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52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: ## -*- tcl -*-
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
66235f2430 2008-02-06       aku: ## Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Andreas Kupries.
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: #
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # you should have received as part of this distribution.
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: #
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # history and logs, available at
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: ## Project, part of a CVS repository. Multiple instances are possible.
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: ## Requirements
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require Tcl 8.4                                 ; # Required runtime.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require snit                                    ; # OO system.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::file           ; # CVS archive file.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state          ; # State storage.
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev   ; # Changesets.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym   ; # Per project symbols.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::trunk ; # Per project trunk, main lod
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: package require vc::tools::log                          ; # User feedback
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: package require struct::list                            ; # Advanced list operations..
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: ##
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project {
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     ## Public API
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
8487172254 2007-10-06       aku:     constructor {path r} {
8487172254 2007-10-06       aku: 	set mybase       $path
8487172254 2007-10-06       aku: 	set myrepository $r
2c08006d9d 2007-10-25       aku: 	set mytrunk      [trunk %AUTO% $self]
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	set mysymbol([$mytrunk name]) $mytrunk
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 	return
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     method base  {} { return $mybase  }
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     method trunk {} { return $mytrunk }
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 
82e35d3304 2007-12-05       aku:     method fullpath {} { return [$myrepository base?]/$mybase }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     method printbase {} {
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 	if {$mybase eq ""} {return <Repository>}
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 	return $mybase
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku:     method id    {}   { return $myid }
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     method setid {id} { set myid $id ; return }
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku:     method addfile {rcs usr executable {fid {}}} {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	set myfiles($rcs) [list $usr $executable $fid]
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 	return
8a93ffa9c1 2007-10-06       aku:     }
8a93ffa9c1 2007-10-06       aku: 
8a93ffa9c1 2007-10-06       aku:     method filenames {} {
ec053168a8 2007-10-06       aku: 	return [lsort -dict [array names myfiles]]
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     method files {} {
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	return [TheFiles]
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     }
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 
cfe4b269ac 2007-10-17       aku:     delegate method defauthor       to myrepository
cfe4b269ac 2007-10-17       aku:     delegate method defcmessage     to myrepository
cfe4b269ac 2007-10-17       aku:     delegate method trunkonly       to myrepository
cfe4b269ac 2007-10-17       aku:     delegate method commitmessageof to myrepository
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     method defmeta {bid aid cid} {
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 	return [$myrepository defmeta $myid $bid $aid $cid]
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     }
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     method getsymbol {name} {
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	if {![info exists mysymbol($name)]} {
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	    set mysymbol($name) \
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 		[sym %AUTO% $name [$myrepository defsymbol $myid $name] $self]
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	}
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	return $mysymbol($name)
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku:     }
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku:     method hassymbol {name} {
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku: 	return [info exists mysymbol($name)]
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku:     }
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku: 
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku:     method purgeghostsymbols {} {
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	set changes 1
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	while {$changes} {
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	    set changes 0
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	    foreach {name symbol} [array get mysymbol] {
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 		if {![$symbol isghost]} continue
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 		log write 3 project "$mybase: Deleting ghost symbol '$name'"
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 		$symbol destroy
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 		unset mysymbol($name)
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 		set changes 1
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	    }
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku: 	}
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku: 	return
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku:     }
c3d5104084 2007-11-02       aku: 
f888f06fe3 2007-11-02       aku:     method determinesymboltypes {} {
f888f06fe3 2007-11-02       aku: 	foreach {name symbol} [array get mysymbol] {
f888f06fe3 2007-11-02       aku: 	    $symbol determinetype
8a93ffa9c1 2007-10-06       aku: 	}
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	return
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku:     }
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     # pass I persistence
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku:     method persist {} {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	TheFiles ; # Force id assignment.
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	state transaction {
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    # Project data first. Required so that we have its id
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    # ready for the files.
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    state run {
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 		INSERT INTO project (pid,  name)
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 		VALUES              (NULL, $mybase);
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    }
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 	    set myid [state id]
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    # Then all files, with proper backreference to their
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    # project.
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	    foreach rcs [lsort -dict [array names myfiles]] {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 		struct::list assign $myfiles($rcs) usr executable _fid_
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 		state run {
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 		    INSERT INTO file (fid,  pid,   name, visible, exec)
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku: 		    VALUES           (NULL, $myid, $rcs, $usr,    $executable);
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 		}
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 		$myfmap($rcs) setid [state id]
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	    }
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	}
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	return
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     }
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     # pass II persistence
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     method persistrev {} {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	# Note: The per file information (incl. revisions and symbols)
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# has already been saved and dropped. This was done
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# immediately after processing it, i.e. as part of the main
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# segment of the pass, to keep out use of memory under
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# control.
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	#
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# The repository level information has been saved as well too,
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# just before saving the projects started. So now we just have
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# to save the remaining project level parts to fix the
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	# left-over dangling references, which are the symbols.
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	state transaction {
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 	    foreach {name symbol} [array get mysymbol] {
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku: 		$symbol persistrev
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	    }
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	}
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	return
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku:     }
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 
983090a343 2008-03-05       aku:     method changesetsinorder {} {
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku: 	return [rev inorder $myid]
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     }
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku: 
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku:     delegate method getmeta to myrepository
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     ## State
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     variable mybase           {} ; # Project directory.
67c24820c7 2007-10-14       aku:     variable myid             {} ; # Project id in the persistent state.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     variable mytrunk          {} ; # Reference to the main line of
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 				   # development for the project.
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku:     variable myfiles   -array {} ; # Maps the rcs archive paths to
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 				   # their user-visible files.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku:     variable myfobj           {} ; # File objects for the rcs archives
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku:     variable myfmap    -array {} ; # Map rcs archive to their object.
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku:     variable myrepository     {} ; # Repository the project belongs to.
1deb3786aa 2007-10-26       aku:     variable mysymbol  -array {} ; # Map symbol names to project-level
e5441b908d 2007-10-15       aku: 				   # symbol objects.
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     ## Internal methods
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     proc TheFiles {} {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	upvar 1 myfiles myfiles myfobj myfobj self self myfmap myfmap
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	if {![llength $myfobj]} {
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	    set myfobj [EmptyFiles myfiles]
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	}
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	return $myfobj
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     }
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     proc EmptyFiles {fv} {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	upvar 1 $fv myfiles self self myfmap myfmap
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	set res {}
cfe4b269ac 2007-10-17       aku: 	foreach rcs [lsort -dict [array names myfiles]] {
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	    struct::list assign $myfiles($rcs) f executable fid
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	    set file [file %AUTO% $fid $rcs $f $executable $self]
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	    lappend res $file
adf168e23e 2007-10-24       aku: 	    set myfmap($rcs) $file
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	}
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 	return $res
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     }
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku:     ## Configuration
6d1811d61e 2007-10-06       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     pragma -hastypeinfo    no  ; # no type introspection
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     pragma -hasinfo        no  ; # no object introspection
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     pragma -hastypemethods no  ; # type is not relevant.
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku:     namespace export project
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku:     namespace eval project {
6f8667b03e 2007-10-31       aku: 	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
8a93ffa9c1 2007-10-06       aku: 	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku: 	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 	# Import not required, already a child namespace.
da9295c6f6 2007-10-12       aku: 	# namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku: 	# Import not required, already a child namespace.
348e45b0d6 2008-01-30       aku: 	# namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev
042d54bae5 2007-10-05       aku:     }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: }
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: ## Ready
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: 
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::project 1.0
52f2254007 2007-10-04       aku: return