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99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## A simple class for handling an in-memory index mapping from
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## arbitrary strings to a small numeric id. Can be queried in reverse
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## too, returning the string for the id.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## Id's are starting from 1.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## Requirements.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: package require Tcl  ; # Runtime.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: package require snit ; # OO runtime.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## Implementation.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: snit::type ::vc::tools::id {
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     constructor {} {}
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     ## Public API.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     ## - Put data into the index, incl. query for id of key.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     ## - Lookup data for id.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     method put {key} {
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 	if {[info exists mydata($key)]} { return $mydata($key) }
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 	incr mycounter
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 	set mydata($key)   $mycounter
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 	set myinvert($mycounter) $key
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 	return $mycounter
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     }
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     method keyof {id} { return $myinvert($id) }
89e9b357ed 2007-10-25       aku:     method get   {}   { return [array get mydata] }
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     ## Internal. State.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     variable mydata   -array {} ; # Map data -> id
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     variable myinvert -array {} ; # Map id -> data
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     variable mycounter        0 ; # Counter for id generation.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: }
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: namespace eval ::vc::tools {
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku:     namespace export id
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: }
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: ## Ready.
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: 
99e165d5c4 2007-10-21       aku: package provide vc::tools::id 1.0