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9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <h2>Command Line Interface Reference</h2>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The <code>fossil</code> program supplies most of the actual
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: documentation about its options, so a good way to start documenting
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the program is to nab the output of <code>fossil help <i>command</i></code>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: for all of its (exposed) cli.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <i>This was suggested under the <b>Reference</b> heading in
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: [Documentation outline].
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: If you are trying to find information about fossil's web capabilities,
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: see the <a href="doc/tip/www/">Fossil Home</a> and
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <a href="doc/tip/www/">Fossil Wiki</a> pages for pointers.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <h3>Things to note</h3>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Fossil cli commands do not use special delimeters, they use spaces.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: This is traditional with VCS/SCM.  Some <i>options</i> to fossil commands
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <i>do</i> use special delimiters, particularly the '-' (hyphen, or dash)
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: character.  This is very similar to Tcl.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Any fossil command is acceptable once enough of it has been
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: entered to make the intent unambiguous.  'clo' is a proper prefix of
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: both the 'clone' and 'close' commands, for instance, but 'clon' is
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: enough to make the intent&#8212;the 'clone' command&#8212;unambiguous.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: You should probably start interacting with fossil at the command line
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: by asking it what it can do:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <code>$ fossil help</code><nowiki><pre>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: fossil help COMMAND.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Available COMMANDs:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: add            configuration  leaves         redo           ui
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: all            deconstruct    ls             rename         undo
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: cgi            del            merge          revert         unset
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: changes        descendants    mv             rm             update
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: checkout       diff           new            server         user
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: ci             extra          open           settings       version
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: clean          gdiff          pull           status         wiki
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: clone          help           push           sync
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: close          http           rebuild        tag
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: commit         info           reconstruct    timeline
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: This is fossil version [c66ffba6da] 2008-11-10 19:54:53 UTC
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: </pre></nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <b>What follows</b> is a survey of what you get if you type<code>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: fossil&nbsp;help&nbsp;<i>command</i> </code>for all of the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: commands listed above.  There are links to individual pages for each
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: of them; pages with content (not all of them are done) go into the command
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: in a bit more depth than the program help.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <nowiki><pre>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki><code>[fossil add]</code><nowiki> FILE...
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Make arrangements to add one or more files to the current checkout
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: at the next commit.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki><code>[fossil all]</code><nowiki> (list|pull|push|rebuild|sync)
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The ~/.fossil file records the location of all repositories for a
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: user.  This command performs certain operations on all repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: that can be useful before or after a period of disconnection operation.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Available operations are:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    list       Display the location of all repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    pull       Run a "pull" operation on all repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    push       Run a "push" on all repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    rebuild    Rebuild on all repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    sync       Run a "sync" on all repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Respositories are automatically added to the set of known repositories
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: when one of the following commands against the repository: clone, info,
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: pull, push, or sync
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil cgi]<nowiki> SCRIPT
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The SCRIPT argument is the name of a file that is the CGI script
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: that is being run.  The command name, "cgi", may be omitted if
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable is set to "CGI" (which
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: should always be the case for CGI scripts run by a webserver.)  The
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: SCRIPT file should look something like this:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:      #!/usr/bin/fossil
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:      repository: /home/somebody/project.db
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The second line defines the name of the repository.  After locating
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the repository, fossil will generate a webpage on stdout based on
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the values of standard CGI environment variables.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil changes]<nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Report on the edit status of all files in the current checkout.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: See also the "status" and "extra" commands.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil checkout]<nowiki> VERSION ?-f|--force?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Check out a version specified on the command-line.  This command
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: will not overwrite edited files in the current checkout unless
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the --force option appears on the command-line.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: See also the "update" command.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil commit]<nowiki> ?-m COMMENT? ?--nosign? ?FILE...?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        fossil ci  ...  (as above)
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Create a new version containing all of the changes in the current
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: checkout.  You will be prompted to enter a check-in comment unless
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the "-m" option is used to specify a comment line.  You will be
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: prompted for your GPG passphrase in order to sign the new manifest
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: unless the "--nosign" options is used.  All files that have
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: changed will be committed unless some subset of files is specified
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: on the command line.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil clean]<nowiki> ?-all?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Delete all "extra" files in the source tree.  "Extra" files are
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: files that are not officially part of the checkout.  See also
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the "extra" command. This operation cannot be undone.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: You will be prompted before removing each file. If you are
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: sure you wish to remove all "extra" files you can specify the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: optional -all flag.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil clone]<nowiki> URL FILENAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Make a clone of a repository specified by URL in the local
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: file named FILENAME.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil close]<nowiki> ?-f|--force?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The opposite of "open".  Close the current database connection.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Require a -f or --force flag if there are unsaved changed in the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: current check-out.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil configure]<nowiki> METHOD ...
