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0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <html>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <title>Building And Installing Fossil</title>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: </head>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <body bgcolor="white">
469002ccdf 2007-09-12       aku: <p>[ <a href="index.html">Index</a> ]</p>
469002ccdf 2007-09-12       aku: <hr>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <h1>Installing Fossil</h1>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <p>This page describes how to build and install Fossil.  The
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: whole process is designed to be very easy.</p>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <h2>1.0 Obtaining The Source Code</h2>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <p>Fossil is self-hosting, so you can obtain a ZIP archive containing
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: a snapshot of the latest version directly from fossil's own fossil
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: repository.  Follow these steps:</p>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <ol>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p>Pointer your webbrowser at
c403f9dc40 2008-02-03       drh: <a href="">
c403f9dc40 2008-02-03       drh:</a>.</p></li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p>Log in as anonymous.  The password is shown on screen.
b110d77c36 2007-08-09       drh: The reason for requiring this login is to prevent spiders from
b110d77c36 2007-08-09       drh: walking the entire website, downloading ZIP archives
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: of every historical version, and thereby soaking up all our bandwidth.</p></li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p>Click on the
c403f9dc40 2008-02-03       drh: <a href="">Timeline</a> or
c403f9dc40 2008-02-03       drh: <a href="">Leaves</a> link at
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: the top of the page.</p></li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p>Select a version of of fossil you want to download.  Click on its
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: link.  Note that you must successfully log in as "anonymous" in step 1
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: above in order to see the link to the detailed version information.</p></li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p>On the version information page, click on the
b110d77c36 2007-08-09       drh: "Zip Archive" link.  This link will build a ZIP archive of the
b110d77c36 2007-08-09       drh: complete source code and download it to your browser.</p></li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: </ol>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <h2>2.0 Compiling</h2>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
b110d77c36 2007-08-09       drh: <p>Follow these steps to compile:</p>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <ol>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li value="6">
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <p>Create a directory to hold the source code.  Then unzip the
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: ZIP archive you downloaded into that directory.  You should be
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: in the top-level folder of that directory</p></li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p><b>(Optional:)</b>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: Edit the Makefile to set it up like you want.  You probably do not
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: need to do anything.  Do not be intimidated:  There are only 5
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: variables in the makefile that can be changed.  The whole Makefile
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: is only a few dozen lines long and most of those lines are comments.</p>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li><p>Type "<b>make</b>"
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: </ol>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <h2>3.0 Installing</h2>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <ol>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li value="9">
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <p>The finished binary is named "fossil".  Put this binary in a
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: directory that is somewhere on your PATH environment variable.
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: It does not matter where.</p>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <li>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: <p><b>(Optional:)</b>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: To uninstall, just delete the binary.</p>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: </ol>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: 
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: </body>
0e265b0184 2007-08-01       drh: </html>