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Artifact 046ff5e25be36f0dc818b99be89bc583af6b9e92

File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pinitcsets.tcl part of check-in [08ebab80cd] - Rewrote the algorithm for breaking internal dependencies to my liking. The complex part handling multiple splits has moved from the pass code to the changeset class itself, reusing the state computed for the first split. The state is a bit more complex to allow for its incremental update after a break has been done. Factored major pieces into separate procedures to keep the highlevel code readable. Added lots of official log output to help debugging in case of trouble. by aku on 2007-11-10 23:44:29.

## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

## Pass V. This pass creates the initial set of project level
## revisions, aka changesets. Later passes will refine them, puts them
## into proper order, set their dependencies, etc.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4                               ; # Required runtime.
package require snit                                  ; # OO system.
package require vc::tools::misc                       ; # Text formatting.
package require vc::tools::log                        ; # User feedback.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::repository   ; # Repository management.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state        ; # State storage.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym ; # Project level symbols
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev ; # Project level changesets

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Register the pass with the management

vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass define \
    InitCsets \
    {Initialize ChangeSets} \

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass::initcsets {
    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Public API

    typemethod setup {} {
	# Define the names and structure of the persistent state of
	# this pass.

	state reading meta
	state reading revision
	state reading revisionbranchchildren
	state reading branch
	state reading tag
	state reading symbol

	# Data per changeset, namely the project it belongs to, how it
	# was induced (revision or symbol), plus reference to the
	# primary entry causing it (meta entry or symbol). An adjunct
	# table translates the type id's into human readable labels.

	state writing changeset {
	    pid   INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES project,
	    type  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES cstype,
	    src   INTEGER  NOT NULL -- REFERENCES meta|symbol (type dependent)
	state writing cstype {
	    name  TEXT     NOT NULL,
	    UNIQUE (name)
	state run {
	    INSERT INTO cstype VALUES (0,'rev');
	    INSERT INTO cstype VALUES (1,'sym');

	# Map from changesets to the (file level) revisions they
	# contain. The pos'ition provides an order of the revisions
	# within a changeset. They are unique within the changeset.
	# The revisions are in principle unique, if we were looking
	# only at revision changesets. However a revision can appear
	# in both revision and symbol changesets, and in multiple
	# symbol changesets as well. So we can only say that it is
	# unique within the changeset. 
	# TODO: Check if integrity checks are possible.

	state writing csrevision {
	    cid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES changeset,
	    pos  INTEGER  NOT NULL,
	    rid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES revision,
	    UNIQUE (cid, pos),
	    UNIQUE (cid, rid)

	project::rev getcstypes

    typemethod load {} {
	# Pass manager interface. Executed to load data computed by
	# this pass into memory when this pass is skipped instead of
	# executed.
	# /TODO/load changesets

	project::rev getcstypes

    typemethod run {} {
	# Pass manager interface. Executed to perform the
	# functionality of the pass.

	set csets {}
	state transaction {
	    CreateRevisionChangesets  csets ; # Group file revisions into csets.
	    BreakInternalDependencies csets ; # Split the csets based on internal conflicts.
	    CreateSymbolChangesets    csets ; # Create csets for tags and branches.
	    PersistTheChangesets     $csets

    typemethod discard {} {
	# Pass manager interface. Executed for all passes after the
	# run passes, to remove all data of this pass from the state,
	# as being out of date.

	state discard changeset
	state discard cstype
	state discard csrevision

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods

    proc CreateRevisionChangesets {cv} {
	upvar 1 $cv csets

	log write 3 initcsets {Create changesets based on revisions}

	# To get the initial of changesets we first group all file
	# level revisions using the same meta data entry together. As
	# the meta data encodes not only author and log message, but
	# also line of development and project we can be sure that
	# revisions in different project and lines of development are
	# not grouped together. In contrast to cvs2svn we do __not__
	# use distance in time between revisions to break them
	# apart. We have seen CVS repositories (from SF) where a
	# single commit contained revisions several hours apart,
	# likely due to trouble on the server hosting the repository.