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Where METHOD is one of: export import merge pull push reset.  All methods
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: accept the -R or --repository option to specific a repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil configuration export AREA FILENAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Write to FILENAME exported configuraton information for AREA.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         AREA can be one of:  all ticket skin project
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil configuration import FILENAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Read a configuration from FILENAME, overwriting the current
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         configuration.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil configuration merge FILENAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Read a configuration from FILENAME and merge its values into
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         the current configuration.  Existing values take priority over
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         values read from FILENAME.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil configuration pull AREA ?URL?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Pull and install the configuration from a different server
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         identified by URL.  If no URL is specified, then the default
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         server is used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil configuration push AREA ?URL?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Push the local configuration into the remote server identified
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         by URL.  Admin privilege is required on the remote server for
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         this to work.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil configuration reset AREA
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Restore the configuration to the default.  AREA as above.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: WARNING: Do not import, merge, or pull configurations from an untrusted
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: source.  The inbound configuration is not checked for safety and can
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: introduce security vulnerabilities.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: COMMAND: deconstruct
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil deconstruct]<nowiki> ?-R|--repository REPOSITORY? DESTINATION
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Populates the indicated DESTINATION directory with copies of all
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: artifcats contained within the repository.  Artifacts are named AA/bbbbb
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: where AA is the first 2 characters of the artifact ID and bbbbb is the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: remaining 38 characters.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil rm]<nowiki> FILE...
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    or: fossil del FILE...
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Remove one or more files from the tree.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil descendants]<nowiki> ?BASELINE-ID?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Find all leaf descendants of the baseline specified or if the argument
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: is omitted, of the baseline currently checked out.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil diff]<nowiki>|gdiff ?-i? ?-r REVISION? FILE...
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Show the difference between the current version of a file (as it
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: exists on disk) and that same file as it was checked out.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: diff will show a textual diff while gdiff will attempt to run a
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: graphical diff command that you have setup. If the choosen command
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: is not yet configured, the internal textual diff command will be
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: If -i is supplied for either diff or gdiff, the internal textual
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: diff command will be executed.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Here are a few external diff command settings, for example:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting diff-command diff
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting gdiff-command tkdiff
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting gdiff-command eskill22
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting gdiff-command tortoisemerge
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting gdiff-command meld
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting gdiff-command xxdiff
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil setting gdiff-command kdiff3
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil extra]<nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Print a list of all files in the source tree that are not part of
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the current checkout.  See also the "clean" command.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil help]<nowiki> COMMAND
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Display information on how to use COMMAND
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil http]<nowiki> REPOSITORY
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Handle a single HTTP request appearing on stdin.  The resulting webpage
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: is delivered on stdout.  This method is used to launch an HTTP request
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: handler from inetd, for example.  The argument is the name of the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil info]<nowiki> ?ARTIFACT-ID|FILENAME?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: With no arguments, provide information about the current tree.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: If an argument is specified, provide information about the object
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: in the respository of the current tree that the argument refers
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: to.  Or if the argument is the name of a repository, show
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: information about that repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil leaves]<nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Find leaves of all branches.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil ls]<nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Show the names of all files in the current checkout
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil merge]<nowiki> VERSION
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The argument is a version that should be merged into the current
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: checkout.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Only file content is merged.  The result continues to use the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: file and directory names from the current check-out even if those
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: names might have been changed in the branch being merged in.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil new]<nowiki> FILENAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Create a repository for a new project in the file named FILENAME.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: This command is distinct from "clone".  The "clone" command makes
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: a copy of an existing project.  This command starts a new project.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil open]<nowiki> FILENAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Open a connection to the local repository in FILENAME.  A checkout
