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84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: ## -*- tcl -*-
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: ## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: #
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # you should have received as part of this distribution.
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: #
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # history and logs, available at
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: ## Revisions per file.
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: ## Requirements
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: package require Tcl 8.4                             ; # Required runtime.
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: package require snit                                ; # OO system.
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: package require vc::tools::misc                     ; # Text formatting
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: ##
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev {
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     ## Public API
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     constructor {revnr date state thefile} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set myrevnr    $revnr
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set mydate     $date
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set myorigdate $date
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set mystate    $state
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set myfile     $thefile
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # Basic pieces ________________________
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method hasmeta {} { return [expr {$mymetaid ne ""}] }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method hastext {} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	struct::list assign $mytext s e
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	return [expr {$s <= $e}]
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     method setmeta {meta} { set mymetaid $meta ; return }
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     method settext {text} { set mytext   $text ; return }
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     method setlod  {lod}  { set mylod    $lod  ; return }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method revnr {} { return $myrevnr }
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     method state {} { return $mystate }
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     method lod   {} { return $mylod   }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method date  {} { return $mydate  }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # Basic parent/child linkage __________
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method hasparent {} { return [expr {$myparent ne ""}] }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method haschild  {} { return [expr {$mychild  ne ""}] }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method setparent {parent} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	if {$myparent ne ""} { trouble internal "Parent already defined" }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set myparent $parent
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method cutfromparent {} { set myparent "" ; return }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method cutfromchild  {} { set mychild  "" ; return }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method setchild {child} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	if {$mychild ne ""} { trouble internal "Child already defined" }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set mychild $child
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method parent {} { return $myparent }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method child  {} { return $mychild  }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # Branch linkage ______________________
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method setparentbranch {branch} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	if {$myparentbranch ne ""} { trouble internal "Branch parent already defined" }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set myparentbranch $branch
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method parentbranch {} { return $myparentbranch }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method addbranch {branch} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	lappend mybranches $branch
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method addchildonbranch {child} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	lappend mybranchchildren $child
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method cutfromparentbranch {} { set myparentbranch "" ; return }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method removebranch {branch} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	ldelete mybranches $branch
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	return
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method removechildonbranch {rev} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	ldelete mybranchchildren $rev
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     method sortbranches {} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	if {![llength $mybranches]} return
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# Sort the branches spawned by this revision in creation
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# order. To help in this our file gave all branches a position
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# id, in order of their definition by the RCS archive.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	#
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# The creation order is (apparently) the reverse of the
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# definition order. (If a branch is created then deleted, a
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# later branch can be assigned the recycled branch number;
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# therefore branch numbers are not an indication of creation
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# order.)
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set tmp {}
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	foreach branch $mybranches {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	    lappend tmp [list $branch [$branch position]]
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	}
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	set mybranches {}
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	foreach item [lsort -index 1 -decreasing $tmp] {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    struct::list assign $item branch position
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	    lappend mybranches $branch
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	}
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	return
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method movebranchesto {rev} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set revlod [$rev lod]
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	foreach branch $mybranches {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $rev addbranch $branch
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $branch setparent $rev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $branch setlod $revlod
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	}
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	foreach branchrev $mybranchchildren {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $rev addchildonbranch $branchrev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $branchrev cutfromparent
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $branchrev setparent $rev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	}
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set mybranches       {}
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set mybranchchildren {}
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	return
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     # Tag linkage _________________________
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method addtag {tag} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	lappend mytags $tag
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	return
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method movetagsto {rev} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set revlod [$rev lod]
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	foreach tag $mytags {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $rev addtag $tag
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $tag settagrev $rev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	    $tag setlod $revlod
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	}
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set mytags {}
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	return
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     # general symbol operations ___________
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method movesymbolsto {rev} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	# Move the tags and branches attached to this revision to the
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	# destination and fix all pointers.
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	$self movetagsto     $rev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	$self movebranchesto $rev
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 	return
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     }
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     # Derived stuff _______________________
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     method determineoperation {} {
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	# Look at the state of both this revision and its parent to
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	# determine the type opf operation which was performed (add,
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	# modify, delete, none).
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	#
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	# The important information is dead vs not-dead for both,
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	# giving rise to four possible types.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	set sdead [expr {$mystate eq "dead"}]
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	set pdead [expr {$myparent eq "" || [$myparent state] eq "dead"}]
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set myoperation $myopstate([list $pdead $sdead])
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	return
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     }
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method operation {} { return $myoperation }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method retype {x} { set myoperation $x ; return }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method isondefaultbranch {} { set myisondefaultbranch 1 ; return }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method setdefaultbranchchild  {rev} { set mydbchild $rev ; return }
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     method setdefaultbranchparent {rev} {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set mydbparent $rev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	# Retype the revision (may change from 'add' to 'change').
