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770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ## -*- tcl -*-
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: #
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # you should have received as part of this distribution.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: #
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # history and logs, available at
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ## This file provides a helper package for the passes 6 and 7 which
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ## contains the common code of the cycle breaking algorithm.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ## Requirements
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require Tcl 8.4                                   ; # Required runtime.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require snit                                      ; # OO system.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require struct::graph                             ; # Graph handling.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require struct::list                              ; # Higher order list operations.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require vc::tools::log                            ; # User feedback.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require vc::tools::misc                           ; # Text formatting.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev     ; # Project level changesets
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::revlink ; # Cycle links.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ##
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::cyclebreaker {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     ## Public API
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     typemethod run {changesets {savecmd {}}} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	::variable save $savecmd
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	::variable at   0
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# We create a graph of the revision changesets, using the file
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# level dependencies to construct a first approximation of the
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# dependencies at the project level. Then we look for cycles
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# in that graph and break them.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# 1. Create nodes for all relevant changesets and a mapping
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    from the revisions to their changesets/nodes.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log write 3 cyclebreaker "Creating changeset graph, filling with nodes"
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log write 3 cyclebreaker "Adding [nsp [llength $changesets] node]"
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set dg [struct::graph dg]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach cset $changesets {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    dg node insert $cset
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    dg node set    $cset timerange [$cset timerange]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# 2. Find for all relevant changeset their revisions and their
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    dependencies. Map the latter back to changesets and
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    construct the corresponding arcs.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log write 3 cyclebreaker {Setting up node dependencies}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach cset $changesets {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    foreach succ [$cset successors] {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# Changesets may have dependencies outside of the
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# chosen set. These are ignored
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		if {![dg node exists $succ]} continue
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		dg arc insert $cset $succ
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# 3. Lastly we iterate the graph topologically. We mark off
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    the nodes which have no predecessors, in order from
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    oldest to youngest, saving and removing dependencies. If
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    we find no nodes without predecessors we have a cycle,
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	#    and work on breaking it.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log write 3 cyclebreaker {Now sorting the changesets, breaking cycles}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	InitializeCandidates $dg
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	while {1} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    while {[WithoutPredecessor $dg n]} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		SaveAndRemove $dg $n
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    if {![llength [dg nodes]]} break
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    BreakCycle $dg [FindCycle $dg]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    InitializeCandidates $dg
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
7b3928681e 2007-11-16       aku: 
7b3928681e 2007-11-16       aku: 	dg destroy
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log write 3 cyclebreaker Done.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	return
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     ## Internal methods
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # Instead of searching the whole graph for the degree-0 nodes in
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # each iteration we compute the list once to start, and then only
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # update it incrementally based on the outgoing neighbours of the
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # node chosen for commit.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     proc InitializeCandidates {dg} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# bottom = list (list (node, range min, range max))
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	::variable bottom
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach n [$dg nodes] {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    if {[$dg node degree -in $n]} continue
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    lappend bottom [linsert [$dg node get $n timerange] 0 $n]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set bottom [lsort -index 1 -integer [lsort -index 2 -integer $bottom]]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	return
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     proc WithoutPredecessor {dg nv} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	::variable bottom
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	upvar 1 $nv n
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	if {![llength $bottom]} { return 0 }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set n [lindex [lindex $bottom 0] 0]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set bottom [lrange $bottom 1 end]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set changed 0
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# Update list of nodes without predecessor, based on the
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# outgoing neighbours of the chosen node. This should be
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# faster than iterating of the whole set of nodes, finding all
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# without predecessors, sorting them by time, etc. pp.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach out [$dg nodes -out $n] {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    if {[$dg node degree -in $out] > 1} continue
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    # Degree-1 neighbour, will have no predecessors after the
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    # removal of n. Put on the list.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    lappend bottom [linsert [$dg node get $out timerange] 0 $out]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    set changed 1
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	if {$changed} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    set bottom [lsort -index 1 -integer [lsort -index 2 -integer $bottom]]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# We do not delete the node immediately, to allow the Save
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# procedure to save the dependencies as well (encoded in the
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# arcs).
