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6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: <h1>Bug-Tracking In <a href="">Fossil</a></h1>
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: A bug-report in fossil is called a "ticket".  Tickets are tracked
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: separately from code check-ins (baselines).
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Some other distributed bug-tracking systems store tickets as files within
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: the source tree and thereby leverage the syncing and merging capabilities
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: of the versioning system to sync and merge tickets.  This approach is
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: rejected in fossil for three reasons:
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:   1.  Check-ins (a.k.a. "baselines") in fossil are immutable.  So if
7083eb1a1c 2008-11-20       drh:       tickets were part of the check-in, then there would be no way to add
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       new tickets to a check-in as new bugs are discovered.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:   2.  Any project of reasonable size and complexity will generate thousands
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       and thousands of tickets, and we do not want all those ticket files
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       cluttering the source tree.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:   3.  We want tickets to be managed from the web interface and to have a
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       permission system that is distinct from check-in permissions.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       In other words, we do not want to restrict the creation and editing
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       of tickets to developers with check-in privileges and an installed
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       copy of the fossil executable.  Casual passers-by on the internet should
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:       be permitted to create tickets.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Recall that a fossil repository consists of an
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: unordered collection of <i>artifacts</i>.  (See the
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: <a href="">file format document</a> for details.)
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Some artifacts have a special format, and among those are
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: <a href="">Ticket Change Artifacts</a>.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: One or more ticket change artifacts are associated with each
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: ticket.  A ticket is created by a ticket change artifact.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Each subsequent modification of the ticket is a separate artifact.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: The "push", "pull", and "sync" algorithms share ticket change artifacts
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: between repositories in the same way as every other artifact.  In fact,
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: the sync algorithm has no knowledge of the meaning of the artifacts it
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: is syncing.  As far as the sync algorithm is concerned, all artifacts are
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: alike.  After the sync has occurs, the individual repositories must
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: make sense of the meaning of the various artifacts for themselves.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: <h2>Interpretation Of Ticket Change Artifacts</h2>
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Every ticket change artifact contains (among other things)
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:   *  a timestamp,
e8c4f69c50 2008-10-24       drh:   *  a ticket ID, and
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh:   *  one or more name/value pairs.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: The current state of a ticket is found by replaying all ticket
e8c4f69c50 2008-10-24       drh: change artifacts with the same ticket ID in timestamp order.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: For a given ticket, all values are initially NULL.  As each
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: ticket change artifact is encountered, values are either replaced
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: or appended, according to a flag on the name/value pair.  The current
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: values for the fields of a ticket are the values that remain at the
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: end of the replay process.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: To create a new ticket, one inserts a ticket change
e8c4f69c50 2008-10-24       drh: artifact with a new ID.  The ticket ID
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: is a random 40-character lower-case hexadecimal number.  The "tktnew"
e8c4f69c50 2008-10-24       drh: page in the fossil web interface creates new ticket IDs
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: using a good source of randomness to insure uniqueness.
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: The name/value pairs on the initial ticket change
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: artifact are the initial values for the fields in the ticket.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Amending a ticket means simply creating a new artifact with the
e8c4f69c50 2008-10-24       drh: same ticket ID and with name/value pairs for those fields which
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: are changing.  Fields of the ticket which are not being modified
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: should not appear as name/value pairs in the new artifact.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: This approach to storing ticket state means that independently entered
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: changes are automatically merged together when artifacts are shared
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: between repositories.  Tickets do not branch.  This approach also makes
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: it trivial to track the historic progression of changes to a ticket.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: In order for this scheme to work, the system clocks on machines that
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: add new ticket changes artifacts have to be set close to reality.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: It is OK for a ticket change artifact timestamp to be off by a few
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: minutes or even a few hours.  But if a timestamp on a ticket change
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: artifact is off by months or years, it can seriously confuse the
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: replay algorithm for determining the current ticket state.  There
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: are techniques available to cause rogue artifacts to be ignored
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: by fossil.  So if a ticket change artifact with a bad timestamp
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: does get into a repository, it can be removed by an administrator.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: But the best approach is to take steps to insure that timestamps
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: are approximately correct in the first place.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: <h2>Local Configuration</h2>
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: The ticket change artifacts are part of the global state for a project.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: The global state is that which is shared between repositories during
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: a sync.  Each repository also has local state which is not (normally)
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: shared.  The name/value pairs for a ticket are part of global state,
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: but the interpretation and display of that information is local state.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Hence, each repository is free to set up its own ticket display and
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: input formats and reporting rules according to its own particular needs.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Each repository defines its own TICKET table in its database.  There is
e8c4f69c50 2008-10-24       drh: one row in the TICKET table for each unique ticket ID.  The
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: names of columns in the TICKET table correspond to the names in
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: the name/value pairs of ticket change artifacts.  When running the replay
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: algorithm, if a name/value pair is seen which has no corresponding column
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: in the TICKET table, then that name/value pair is ignored.  Columns can
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: be added or removed from the TICKET table at any time.  Whenever the
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: TICKET table is modified, the replay algorithm automatically reruns
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: to repopulate the table using the new column names.  Note that the TICKET
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: table schema and content is part of the local state of a repository
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: and is not shared with other repositories during a sync, push, or pull.
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: 
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: Each repository also defines scripts used to generate web pages for
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: creating new tickets, viewing existing tickets, and modifying an
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: existing ticket.  These scripts consist of HTML with an embedded
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: scripts written an a Tcl-like language called "TH1".  Every new fossil
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: repository is created with default scripts.  There is currently no
9eb6ea75c1 2008-11-11    kejoki: documentation on the TH1 language.  Administrators wishing to
6ecc392f1c 2008-07-20       drh: customize their ticket entry, viewing, and editing screens should
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: modify the default scripts to suit their needs.  These screen generator
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: scripts are part of the local state of a repository and are not shared
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: with other repositories during a sync, push, or pull.
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: 
9d10726d48 2008-07-29       drh: <i>To be continued...</i>