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: for the repository is created with its root at the working directory.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: See also the "close" command.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil pull]<nowiki> ?URL? ?-R|--respository REPOSITORY?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Pull changes in a remote repository into the local repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The repository is identified by the -R or --repository option.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: If there is no such option then the open repository is used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The URL of the remote server is specified on the command line
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: If no URL is specified then the URL used by the most recent
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: "pull", "push", or "sync" command is used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The URL is of the following form:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:      http://USER@HOST:PORT/PATH
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The "USER@" and ":PORT" substrings are optional.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The "USER" substring specifies the login user.  You will be
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: prompted for the password on the command-line.  The PORT
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: specifies the TCP port of the server.  The default port is
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 80.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil push]<nowiki> ?URL? ?-R|--repository REPOSITORY?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Push changes in the local repository over into a remote repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: See the "pull" command for additional information.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil rebuild]<nowiki> REPOSITORY
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Reconstruct the named repository database from the core
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: records.  Run this command after updating the fossil
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: executable in a way that changes the database schema.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: COMMAND: reconstruct
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil reconstruct]<nowiki> REPOSITORY ORIGIN
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Creates the REPOSITORY and populates it with the artifacts in the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: indicated ORIGIN directory.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil redo]<nowiki> ?FILENAME...?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Redo the an update or merge operation that has been undone by the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: undo command.  If FILENAME is specified then restore the changes
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: associated with the named file(s) but otherwise leave the update
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: or merge undone.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: A single level of undo/redo is supported.  The undo/redo stack
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: is cleared by the commit and checkout commands.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil revert]<nowiki> ?--yes? ?-r REVISION? FILE
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Revert to the current repository version of FILE, or to
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the version associated with baseline REVISION if the -r flag
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: appears.  This command will confirm your operation unless the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: file is missing or the --yes option is used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil server]<nowiki> ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    Or: fossil ui ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Open a socket and begin listening and responding to HTTP requests on
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: TCP port 8080, or on any other TCP port defined by the -P or
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: --port option.  The optional argument is the name of the repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The repository argument may be omitted if the working directory is
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: within an open checkout.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The "ui" command automatically starts a web browser after initializing
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the web server.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: COMMAND: settings
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: COMMAND: unset
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil setting]<nowiki> ?PROPERTY? ?VALUE? ?-global?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        fossil unset PROPERTY ?-global?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The "setting" command with no arguments lists all properties and their
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: values.  With just a property name it shows the value of that property.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: With a value argument it changes the property for the current repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The "unset" command clears a property setting.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    autosync         If enabled, automatically pull prior to
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     commit or update and automatically push
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     after commit or tag or branch creation.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    diff-command     External command to run when performing a diff.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     If undefined, the internal text diff will be used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    editor           Text editor command used for check-in comments.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    gdiff-command    External command to run when performing a graphical
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     diff. If undefined, text diff will be used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    localauth        If enabled, require that HTTP connections from
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:            be authenticated by password.  If
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     false, all HTTP requests from localhost have
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     unrestricted access to the repository.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    clearsign        When enabled (the default), fossil will attempt to
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     sign all commits with gpg.  When disabled, commits will
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     be unsigned.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    pgp-command      Command used to clear-sign manifests at check-in.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     The default is "gpg --clearsign -o ".
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    proxy            URL of the HTTP proxy.  If undefined or "off" then
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     the "http_proxy" environment variable is consulted.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     If the http_proxy environment variable is undefined
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     then a direct HTTP connection is used.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    web-browser      A shell command used to launch your preferred
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     web browser when given a URL as an argument.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     Defaults to "start" on windows, "open" on Mac,
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:                     and "firefox" on Unix.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil status]<nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Report on the status of the current checkout.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil sync]<nowiki> ?URL? ?-R|--repository REPOSITORY?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Synchronize the local repository with a remote repository.  This is
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the equivalent of running both "push" and "pull" at the same time.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: See the "pull" command for additional information.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil tag]<nowiki> SUBCOMMAND ...
