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7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: <h1>Wiki In [./  | Fossil]</h1>
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: Fossil uses [/wiki_rules | wiki markup] for many things:
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh:    *  Stand-alone wiki pages.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:    *  Description and comments in [./ | bug reports].
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh:    *  Check-in comments.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:    *  [./ | Embedded documentation] files whose
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh:       name ends in "wiki".
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: The [/wiki_rules | formatting rules] for fossil wiki
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: are designed to be simple and intuitive.  The idea is that wiki provides
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: paragaph breaks, numbered and bulletted lists, and hyperlinking for
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: simple documents together with a safe subset of HTML for more complex
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: formatting tasks.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: Some commentators feel that the use of HTML is a mistake and that
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: fossil should use the markup language of the
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: <i>fill-in-your-favorite</i> wiki engine instead.  That approach
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: was considered but was rejected for the following reasons:
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:   1.  There is no standard wiki markup language.  Every wiki engine does
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       it a little differently.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:   2.  The wiki markup used by fossil, though limited, is common to most
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       other wiki engines, is intuitive, and is sufficient for 90% of
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       all formatting tasks.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:   3.  Where the fossil wiki markup language is insufficient, HTML is
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       used.  HTML is a standard language familiar to most programmers so
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       there is nothing new to learn.  And, though cumbersome, the HTML
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       does not need to be used very often so need not be a burden.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: <h2>Stand-alone Wiki Pages</h2>
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: Each wiki page has its own revision history which is independent of
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: the sequence of baselines (check-ins).  Wiki pages can branch and merge
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: just like baselines, though as of this writing (2008-07-29) there is
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: no mechanism in the user interface to support branching and merging.
c8893c69ac 2008-10-05       drh: The current implementation of the wiki shows the version of the wiki
4ef19b554a 2008-10-11       drh: page that has the most recent timestamp.
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: In other words, if two users make unrelated changes to the same wiki
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: page on separate repositories, then those repositories are synced,
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: the wiki page will fork.  The web interface will display whichever edit
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: was checked in last.  The other edit can be found in the history.  The
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: file format will support merging the branches back together, but there
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: is no mechanism in the user interface (yet) to perform the merge.
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: Every change to a wiki page is a separate
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: [./ | control artifact]
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: of type [./ | "Wiki Page"].
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: <h2>Embedded Documentation</h2>
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: Files in the source tree that use the ".wiki" suffix can be accessed
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: and displayed using special URLs to the fossil server.  This allows
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: project documentation to be stored in the source tree and accessed
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: online.  (Details are descripted [./ | separately].)
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: Some project prefer to store their documentation in wiki.  There is nothing
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: wrong with that.  But other projects prefer to keep documentation as part
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: of the source tree, so that it is versioned along with the source tree and
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: so that only developers with check-in privileges can change it.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: Embedded documentation serves this latter purpose.  Both forms of documentation
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: use the exact same wiki markup language.  Some projects may choose to
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: use both forms of documentation at the same time.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: <h2>Bug-reports and check-in comments</h2>
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: The comments on check-ins and the text in the descriptions of bug reports
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: both use wiki formatting.  Exactly the same set of formatting rules apply.
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: There is never a need to learn one formatting language for documentation
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh: and a different markup for bugs or for check-in comments.