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set sdead [expr {$myoperation     ne "change"}]
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	set pdead [expr {[$rev operation] ne "change"}]
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	set myoperation $myopstate([list $pdead $sdead])
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 	return
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     }
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     ## Type API
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     typemethod istrunkrevnr {revnr} {
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 	return [expr {[llength [split $revnr .]] == 2}]
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     }
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     typemethod isbranchrevnr {revnr _ bv} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	if {[regexp $mybranchpattern $revnr -> head tail]} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	    upvar 1 $bv branchnr
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	    set branchnr ${head}$tail
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	    return 1
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	}
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return 0
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     }
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     typemethod 2branchnr {revnr} {
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	# Input is a branch revision number, i.e. a revision number
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	# with an even number of components; for example ''
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	# (never '2.9.2' nor '').  The return value is the
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	# branch number (for example, '2.9.2').  For trunk revisions,
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	# like '3.4', we return the empty string.
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	if {[$type istrunkrevnr $revnr]} {
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	    return ""
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	}
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 	return [join [lrange [split $revnr .] 0 end-1] .]
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     }
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     typemethod 2branchparentrevnr {branchnr} {
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	# Chop the last segment off
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 	return [join [lrange [split $branchnr .] 0 end-1] .]
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     }
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     ## State
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     typevariable mybranchpattern {^((?:\d+\.\d+\.)+)(?:0\.)?(\d+)$}
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     # First a nonzero even number of digit groups with trailing dot
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     # CVS then sticks an extra 0 in here; RCS does not.
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku:     # And the last digit group.
bd131addb9 2007-10-12       aku: 
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     variable myrevnr     {} ; # Revision number of the revision.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     variable mydate      {} ; # Timestamp of the revision, seconds since epoch
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable myorigdate  {} ; # Original unmodified timestamp.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     variable mystate     {} ; # State of the revision.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     variable myfile      {} ; # Ref to the file object the revision belongs to.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     variable mytext      {} ; # Range of the (delta) text for this revision in the file.
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     variable mymetaid    {} ; # Id of the meta data group the revision
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # belongs to. This is later used to put
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # the file revisions into preliminary
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # changesets (aka project revisions).
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # This id encodes 4 pieces of data,
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # namely: the project and branch the
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # revision was committed to, the author
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # who did the commit, and the message
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 			      # used.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     variable mylod       {} ; # Reference to the line-of-development
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 			      # object the revision belongs to. An
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 			      # alternative idiom would be to call it
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 			      # the branch the revision is on. This
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 			      # reference is to a project-level object
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 			      # (symbol or trunk).
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # Basic parent/child linkage (lines of development)
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable myparent {} ; # Ref to parent revision object. Link required because of
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; # 'cvsadmin -o', which can create arbitrary gaps in the
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; # numbering sequence. This is in the same line of development
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; # Note: For the first revision on a branch the revision
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; # it was spawned from is the parent. Only the root revision
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; # of myfile's revision tree has nothing set here.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; #
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable mychild  {} ; # Ref to the primary child revision object, i.e. the next
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                    ; # revision in the same line of development.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # Branch linkage ____________________
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable mybranches     {} ; # List of the branches (objs) spawned by this revision.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable myparentbranch {} ; # For the first revision on a branch the relevant
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                          ; # branch object. This also allows us to determine if
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                          ; # myparent is in the same LOD, or the revision the
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                          ; # branch spawned from.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # List of the revision objects of the first commits on any
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # branches spawned by this revision on which commits occurred.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # This dependency is kept explicitly because otherwise a
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # revision-only topological sort would miss the dependency that
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # exists via -> mybranches.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable mybranchchildren {} ; # List of the revisions (objs) which are the first
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                            ; # commits on any of the branches spawned from this
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                            ; # revision. The dependency is kept explicitly to
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                            ; # ensure that a revision-only topological sort will
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                            ; # not miss it, as it otherwise exists only via
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     #                            ; # mybranches.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     # Tag linkage ________________________
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku:     variable mytags {} ; # List of tags (objs) associated with this revision.
cb70cf4ad6 2007-10-13       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     # More derived data
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     variable myoperation        {} ; # One of 'add', 'change', 'delete', or
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 			             # 'nothing'. Derived from our and
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 			             # its parent's state.
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     variable myisondefaultbranch 0 ; # Boolean flag, set if the
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # revision is on the non-trunk
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # default branch, aka vendor
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # branch.
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     variable mydbparent         {} ; # Reference to the last revision
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # on the vendor branch if this is
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # the primary child of the
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # regular root.
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     variable mydbchild          {} ; # Reference to the primary child
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # of the regular root if this is
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # the last revision on the vendor
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 				     # branch.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     # dead(self) x dead(parent) -> operation
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     typevariable myopstate -array {
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	{0 0} change
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	{0 1} delete
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	{1 0} add
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 	{1 1} nothing
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     }
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     ## Internal methods
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     ## Configuration
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     pragma -hastypeinfo    no  ; # no type introspection
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     pragma -hasinfo        no  ; # no object introspection
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     pragma -simpledispatch yes ; # simple fast dispatch
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: }
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file {
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku:     namespace export rev
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     namespace eval rev {
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku: 	namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
177a0cc55c 2007-10-17       aku:     }
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: }
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: ## Ready
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: 
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev 1.0
84de38d73f 2007-10-10       aku: return