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Run various subcommands to control tags and properties
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil tag add ?--raw? TAGNAME BASELINE ?VALUE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Add a new tag or property to BASELINE. The tag will
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         be usable instead of a BASELINE in commands such as
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         update and merge.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil tag branch ?--raw? ?--nofork? TAGNAME BASELINE ?VALUE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         A fork will be created so that the new checkin
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         is a sibling of BASELINE and identical to it except
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         for a generated comment. Then the new tag will
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         be added to the new checkin and propagated to
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         all direct children.  Additionally all symbolic
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         tags of that checkin inherited from BASELINE will
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         be cancelled.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         However, if the option --nofork is given, no
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         fork will be created and the tag/property will be
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         added to BASELINE directly. No tags will be canceled.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil tag cancel ?--raw? TAGNAME BASELINE
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         Remove the tag TAGNAME from BASELINE, and also remove
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         the propagation of the tag to any descendants.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil tag find ?--raw? TAGNAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         List all baselines that use TAGNAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil tag list ?--raw? ?BASELINE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         List all tags, or if BASELINE is supplied, list
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:         all tags and their values for BASELINE.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The option --raw allows the manipulation of all types of
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: tags used for various internal purposes in fossil. You
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: should not use this option to make changes unless you are
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: sure what you are doing.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: If you need to use a tagname that might be confused with
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: a hexadecimal baseline or artifact ID, you can explicitly
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: disambiguate it by prefixing it with "tag:". For instance:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil update decaf
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: will be taken as an artifact or baseline ID and fossil will
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: probably complain that no such revision was found. However
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:   fossil update tag:decaf
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: will assume that "decaf" is a tag/branch name.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil timeline]<nowiki> ?WHEN? ?BASELINE|DATETIME? ?-n|--count N?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Print a summary of activity going backwards in date and time
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: specified or from the current date and time if no arguments
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: are given.  Show as many as N (default 20) check-ins.  The
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: WHEN argument can be any unique abbreviation of one of these
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: keywords:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     before
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     after
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     descendants | children
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     ancestors | parents
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The BASELINE can be any unique prefix of 4 characters or more.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The DATETIME should be in the ISO8601 format.  For
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: examples: "2007-08-18 07:21:21".  You can also say "current"
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: for the current version or "now" for the current time.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil undo]<nowiki> ?FILENAME...?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Undo the most recent update or merge operation.  If FILENAME is
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: specified then restore the content of the named file(s) but otherwise
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: leave the update or merge in effect.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: A single level of undo/redo is supported.  The undo/redo stack
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: is cleared by the commit and checkout commands.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil update]<nowiki> ?VERSION? ?--latest?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: The optional argument is a version that should become the current
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: version.  If the argument is omitted, then use the leaf of the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: tree that begins with the current version, if there is only a
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: single leaf.  If there are a multiple leaves, the latest is used
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: if the --latest flag is present.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: This command is different from the "checkout" in that edits are
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: not overwritten.  Edits are merged into the new version.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil user]<nowiki> SUBCOMMAND ...  ?-R|--repository FILE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Run various subcommands on users of the open repository or of
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil user capabilities USERNAME ?STRING?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Query or set the capabilities for user USERNAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil user default ?USERNAME?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Query or set the default user.  The default user is the
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        user for command-line interaction.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil user list
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        List all users known to the repository
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil user new ?USERNAME?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Create a new user in the repository.  Users can never be
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        deleted.  They can be denied all access but they must continue
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        to exist in the database.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:    fossil user password USERNAME
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Change the web access password for a user.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil version]<nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Print the source code version number for the fossil executable.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Usage: </nowiki>[fossil wiki]<nowiki> (export|create|commit|list) WikiName
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Run various subcommands to fetch wiki entries.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki export PAGENAME ?FILE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Sends the latest version of the PAGENAME wiki
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        entry to the given file or standard output.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki commit PAGENAME ?FILE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Commit changes to a wiki page from FILE or from standard.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki create PAGENAME ?FILE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Create a new wiki page with initial content taken from
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        FILE or from standard input.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki list
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Lists all wiki entries, one per line, ordered
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        case-insentively by name.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: TODOs:
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki export ?-u ARTIFACT? WikiName ?FILE?
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Outputs the selected version of WikiName.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki delete ?-m MESSAGE? WikiName
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        The same as deleting a file entry, but i don't know if fossil
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        supports a commit message for Wiki entries.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki ?-u? ?-d? ?-s=[|]? list
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Lists the artifact ID and/or Date of last change along with
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        each entry name, delimited by the -s char.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:     fossil wiki diff ?ARTIFACT? ?-f infile[=stdin]? EntryName
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        Diffs the local copy of a page with a given version (defaulting
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki:        to the head version).
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: </pre></nowiki>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <hr>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: 
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <h3>Caveats</h3>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: This is not actually a reference, it's the start of a reference.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: There are wikilinks to uncreated pages for the commands.  This was
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: created by running the fossil help for each command listed by running
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: fossil help...  Duplicate commands are only listed once (I
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: <i>think</i>).  There are several bits of <b>fossil</b> that are not addressed
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: in the help for commands (special wiki directories, special users, etc.)
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: so they are (currently) not addressed here.  Clarity and brevity may be
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: sacrificed for expediency at the authors indiscretion.  All spelling and
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: grammatical mistakes are somebody elses fault.<code>  void * </code>
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: prohibited where<code> __C_PLUS_PLUS__ </code>. Title and taxes extra.
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: Not valid in Hooptigonia.