First check if the user requested the exclusion of the
# symbol from conversion.
foreach ex $myexcludepattern {
struct::list assign $ex pp sp
if {![string match $pp $project]} continue
if {![string match $sp $myname]} continue
return $myexcluded
# If the symbol is not excluded further check if the user
# forces its conversion as a specific type.
foreach {ex stype} $myforcepattern {
struct::list assign $ex pp sp
if {![string match $pp $project]} continue
if {![string match $sp $myname]} continue
return $stype
# Nothing is forced, have the main system hand the symbol over
# to the regular heuristics.
return $myundef
method Unambigous {} {
# If a symbol is used unambiguously as a tag/branch, convert
# it as such.
set istag [expr {$mytagcount > 0}]
set isbranch [expr {$mybranchcount > 0 || $mycommitcount > 0}]
if {$istag && $isbranch} { return $myundef }
if {$istag} { return $mytag }
if {$isbranch} { return $mybranch }
# Symbol was not used at all.
return $myundef
method HasCommits {} {
# If there was ever a commit on the symbol, convert it as a
# branch.
if {$mycommitcount > 0} { return $mybranch }
return $myundef
method VoteCounts {} {
# Convert the symbol based on how often it was used as a
# branch/tag. Whichever happened more often determines how the
# symbol is converted.
if {$mytagcount > $mybranchcount} { return $mytag }
if {$mytagcount < $mybranchcount} { return $mybranch }
return $myundef
method MarkAs {label chosen} {
log write 3 symbol {\[$label\] Converting symbol '$myname' as $mysymtype($chosen)}
set mytype $chosen
incr myrulecount($label)
# This is stored directly into the database.
state run {
UPDATE symbol
SET type = $chosen
WHERE sid = $myid
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Configuration
pragma -hastypeinfo no ; # no type introspection
pragma -hasinfo no ; # no object introspection
pragma -simpledispatch yes ; # simple fast dispatch
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project {
namespace export sym
namespace eval sym {
namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble
namespace import ::vc::tools::log
log register symbol
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym 1.0