Artifact 7eb7570dedfd75ca45049f9913215ff35853338b
Wiki page
[To Do List]
drh on
2008-02-04 19:11:25.
D 2008-02-04T19:11:25
L To\sDo\sList
P db6c6f303b21eceadada9c00063d371dc9f9c481
U drh
W 1525
* Add ticketing and bug tracking
* The ability to share server configurations. Arguments to "push" and "pull"
* The equivalent of "cvs annotate" (Partial implementation is now
checked in. Need to add features.)
* Private branches that are not pushed or pulled.
* "diff" commands work against arbitrary versions.
* Easy way to change comments on check-ins
and do other tag manipulations.
* Search, including full-text search of
historical check-ins.
* Attachments on wiki pages and on tickets
* Ability to attach image files (GIFs and JPEGs) and
refer to these in wiki pages. Enhance wiki to the
point where it can host the existing fossil documentation.
* Ability to store an image for the logo in the upper-left corner.
* A selection of "skins" - sample configurations that serve as
baselines for customization.
* Execution of arbitrary actions on checkin
* Email notifications are one example of this
* The already existing auto-sync feature is a specialized form of the same
* Extend timeline and wiki history to allow users to see wiki page differences from edit to edit. [|Example @ Tcler's Wiki].
* Ignore files (.o, .pyc, .class, .cvsignore, etc...) - extra command is hard to identify "extra" files inside of many projects.
* Add ability to delete or rename a page
* [Import CVS Repositories]
Bugs reported by users
* [Opera]
Z 7899a81ad2c27d798646239875dda612