File Annotation
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08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: Things to work on:
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
7fe1e734e9 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Use the wiki_convert() routine to render comments and other text
7fe1e734e9 2007-07-31       drh:     on web pages.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  If the server does not have write permission on the database
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     file, or on the directory containing the database file (and
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     it is thus unable to update database because it cannot create
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     a rollback journal) then it currently fails silently on a push.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     It needs to return a helpful error.
71ed18cc4b 2007-08-01       drh: 
933875bbd1 2007-08-01       drh:  *  If the server returns an error (for example if the outbound /xfer
933875bbd1 2007-08-01       drh:     message exceeds the maximum POST size of the server) the client
933875bbd1 2007-08-01       drh:     does not report this error back to the user as it should.
8df950d14a 2007-08-01       drh: 
8df950d14a 2007-08-01       drh:  *  Bug: If the server closes the socket unexpectedly, the
8df950d14a 2007-08-01       drh:     fwrite() in http.c:103 throws a signal and kills the child
8df950d14a 2007-08-01       drh:     process.  fwrite() is not suppose to do this.  Need to figure
8df950d14a 2007-08-01       drh:     out what is going wrong.
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh: 
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:  *  When constructing a new manifest (see the commit_cmd function
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     in checkin.c, near line 303) make an attempt to PGP clearsign
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     the manifest before checking it in.  There will need to be
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     configuration parameters for the PGP (or more likely GPG)
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     command to do the actual signing.  Write the manifest to
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     a temp file, clearsign, read it back in, verify that it is
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     still parsable by manifest_parse(), then continue with the
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     check-in.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  The "leaves ?UUID?" command displays all leaf versions for the
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     version UUID or for the current version if UUID is omitted.  If
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     UUID is itself a leaf, it would be more helpful to display a
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     message to that effect:  "<uuid> is itself a leaf"
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  We need a command to show other branches - leaves of the root
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     which are not leaves of the indicated node.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:  *  The ipaddr field of the rcvfrom table is not being set.  This
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     field should be the IP address from which information is received
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     for the local repository.  So when somebody does a push of new
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     files we record the ipaddr.  Or when we do a pull, we record
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh:     the ipaddr.
f767ae0568 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  Additional information displayed for the "vinfo" page:
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:      +  All leaves of this version that are not included in the
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:         decendent list.  With date, user, comment, and hyperlink.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:         Leaves in the decendent table should be marked as such.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:         See the compute_leaves() function to see how to find all
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:         leaves.
933875bbd1 2007-08-01       drh:      +  Add file diff links to the file change list.
dead090c0b 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Add a link that will download a ZIP archive containing the
dead090c0b 2007-07-31       drh:         complete baseline.  Use zip_of_baseline() function in
dead090c0b 2007-07-31       drh:         zip.c to construct the ZIP archive.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  A new webpage: "finfo"  Information about a particular file
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     given its name.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
dead090c0b 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Hyperlinks for diffing consecutive versions of the file.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  Timeline enhanced so that you can specify a range of dates.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  The /xfer handler (for push, pull, and clone) does not do
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     delta compression.  This results in excess bandwidth usage.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     There are some code in xfer.c that are sketches of ideas on
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     how to do delta compression, but nothing has been implemented.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Enhancements to the diff and tkdiff commands in the cli.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     Allow the entire tree or a subtree to be diffed, not just a
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     single file.  Allow diffs against any two arbitrary versions,
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     not just diffs against the current check-out.  Allow
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     configuration options to replace tkdiff with some other
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     visual differ of the users choice.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  Ticketing interface (expand this bullet)
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Create new tickets as files in the file hierarchy
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Append remarks to a ticket
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Add attachments to a ticket
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Change attributes of a ticket
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Delete tickets that are no longer current.  (The old
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         content is still accessible, the ticket is just not in
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         the current check-out.)
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Server setup to define the allowed attributes and
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         attribute values for tickets
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Permanently remove malicious edits and/or attachments
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         such as wiki-spam or warez.  (Content is no longer accessible.)
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  View a history of all changes to a ticket
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Generate reports over all tickets
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Generate reports over all tickets as they existed for
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         a chosen point in time and space.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Do full text search against the text in any single ticket or
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         across the current versions of all tickets, or across all current
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         and historical versions of all tickets.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  Wiki interface (expand this bullet)
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Create new wiki pages
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Designate a single wiki page as the home page for the www interface
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Designate wiki pages as read-only, append-only, or read/write.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Append comments to a wiki page
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Add attachments (such as GIF images) to a wiki page
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Change the content of a wiki page
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Delete obsolete wiki pages.  (Old content is still accessible,
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         the page is just not on the current list of pages.)
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Permanently remove malicious edits and/or attachments
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         such as wiki-spam or warez.  (Old content is no longer accessible.)
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Add nofollow on external links added by unprivileged
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         users when the link is less than N hours old.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Show the complete history of a single wiki page
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Provide the ability to diff two versions of a wiki page
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Show a listing of all wiki pages, both current and deleted
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Do a full-text search against current versions of all wiki pages
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Do a full-text search against all historical versions of a single
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         wiki page
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:      +  Do a full-text search against all historical versions of all
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:         wiki pages
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  Full-text search against check-in comments and diffs of each
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     check-in.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Ability to check-in some subset of changes to the tree instead
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     of having to check in all changes.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Add a "revert" command that will undo all changes to a file
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     or files in the current check-out - restoring the files back
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     to their original check-out state.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Add an "annotate" command in both the cli and the www interface
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     that will show line-by-line the most recent changes to every line
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     in the file.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Browse the file hierarchy, similar to the "Browse" feature in
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     CVSTrac.
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Add the ability to override check-in comments.  It is not possible
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     to change the comment in the check-in itself due to the cryptographic
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     hash.  But you can add a new record to the repository that overloads
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     a check-in comment with a new comment.  Comment changes should be
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     GPG clearsigned at the very least.  Comment changes only apply if
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     the user who made the change has the right permissions.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  New cli commands: "deconstruct" and "reconstruct".  The deconstruct
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     command populates an indicated directory with copies of all files
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     contained within the repository.  Files are named aaa/bbbbbbb where
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     aaa is the first 3 characters of the uuid and bbbbbb is the
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     remaining 37 characters.  reconstruct builds a new repository
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     containing all files in an indicated directory.  When reconstructing,
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     some information is lost: project-code, server-code, users.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     Just make up a new project-code.
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh: 
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:  *  Get a build working for win32.  Perhaps use cygwin.  Or omit
08c4cc6d16 2007-07-30       drh:     the server component from win32 (to eliminate the need for fork()).
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh: 
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:  *  Make the interface to fossil look pretty and be customizable so
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     that other people will be attracted to it, will take over maintenance
9c28ba4956 2007-07-31       drh:     of it, and we can eventually move on to other things.