Artifact 0462e3e7ea651446e4e12216bd8cc7cc92a625ce
part of check-in
- tclfossil: initial version of clone that can get first igots
MJanssen on
2008-02-17 00:31:19.
package require http
package require zlib
package require sha1
proc login_card {userid password message} {
# calculates the login card for the specific user for this msg
set nonce [sha1::sha1 -hex $message]
set signature [sha1::sha1 -hex $nonce$password]
return "login $userid $nonce $signature\n"
proc http_req {url user password message} {
set login_card [login_card $user $password $message]
set message [blob_compress "$login_card$message"]
return [http::geturl $url/xfer -binary 1 -query $message -type application/x-fossil]
proc blob_compress {data} {
set n [string length $data]
set data [zlib compress $data 9]
set header [binary format I $n]
return $header$data
proc blob_decompress {data} {
binary scan $data I length
return [zlib decompress [string range $data 4 end] $length ]
# send buffer starts with 4 bytes (big endian) containing the length of the blob
set tok [http_req MJanssen {} clone\n]
http::wait $tok
set body [blob_decompress [http::data $tok]]
set lines [split $body \n]
puts $body
puts "Received:\t[string length $body] bytes,\t[llength $lines] messages"