File Annotation
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dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <html>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <head>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <title>Fossil File Formats</title>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </head>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <body bgcolor="white">
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <h1 align="center">
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: Fossil File Formats
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </h1>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The global state of a fossil repository is determined by an unordered
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: set of content files.  Each of these files has a format which is defined
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: by this document.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <h2>1.0 General Formatting Rules</h2>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: Fossil content files consist of a header, a blank line, and optional
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: content.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The header is divided into "properties" by newline ('\n', 0x0a)
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: characters.  Each header property is divided into tokens by space (' ', 0x20)
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: characters.  The first token of each property is the property name.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: Subsequent tokens (if any) are arguments to the property.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The blank line that separates the header from the content can be
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: thought of as a property line that contains no tokens.  Everything
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: that follows the newline character that terminates the blank line
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: is content.  The blank line is always present but the content is
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: optional.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: All tokens in a property line are encoded to escape special characters.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The encoding is as follows:
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <blockquote>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <table border="1">
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><th>Input Character</th><th>Encoded As</th></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> space (0x20) </td><td align="center"> \s </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> newline (0x0A) </td><td align="center"> \n </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> carriage return (0x0D) </td><td align="center"> \r </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> tab (0x09) </td><td align="center"> \t </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> vertical tab (0x0B) </td><td align="center"> \v </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> formfeed (0x0C) </td><td align="center"> \f </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> nul (0x00) </td><td align="center"> \0 </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <tr><td align="center"> backslash (0x5C) </td><td align="center"> \\ </td></tr>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </table>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </blockquote>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: Characters other than the ones shown in the table above are passed through
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: the encoder without change.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: All properties names are unpunctuated lower-case ASCII strings.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The properties appear in the header in sorted order (using
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: memcpy() as the comparision function) except for the "signature"
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: property which always occurs first.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <h2>2.0 Common Properties</h2>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: Every content file has a "time" property.  The argument to the
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: time property is an integer which is the number of seconds since
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 1970 UTC when the content file was created.  For example:
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <blockquote>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: time 1181404746
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </blockquote>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: Every content file has a "type" property.  The argument to the
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: type property defines the purpose of the content file.  The
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: argument can be strings like "version", "folder", "file", or "user".
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: 
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: <p>
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The first property of a content file is the digital signature.  The
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: name of the signature property is "signature".  There are two arguments.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: The first argument is the SHA256 hash of the content file that defines
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: the user who signed this file.  User records themselves are self-signed
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: and so the first argument is simply "*" for user records.  The second
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: argument is the digital signature of an SHA256 hash of the entire
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: file (header and content) except for the signature line itself.
dbda8d6ce9 2007-07-21       drh: </p>