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	return 1
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     proc SaveAndRemove {dg n} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	::variable at
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	::variable save
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# Give the user of the cycle breaker the opportunity to work
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# with the changeset before it is removed from the graph.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	if {[llength $save]} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    uplevel #0 [linsert $save end $at $n]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	incr at
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	$dg node delete $n
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	return
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     proc FindCycle {dg} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# This procedure is run if and only the graph is not empty and
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# all nodes have predecessors. This means that each node is
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# either part of a cycle or (indirectly) depending on a node
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# in a cycle. We can start at an arbitrary node, follow its
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# incoming edges to its predecessors until we see a node a
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# second time. That node closes the cycle and the beginning is
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# its first occurence. Note that we can choose an arbitrary
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# predecessor of each node as well, we do not have to search.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# We record for each node the index of the first appearance in
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# the path, making it easy at the end to cut the cycle from
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# it.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# Choose arbitrary node to start our search at.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set start [lindex [$dg nodes] 0]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# Initialize state, path of seen nodes, and when seen.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set       path {}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	array set seen {}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	while {1} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    # Stop searching when we have seen the current node
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    # already, the circle has been closed.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    if {[info exists seen($start)]} break
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    lappend path $start
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    set seen($start) [expr {[llength $path]-1}]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    # Choose arbitrary predecessor
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    set start [lindex [$dg nodes -in $start] 0]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	return [struct::list reverse [lrange $path $seen($start) end]]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     proc ID {cset} { return "<[$cset id]>" }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     proc BreakCycle {dg cycle} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# The cycle we have gotten is broken by breaking apart one or
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# more of the changesets in the cycle. This causes us to
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# create one or more changesets which are to be committed,
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	# added to the graph, etc. pp.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set cprint [join [struct::list map $cycle [myproc ID]] { }]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	lappend cycle [lindex $cycle 0] [lindex $cycle 1]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set bestlink {}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set bestnode {}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach \
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    prev [lrange $cycle 0 end-2] \
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    cset [lrange $cycle 1 end-1] \
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    next [lrange $cycle 2 end] {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# Each triple PREV -> CSET -> NEXT of changesets, a
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# 'link' in the cycle, is analysed and the best
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# location where to at least weaken the cycle is
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# chosen for further processing.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		set link [project::revlink %AUTO% $prev $cset $next]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		if {$bestlink eq ""} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		    set bestlink $link
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		    set bestnode $cset
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		} elseif {[$link betterthan $bestlink]} {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		    $bestlink destroy
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		    set bestlink $link
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		    set bestnode $cset
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		} else {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		    $link destroy
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log write 5 breakrcycle "Breaking cycle ($cprint) by splitting changeset <[$bestnode id]>"
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	set newcsets [$bestlink break]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	$bestlink destroy
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:         # At this point the old changeset (BESTNODE) is gone
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:         # already. We remove it from the graph as well and then enter
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:         # the fragments generated for it.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:         $dg node delete $bestnode
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach cset $newcsets {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    $dg node insert $cset
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    $dg node set    $cset timerange [$cset timerange]
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	foreach cset $newcsets {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    foreach succ [$cset successors] {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# The new changesets may have dependencies outside of
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		# the chosen set. These are ignored
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		if {![$dg node exists $succ]} continue
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 		$dg arc insert $cset $succ
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	return
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     typevariable at      0 ; # Counter for commit ids for the changesets.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     typevariable bottom {} ; # List of candidate nodes for committing.
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     typevariable save   {} ; # The command to call for each processed node
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     ## Configuration
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     namespace export cyclebreaker
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     namespace eval cyclebreaker {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	namespace eval project {
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::revlink
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	}
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 	log register cyclebreaker
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku:     }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: }
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: ## Ready
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: 
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::cyclebreaker 1.0
770a9b576a 2007-11-16       aku: return