	# We order the revisions here by time, this will help the
	# later passes (avoids joins later to get at the ordering
	# info).

	set n 0

	set lastmeta    {}
	set lastproject {}
	set revisions   {}

	# Note: We could have written this loop to create the csets
	#       early, extending them with all their revisions. This
	#       however would mean lots of (slow) method invokations
	#       on the csets. Doing it like this, late creation, means
	#       less such calls. None, but the creation itself.

	foreach {mid rid pid} [state run {
	    SELECT M.mid, R.rid,
	    FROM   revision R, meta M   -- R ==> M, using PK index of M.
	    WHERE  R.mid = M.mid
	    ORDER  BY M.mid,
	}] {
	    if {$lastmeta != $mid} {
		if {[llength $revisions]} {
		    incr n
		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
		    lappend csets [project::rev %AUTO% $p rev $lastmeta $revisions]
		    set revisions {}
		set lastmeta    $mid
		set lastproject $pid
	    lappend revisions $rid

	if {[llength $revisions]} {
	    incr n
	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
	    lappend csets [project::rev %AUTO% $p rev $lastmeta $revisions]

	log write 4 initcsets "Created [nsp $n {revision changeset}]"

    proc CreateSymbolChangesets {cv} {
	upvar 1 $cv csets

	log write 3 initcsets {Create changesets based on symbols}

	# Tags and branches induce changesets as well, containing the
	# revisions they are attached to (tags), or spawned from
	# (branches).

	set n 0

	# First process the tags, then the branches. We know that
	# their ids do not overlap with each other.

	set lastsymbol  {}
	set lastproject {}
	set revisions   {}

	foreach {sid rid pid} [state run {
	    SELECT S.sid, R.rid,
	    FROM  tag T, revision R, symbol S     -- T ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
	    WHERE T.rev = R.rid
	    AND   T.sid = S.sid
	    ORDER BY S.sid,
	}] {
	    if {$lastsymbol != $sid} {
		if {[llength $revisions]} {
		    incr n
		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
		    lappend csets [project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions]
		    set revisions {}
		set lastsymbol  $sid
		set lastproject $pid
	    lappend revisions $rid

	if {[llength $revisions]} {
	    incr n
	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
	    lappend csets [project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions]

	set lastsymbol {}
	set lasproject {}
	set revisions  {}

	foreach {sid rid pid} [state run {
	    SELECT S.sid, R.rid,
	    FROM  branch B, revision R, symbol S  -- B ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
	    WHERE B.root = R.rid
	    AND   B.sid  = S.sid
	    ORDER BY S.sid,
	}] {
	    if {$lastsymbol != $sid} {
		if {[llength $revisions]} {
		    incr n
		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
		    lappend csets [project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions]
		    set revisions {}
		set lastsymbol  $sid
		set lastproject $pid
	    lappend revisions $rid

	if {[llength $revisions]} {
	    incr n
	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
	    lappend csets [project::rev %AUTO% $p sym $lastsymbol $revisions]

	log write 4 initcsets "Created [nsp $n {symbol changeset}]"

    proc BreakInternalDependencies {cv} {
	upvar 1 $cv csets

	# This code operates on the revision changesets created by
	# 'CreateRevisionChangesets'. As such it has to follow after
	# it, before the symbol changesets are made. The changesets
	# are inspected for internal conflicts and any such are broken
	# by splitting the problematic changeset into multiple
	# fragments. The results are changesets which have no internal
	# dependencies, only external ones.

	log write 3 initcsets {Break internal dependencies}
	set old [llength $csets]

	foreach cset $csets {
	    $cset breakinternaldependencies csets

	set n [expr {[llength $csets] - $old}]
	log write 4 initcsets "Created [nsp $n {additional revision changeset}]"
	log write 4 initcsets Ok.

    proc PersistTheChangesets {csets} {
	log write 3 initcsets "Saving [nsp [llength $csets] {initial changeset}] to the persistent state"

	foreach cset $csets {
	    $cset persist

	log write 4 initcsets Ok.

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Configuration

    pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
    pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
    pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass {
    namespace export initcsets
    namespace eval initcsets {
	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::repository
	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
	namespace eval project {
	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev
	namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
	log register initcsets

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready

package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass::initcsets 1.0